Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 503: The Day of Homecoming

As Lawrence set foot onto the weather-worn bridge of the ship, he was instantly greeted by his First Mate, Gus. Gus stood at the forefront of the gathered crew, who eagerly assembled behind him. Their faces were etched with anticipation as they fixed their attention on their seasoned captain. Lawrence, an experienced sailor, cast his gaze across these individuals – subordinates who had become friends over countless voyages and turbulent sea storms.

Allowing himself a brief pause, he drew in a slow, calming breath, and a warm smile spread across his seasoned features. “The time has come, gentlemen,” he announced, “We can finally set sail for home!”

A wave of visible relief swept across the First Officer’s face upon hearing these words, but he couldn’t stifle the gnawing question, “And what of the Vanished?”

“The Vanished have a separate path to tread,” Lawrence responded with a gentle nod, before addressing the entire crew. “The Duncan ship will journey south for more significant tasks. As per our original navigation plan, I’ve instructed the White Oak to return to the established route of the civilized world. Our first stop will be Cold Harbor for resupply, followed by fulfilling the procurement orders. Then, our course will be set for home, to Pland.”

The mention of their future stirred a look of apprehension in Officer Gus. Like the rest of the crew, he had been taken aback by the length and unpredictability of their so-called Frost Journey.

“What lies ahead?” he asked tentatively, the unease apparent in his voice. Despite the good news of heading home, he found it hard to imagine that things would simply return to normal.

“Our livelihoods remain upon the Boundless Sea,” Lawrence responded with a sense of calmness in his voice. “The White Oak has been granted a passage permit, and thus the shipping lanes of the civilized world remain accessible to us. However, one significant change will be that from here on, Captain Duncan will be watching over all of us.”

Lawrence went on to address his crew, “When the Vanished give the order, it is our duty as a fleet to respond. But for now, my fellow sailors, we can finally set sail for home!”

The bridge was consumed by a brief silence that lasted for several seconds. Then, a single clap shattered the quiet, soon followed by more until it grew into a thunderous applause and resounding cheer, ringing out through the ship.

The joyful news that they could finally head home swept through the vessel like a gust of wind, reaching the ears of every sailor. The abrupt and long journey they had embarked upon, full of unexpected twists and turns, could now come to an end. It was a peculiar adventure that would be indelibly etched into the minds of all onboard.

The happiness and relief of returning home overshadowed any lingering concerns about the future. Fresh fuel was loaded into the steam engine room, and the ship’s whistle began to reverberate across the endless sea. It seemed as if the entire ship was celebrating the prospect of their long-anticipated voyage home!

Lawrence stationed himself at the fore of the deck, his gaze reaching out towards the endless, heaving expanse of water before him. The surface of the Boundless Sea was devoid of any reference points, creating an illusion of stillness as if the ship was marooned in time and space. However, the direction of the rolling waves and the headwind whipping past him assured Lawrence that the White Oak had indeed embarked on its voyage.

His eyes shifted downwards towards the ship’s side, where the fluctuating sea mirrored the White Oak. It appeared like a shadowy cloud under the ocean’s surface, mirroring their journey above. The fore of the ship was draped in darkness, with sparse lights casting layers of shadows, creating a scene of stark contrasts.

It’s then Martha’s voice emanated from the small mirror pinned to his chest, “There’s a joyous atmosphere amongst the crew. The prospect of returning to a familiar life on land is within reach. However, you should remind them that not all things will revert to how they once were. We’ve established a connection with the Vanished. Irrespective of the liberties Captain Duncan has granted us, this link with subspace is bound to bring forth a multitude of changes… We must brace ourselves for this double-edged sword.”

Lawrence absorbed her words in silence for a moment before responding in a hushed tone, “Are these changes akin to those seen with the Bright Star or the Sea Mist?”

“These entities would cease to age or perish; instead, they would slowly diverge from the realm of the living. The ship would undergo a metamorphosis into a sentient entity, and parts of it would sporadically exhibit cognitive abilities. Finally, it would start operating automatically. The existence of the Black Oak, a haunting mirror image, would tinge the White Oak with a plethora of eerie rumors and ghostly tales. The ship’s reputation would soon morph into a symbol of fear, a newly born cursed vessel. And not even the passage permit issued by the church could alleviate this problem…”

Martha continued to speak at a leisurely pace. Her words didn’t seem to predict the future for Lawrence but rather recited the past as if it had already transpired. Within her vast, labyrinthine web of memories, she was sketching the inescapable fate that the White Oak was set to confront!

Lawrence merely listened, allowing her words to hang in the air until she had finished. He then softly replied, “Perhaps your predictions will manifest. Those changes will creep up on us eventually, but not today. Today is a day of celebration for our crew, their journey home has begun.”

“They will return to the warm embrace of Pland before the year’s end, reuniting with their loved ones and sharing tales of this incredible adventure as mere mortals. I will do everything within my power to keep the White Oak operative on all busy routes, liaising with the churches, the Explorer’s Association, and various city-state trade teams. This is not just to fulfill Captain Duncan’s orders but also to cement this ship’s reputation as a symbol of respect before it becomes a feared curse.”

The tiny mirror remained unresponsive, yet a faint draft blew past Lawrence, suddenly enveloping a small region around him. An indistinct silhouette appeared out of the thin mist, tenderly wrapping him in an ethereal embrace from behind.

