Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 114 – Silly friends.

Chapter 114 – Silly friends.

After Gerhart woke up, he knew everything Deadmeat Junior thought and experienced, including the recent finding about Mylo and Hazle.

With a happy glint, Gerhart looked through the souls in the space and quickly found what he was looking for.

"There you are, Mylo, Hazle." Gerhart gently smiled at the two fragile souls.

Inside a gently flickering soul fire, he saw his two childhood friends were asleep. It was as if they got trapped in a dream.

"Mylo, Hazel, can you hear me?" Gerhart gently asked.

"Mmm... Hah?" Mylo winced and opened his eyes, looking around.

"Huaah... Where is this place?" Hazel curiously checked her surroundings.

"Mylo, Hazel," Gerhart spoke again.

The pair was startled. Mylo and Hazel looked around before locking on Gerhart.

"Hello, sir. May I ask who you are? And where is this place?" Mylo carefully asked.

"And why are we naked?" Hazel added, covering herself.

"Mylo, Hazel, it has been a while. I am Gerhart." Gerhart warily said.

"Gerhart? I can only see a human-shaped silver fire." Mylo pursed his lips.

"Yeah, you are also very large," Hazel added.

"Many things happened. First, I have some good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" Gerhart asked.

"The good news!" "The bad news." Hazel enthusiastically spoke first, and Mylo spoke second with a tepid tone.

The pair frowned and stared at each other.

"Hey! It's better to hear good news first, right?!" Hazel pointed out.

"I think he was angling us to ask for the bad news first, though." Mylo shook his head.

"I called first!" Hazel demanded.

"The questioning order doesn't matter, Hazel." Mylo helplessly said.

"Heh... I missed your pointless bickering." Gerhart chuckled.

"... You changed, Gerhart. You usually laughed out loud whenever we fought." Mylo said.

"Eh... Gerhart suddenly sounds mature. Creepy." Hazel muttered.

"Well, many things happened. If you can't decide, solve it in the usual way." Gerhart said.

Mylo and Hazel looked at each other before nodding. They then raised their hands and-

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! I win!" Hazel cheered.

"Congrats." Mylo rolled his eyes.

"Then, shall I start with the good news?" Gerhart asked.

"No, start with the bad news." Hazel unexpectedly said.

"Didn't you want to start with the good news?" Mylo strangely asked.

"Nah, it's okay. I just wanted to mess with you." Hazel cheerfully smiled.

"..." Mylo's lips twitched.

Gerhart amusedly smiled and spoke, "Okay, then bad news first. Remember our last dungeon exploration?"

"We are dead, aren't we?" Mylo said with pursed lips.

"Yeah. That memory is still vivid. I still remember that bitch sticking an arrow in my throat. Ouch." Hazel rubbed her throat.

"Or getting pummeled to death by a brute," Mylo added.

"Well, you guessed it right. You are both dead now." Gerhart nodded.

"Figures. Explains the black space and all those other things flying around." Mylo nodded.

"How long were we dead?" Hazel asked.

"Hm... A bit less than two months?" Gerhart replied.

"Is the orphanage okay?" Mylo worriedly asked, and Hazel also looked nervous.

"It is doing better than okay. I secured enough money and protection that Mother Roysa and the children would have bright futures." Gerhart promised.

"Thank the gods..." Hazel sighed in relief.

"So, where are we?" Mylo asked.

"Are we in limbo or the afterlife? This place looks dark and depressing." Hazel said.

"And more importantly, why are you so different?" Mylo added.

"Well, this is the start of the good news. It is a long story, but I have divine powers that helped me preserve your souls, and I can now use these powers to revive you." Gerhart explained.

"Woah. For real?" Hazel widened her eyes.

"... Gerhart, did you become a lich? Will you turn us into undead?" Mylo warily asked.

"I am not an undead, but I did awaken powers that day due to my death. And no, I am not a necromancer, either. It is purely reviving you." Gerhart explained.

"Would there be any price? Such as loss of lifespan?" Mylo asked.

"No, it would be a negligible price for me. Nothing like losing lifespan, no." Gerhart shook his head.

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Revive us already! I want to see Mother Roysa! This place is so gloomy! And I hate being naked!" Hazel exclaimed.

"Yes, why delay it then? Is there a reason for this?" Mylo asked.

"Actually, yes. I can revive you, but I must ask you a question." Gerhart said.

"What?" Hazel curiously asked.

"Don't leave us in suspense," Mylo said.

"Do you want to revive as Humans or Demihumans?" Gerhart asked, catching the two off guard.

"Hah?" Mylo and Hazel blinked in confusion.

"I ask this since I shall soon embark on a journey to the other continent, inhabited by Demihumans. I know you dreamt of adventure in faraway lands, so I am giving you this chance. You shall receive one of four options:

One - You choose to reincarnate as Humans, returning to Vlita, and live ordinary lives. I shall give you S-rank powers and enough wealth to live comfortably for the rest of your days or travel if you choose.

Two - You choose to reincarnate as Humans, but you shall accompany me to conquer the Griqix Mega Continent. You will see many places, but it would be limited to human-controlled territories. You shall receive powers to aid me.

Three - You choose to reincarnate as Demihumans, accompanying me to the other continent. Once there, you can travel as you please. Of course, I shall give you S-rank powers and enough wealth to live luxurious lives.

Four - You choose to reincarnate as Demihumans, accompanying me to the other continent to conquer it. You will travel with me across the continent, meeting the myriad races and cultures. Of course, you shall receive powers to aid me.

I wouldn't give this choice to anyone, only to you two. You are free to choose. But once you decide, there is no going back." Gerhart explained.

