Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 560: Two Questions

Chapter 560: Two Questions

In a time now known as the Deep Sea Age, what was once a living entity has fully transformed into a solid mass of metallic substance. Dealing with this registered anomaly requires following a complex and meticulous set of procedures. However, Ted Lir, a Truth Keeper responsible for maintaining the safety and well-being of the city-state, finds such tasks to be part of his everyday duties. He promptly contacted the overseer of the underground archives, ensuring all necessary arrangements were set into motion for the safe disposal of the entity.

Despite his duty-bound approach, Ted couldnt help but feel deeply moved by the history of this unique piece of living metal. It once had a noble past, perhaps even that of a hero who attempted to save the world. However, in this new age, it has evolved into a transcendent invader, posing a grave risk of releasing both corruption and pollution into the environment. To neutralize this threat, the metal mass will be subjected to a strict series of purification steps. It will be disassembled, ground into smaller parts, and then sealed, all while being exposed to the high temperatures of a steam core reactor.

From another viewpoint, this rigorous treatment could also be seen as a form of burial. After all, in this world, the deceased must undergo similar processes to prevent them from posing risks to the living.

As for the longsword, a unique relic originating from a world that has now disappeared, it has miraculously returned to its original form. This makes it an invaluable subject for research. Scholars can potentially gain unprecedented insights into the lost world through the study of this artifact. Even though everything from that world has vanished, the knowledge and memories it holds are still invaluable.

Duncan, who was in possession of the longsword, willingly complied with Ted Lirs request to hand it over for research. Keeping it serves me no purpose, he said, his voice tinged with a trace of nostalgia. Let the experts unravel its many secrets. If you learn something new, Id appreciate it if you could share that knowledge with me.

Absolutely, Ted Lir replied, accepting the sword with a sense of gravitas. After a brief pause, he added, As for todays events and the intelligence weve gathered, I plan to arrange a scholarly discussion at the Academy of Truth. If new complications arise, we may need your expertise and assistance.

Duncan nodded without reservation. No problem. If I have any new findings or thoughts, you can reach me through Lucretia here, he said, gesturing toward the woman standing beside him.

The unfolding narrative has deeper implications than it seems on the surface. Ever since a cataclysmic event referred to as the Great Annihilation, humanitys limit of vision has experienced an unexpected fissure, a crack that promises new, unsettling revelations. These developments will undoubtedly spark intense debates and investigations within academic circles, and even religious organizations like the Church of the Four Gods will be closely monitoring and discussing the situation. Whether they choose to accept it or not, the entity known as the Vanished and its master have now become an integral part of this evolving story.

For Duncan, the unfolding events were less a subject of urgent concern than they were for Ted Lir and Lucretia. From his viewpoint, there were specific and crucial elements in the intelligence gathered that both of them had either missed or couldnt currently comprehend.

One of the most glaring issues was related to the puzzling behavior of the deep red streak in the sky, an anomaly that seemed to defy the laws of physics and common sense. According to fragments of his own memories and corroborated by the Paladins explanation to the Warrior, the red radiance that supposedly led to the worlds destruction should be situated in cosmic space. In essence, it might be a cosmic vision stretching across the galaxy, appearing as a band of light against a backdrop of countless stars.

This led Duncan to ponder some key questions about planetary rotation. The Warriors homeland, as shown in the snippets of memories he had access to, experienced a typical day-night cycle, complete with a sky full of rotating celestial bodies. If that was the case, the red band located in cosmic space should also logically move, rise, and set along with other celestial entities. However, it remained fixed at a specific location in the sky, a point that was both perplexing and telling.

The Warrior and his allies had always been in search of the landfall of this deep red streak. They perceived this radiant light as anchored at a particular point, overlooking the possibility that it might not be grounded on the planet at all but floating in cosmic space. The Paladin also hinted at this conundrum, labeling it as their civilizations final and most impactful astronomical discovery.

Duncans speculation led him to consider that this radiance could be far more than what meets the eye. The deep red streak was its physical manifestation, but its core nature could involve the disruption or even distortion of universal laws at a foundational level. It might represent a tear in the dimensional fabric or something even more complex and profound.

The immediate problem, however, was that Ted Lir and Lucretia were not equipped to even understand these complexities at the moment. They didnt even grasp the basic concept of a planet, much less the astronomical implications of the deep red streak. Even if Duncan were to explain it to them now, assimilating this knowledge would require a significant amount of time.

Another question that occupied Duncans mind was tied to the World Aggregation Theory. What exactly constituted the concept of a world in this theory? Could it be simply a planet, a universe, or perhaps something far more intricate involving multiple dimensions? These questions, fundamental to the understanding of their reality, were yet another layer that Ted Lir and Lucretia had not delved into, opening the door for many more discussions and investigations in the future.