The sensation was as delicate and surreal as a dreamscape.

“Old man,” a voice came.

“What is it?” he replied.

“You’re rather impressive,” the voice said.


A tumultuous cloud cover, thick and leaden, supplanted the radiant, comforting sunlight. A misty fog enveloped the vast sea, obscuring the horizon, and under this mist-cloaked surface, shadowy figures resembling strands of hair rapidly converged, plunging the entire sea into utter darkness!

The world had metamorphosed into a grayish and eerie specter. Meanwhile, the ship, known as the Vanished, unfurled its ghostly sails upon this blackened sea. An unseen “breeze” filled the sails, propelling the ship across the sea at a velocity that defied the realms of reality!

Standing on the deck towards the rear of the Vanished, Duncan took charge of the helm, with Goathead’s voice resonating in his mind, affirming their safe transition into the spirit realm. The Vanished was now smoothly sailing in the shallower regions of this ethereal domain.

With a grunt of acknowledgment, Duncan turned to Nina, who was standing a short distance away, observing him guide the ship with intrigued eyes, and informed her, “We have made a safe descent into the spirit realm.”

Nina gave a semi-comprehending nod. The concept of steering a ship, specifically a sailboat from a century prior, was something entirely beyond her understanding!

Standing on the opposite side, Vanna couldn’t help but rest a hand on her forehead upon hearing Duncan’s announcement, “It’s weird, no matter how often I hear it, the terms ‘safe’ and ‘spirit realm’ sound strangely contradicting. It’s rather odd that there can be something like ‘safely sinking into the spirit realm’ in our world…”

Duncan merely responded with a knowing smile, “It does require a certain finesse, but in the spirit realm, we can traverse at incredible speeds and are free from most real-world impediments. After all, the voyage from Frost to Wind Harbor is no short journey!”

“Wind Harbor… I’ve only encountered that place within the pages of books…” Nina said, a hint of yearning in her eyes.

“The books describe it as a city-state constructed by the elves, and also one of the pivotal dioceses of the Academy of Truth, surpassed only by ‘Mok’. It is rumored to possess the world’s most advanced difference engine and steam core, boasting highly sophisticated mechanical technology and mathematics…”

“The books are accurate, yet they frequently neglect one aspect – Wind Harbor is not only a leader in technology, but it’s also a significant hub for the Explorer’s Association,” Morris stated, his face lighting up with a smile. “Being situated on the fringe of civilization, the entire city-state of Wind Harbor serves as a crucial restocking point and information exchange center for numerous pioneering fleets and adventurers. This constant influx of travelers brings with them a myriad of cuisines from all over the civilized world to the city, thus, bestowing Wind Harbor with the added reputation of being a culinary hotspot…”

Nina was all ears, her curiosity piqued and her thirst for knowledge unquenchable, absorbing every detail that her books had failed to provide. At the end, her eyes suddenly sparkled, “Do they serve sweet pancakes there too?”

“I believe so,” Morris pondered for a moment before affirming.

“Pland has a flourishing commerce, with many traders establishing routes from the Central Sea to the south, hence, it’s only natural that Pland’s delicacies have made their way there as well!”

Nina couldn’t contain her joy. She climbed onto a large wooden barrel adjacent to Duncan, settling herself atop it and swinging her legs gleefully over the barrel’s edge.

“That’s splendid… delectable food and state-of-the-art machinery, I’m growing quite excited…”

Duncan’s gaze shifted between Nina, who was merrily swaying atop the barrel, and the deck surrounding it. A few ropes slightly vibrated in the open space between the helm and the barrel, their presence seeming both out of place and insignificant.

These ropes were of the opinion that Nina, their “crew member,” was uncomfortably close to the “helm” at this point, yet they also feared the potential hazards from the glaring sun!

This situation was undeniably, fraught with peril!

“Cease your swinging on the barrel, be careful not to tumble,” Duncan chided Nina with a shake of his head. “And keep a safe distance from the helm, it’s not a place to be trifling around!”

Nina instantly heeded his words, hopping down onto the deck and creating a safe berth from the helm.

The ropes near the helm visibly relaxed, spared of any immediate threat!

Yet, Nina’s obedience lasted only for a brief while before her mind spun with another query!

“We’re heading there to meet… Lady Lucretia, aren’t we?” she leaned against the railing on the edge of the console, blinking up at Duncan, her voice tinged with anxiety, “Is she easy to get along with?”

“She should be quite reasonable,” Duncan responded, his expression slightly enigmatic. As he attempted to perceive this predicament through Nina’s lens, the complexity of his expression only amplified.

Lucretia is an academic fervently dedicated to her research endeavors. Beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be much negative to speak of her–she’s consistently maintained this demeanor in my presence, but I can’t truly ascertain her typical disposition!

“I feel somewhat jittery,” Nina confessed, sticking out her tongue playfully, “I’ve heard she’s known as the ‘Sea Witch’. Captain Lawrence described her as a frosty and eccentric witch who hexes anyone who disrupts her scholarly pursuits. A great number of renowned adventurers are genuinely apprehensive of her…”

As Duncan maintained a steady hand on the helm, he pivoted slightly to cast a glance at Nina. “Consider Tyrian. He still holds the reputation of a feared pirate, yet wasn’t he exceedingly courteous when interacting with you?”

“That is true!” she agreed.

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