Mylo and Hazel looked at each other before Mylo spoke, "If we choose any options besides one, can we see Mother Roysa one last time?"

"Of course! You might even see her again in the future." Gerhart readily promised.

Mylo and Hazel looked at each other again, a broad smile on their lips.

"We choose four!" They said without hesitation.

"Heh. I knew you would pick that." Gerhart amusedly smiled.

The pair always had wanderlust. Mylo and Hazel only chose to become Dungeon Explorers due to being poor. They always dreamt of becoming renowned adventurers, traveling across the lands.

"But are you sure you want four and not three? You will face many dangers." Gerhart warned.

"We're not scared!" Hazel adamantly said.

"We already died once, so what is there to be afraid of with you with us?" Mylo grinned.

"Fair." Gerhart nodded. "Then I shall give you a choice. You may choose whatever race you want. And don't worry about talents. I shall give you the best of the best."

"Well..." Hazel had a struggling look.

"We don't know many races. Only those slaves and from the tales." Mylo embarrassedly said.

"Hah... Okay. Then, I will explain to you each of the races." Gerhart said.

Mylo and Hazel nodded and then listened with rapt attention.

On the other continent were many races. Among them, the most dominant groups were:

  • Beast Kin: Humans with animal features. They take on the advantages and weaknesses of their beast-like race.
  • Beastmen: More animalistic versions of the Beast Kin.
  • Elves: Pointy-eared and long-living human-shaped people, especially attuned to magic and agile but weaker.
  • Dwarves: Stout strongmen with sharp minds but short tempers.
  • Gnomes: Short and savvy with large heads more suitable for being merchants and builders.
  • Oni: A counterpart to humans, but they have horns and different skin colors.
  • Orcs: Honorable Muscleheads. They are as intelligent as humans but prefer solving their problems with their fists.
  • Tinkerers: Like Gnomes, albeit liked inventing dangerous things instead of making money.

Of course, for each group, there were different subgroups. For example, the elves had the Dark Elves and Wood Elves, and the Dwarves had Surface Dwarves and Mountain Dwarves. And the Beast Kin had the most plenty, almost too many.

There were also other races, but they were minorities. It would be complicated to integrate into society as a Giant or Fairy.

"Erm... I have a question. Can different species make babies?" Hazel sheepishly asked.

Mylo embarrassedly scratched his head. He and Hazel were childhood sweethearts, so he knew what she was referring to.

"There is no need to worry. Although Demihumans rarely do interspecies marriages, they produce children from both parent races." Gerhart reassured.

That made the duo relieved.

"Then I pick Elf! I want to be a beautiful elf archer!" Hazel cheerily said.

"Don't worry. You can be an archer or whatever else you want. What about you, Mylo?" Gerhart smiled and asked.

"Hm... Are the Orcs ugly?" Mylo asked.

"Some are, and some are handsome. But don't worry about appearance. You won't be ugly with the gifts you will receive." Gerhart smiled.

"Then let's go with an Orc." Mylo smiled back.

"But why an Orc?" Hazel curiously asked.

"Didn't you once have that fantasy with the female elf and-" Mylo said with a perverted look.

"Pervert!" Hazel accused. If she were alive, her cheeks would go red.

"Alright. I will need to retrieve the bloodline samples for rebuilding your bodies. Please rest here a bit longer. I will get them soon." Gerhart amusedly smiled.

"Thank you, Gerhart." Mylo said.

"But please hurry! I don't want to stay here for too long." Hazel added.

"Don't worry. Return to sleep now. I will get it shortly." Gerhart said.

The two souls suddenly became tired, losing their previous liveliness.

"Good night, Gerhart..." Hazel drowsily said.

"See you soon." Mylo relaxed and fell asleep.

Seeing them fall asleep, Gerhart exited the soul space and made a short trip to the nearest Tier 6 dungeon and back, returning by dinner.

Upon returning, Gerhart retrieved the two vials he got from the dungeon before using them as material to revive his two best friends. They were the Primordial Orc Bloodline and Primordial Elf Bloodline for Mylo and Hazel. For his two best friends, he would use nothing short of the best of the best.

The cost itself for reviving them was close to nothing for Gerhart. The base cost of a healthy level 1 human adult with a tier 1 talent was about 50 points. That was the price of reviving them. Using the purchased bloodline, he shifted their resurrected forms to that of an Orc and an Elf.

Initiating Revival on Souls- Mylo and Hazel.

Action- Used Primordial Orc Bloodline for the racial template for Mylo.

Action- Used Primordial Elf Bloodline for the racial template for Hazel.

Note: Costs are 50% during revival.

"OH! Nice!" Gerhart happily thought. Saving up on energy was always good. But then, his heart bled. "Wait, doesn't that mean I wasted over 500m on Primo for nothing?"

Shaking away the momentary pain, Gerhart began granting them talents.

First was raising their Bloodlines to 100%. After raising their base compound talents to tier 6, Gerhart granted them ten regular tier 7 talents each. Finally, he raised their level to 60 and gave them the Golden Marrow.

However, Gerhart noticed that the cost of the Golden Marrow for the Primordial Human was ten times more than usual.

"Well, it probably has a reason behind it." Gerhart thought as he looked at his dwindling points.

Energy: 7,476m -> 4,460m

As he finished, two orbs of light exited him before slowly forming. However, the process was painfully slow and would last an entire day. But that was already fast. After all, a high-level body was formed from nothing.

Instead, Gerhart took the last Bloodline Injector out of his Storage.

"Now, time to make you, Neo," Gerhart muttered.

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