The definition of what constitutes each world was a question that preoccupied Duncans mind. Were these worlds individual planets within a single universe, or could they be considered distinct universes in their own right? He looked up and saw Ted Lir, lost in contemplation, holding the longsword that could be key to understanding many of these mysteries.

Although objects like the Moon and the Longsword could substantiate parts of the World Aggregation Theory, they didnt necessarily shed light on the intrinsic nature or tier of each fragment of the Boundless Sea. In the most expansive interpretation, each planet could be a separate world, but so could each universe in its entirety. For Duncan, this distinction was not just a matter of semantics; it was essential for understanding the fundamental reality they were dealing with.

This nuanced difference was something that neither Ted Lir, the Truth Keeper, nor Lucretia, often referred to as the Sea Witch, were currently able to fathom. Even if he wanted to, Duncan realized that conveying such abstract concepts to them in a brief period would be exceedingly challenging.

Additionally, the mysterious red radiant light deserved even more scrutiny. Duncan had encountered this mysterious red light on more than one occasiononce in visions of the crash of the spaceship New Hope and another time within the Alice Mansion, where it was depicted in an oil painting. What could this red light possibly be?

Noticing Duncans deep concentration and shifting facial expressions, Lucretia grew concerned. Father, is there something else troubling you? she asked.

Many questions need to be answered, Duncan replied, briefly snapping out of his thoughts. Lets head back for now. Once Ive organized my thoughts, Ill consult with both of you.

Sensing that her father was grappling with complexities hard to articulate, Lucretia merely nodded, not pressing him further. This was the first moment of unspoken understanding between them since they had reunited.

We should go, Duncan said, letting out a sigh of relief. He glanced at Nina and Shirley, who appeared somewhat uneasy, before turning his gaze back to Ted Lir. Lead us out, please.

Obediently, Ted Lir opened his magical book to summon the gateway once more. They all stepped through the portal, which led them back to the academy situated near Crown Street.

Once were back, Ill take care of some formalities, Ted Lir started to say, casting a glance at Nina and Shirley who were standing beside Duncan. Rest assured, you and your followers wont face any disruptions while moving around the city. However, in return

Dont worry; there wont be any issues, Duncan cut him off mid-sentence, a warm smile gracing his features. We are all law-abiding individuals who respect the citys rules and public order.

Both Ted Lir, the Truth Keeper, and Lucretia at Duncans side momentarily hesitated, clearly skeptical of Duncans assertion about law-abiding conduct. Yet, Ted Lir was quick to regain his composure. His facial expression settled into a formal but cordial smile. Well, thats for the best, he stated, pausing briefly to choose his next words carefully. Id like to catch up with you sometime. Even though you might not remember our past encounters, Im eager to engage in discussions about that rather supernatural knowledge you possess.

Duncan let out a chuckle in response. Its rare to find someone willing to delve into knowledge with me. Your courage is refreshing. Ill look forward to our conversation.

Lucretias eyes flicked between her father and Ted Lir, her mind wandering a bit. She found it amusing that Ted Lir seemed more inclined to discuss complex subjects like hyperspace with her father than face the challenges of instructing his upcoming class of graduating students.

After brief goodbyes, Duncan, escorted by Nina and Shirley, left the academy with Lucretia. They made their way back to their residence, known as the Witch Mansion, located at 99 Crown Street.

Feel free to make yourselves at home; Im heading upstairs to rest. Please refrain from disturbing me unless its absolutely necessary, Duncan instructed concisely. Then, showing a touch of affection, he ruffled Ninas and Shirleys hair before ascending the staircase leading to the mansions second floor.

Shirley, visibly thoughtful, eventually turned to Nina and whispered, Captain Duncan doesnt seem to be in the best of moods, does he?

I dont think its a matter of mood, exactly, Nina said after a moment of hesitation. Uncle Duncan appears to be deeply preoccupied. But, he seems to be in a better state today compared to a few days agohes not as downcast, just burdened with thoughts.

Shirley considered Ninas words, casting a discreet glance at Lucretia, who appeared equally absorbed in contemplation. I have to admit, I couldnt make head or tail of what the captain was talking about earlier.

Nina smiled sheepishly. To be honest, I didnt grasp much either. It seems like something only high-level scholars could fully comprehend.

As Nina finished her sentence, Lucretia suddenly broke her silence. Dont fret over it; even the greatest scholars struggle to understand these concepts fully.

Caught off guard, Nina and Shirley turned to Lucretia, their faces a mixture of surprise and bewilderment.

Lucretia gave them a serious, almost solemn look. What you heard are fragments of knowledge sourced from subspace. My father has modified them to make them less harmful, but they remain deeply complexbeyond the reach of ordinary understanding.

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