Dawning Skye

Chapter 511

511 Treachery Afoot Already

“What is it Skye?” Tidas asked with an uneasy tone.

“Tis a sickness most commonly associated with food, but it can make ya sick from water, too. I saw it happen to the farm hands that thought it twas okay ta drink from the same wells as the animals. I didna know it’s name until I read about it a few months ago in the Highlands: tis called salmonella poisoning,” Skye stated as they walked over to a hunched over young girl in the corner of the room.

Captain Nagashima instantly went to his knees, grabbed the young lass’ hand, and kissed it. He then put it up to his forehead, and prayed to the universe that the princess could really save her. Since her parents had been killed, she was all he had left for family, and she was as precious as a daughter to him and his crew.

Nene was like a ray of sunshine that bolstered their morale on long trips. She helped cook, clean, and sang whenever the mood struck her. Despite her biological parents being gone, she had found an extensive, overly-protective family in the ship’s crew.

Many were gathered outside of the room, anxiously awaiting news of Nene’s condition. Word of who Skye was had spread within moments of the deck hands hearing the news, and they all stood waiting to see if she really could save their sweet wee girl. A dead silence washed over the ship as everyone held their breath, and prayed that Skye really was the rumored ‘Eir of Alcon’.

Skye checked the girl over quickly since she had already figured out what she was dealing with, then placed her hands on her. After a few seconds, she looked at the captain and told him to grab a bucket. As he brought one to the bedside, Nene shot up, turned towards her grandfather, and projectile-vomited all over his shirt.

Tidas handed his wife a small towel to wipe the girl’s mouth, then looked at the captain as he said; “I don’t think a towel will do you much good..”

“...No it won’t... Is she okay? Is she still sick?” the captain asked as he tried to push the liquidity foam from his shirt into the bucket.

Skye smiled as she continued to wipe off the child’s face, and replied; “Aye, she’ll be fine as long as ya get some clean water, and gentle food into her belly. I’ll keep checkin’ on her over the next few days, too. Just ta make sure of it.”


A roar of relief and happiness broke out amongst the crew as soon as Skye had announced Nene’s impending recovery. As everyone started to celebrate and Skye started to heal the others, she looked at the captain with a more serious expression..

“After ya get cleaned up, I need ta see where ya keep yer water supply. I need ta check it all.”

The captain nodded, then bent to kiss the top of his granddaughter’s head, and said; “I’ll be right back to check on you, my sweet.”

Nene nodded, but she seemed dazed. Skye said that she was simply exhausted, but her grandfather knew something was going on. As he left to clean up and change, he worried if his precious granddaughter really was okay. After he had washed and changed, Captain Nagashima met Genie, the royals, and their guards inside of the storage bay.

Massive amounts of rugs, vegetables, clothes, and other various goods were stacked in boxes, and strapped down everywhere they looked. Skye grinned when she noticed a box with the Moonstone crest on it, and Fae-made goods inside it. When they made it to the back of the ship, the captain pointed out the food and water reserves specifically designated for the crew and passengers.

A large barrel closest to were a person would go to get to the water was cracked open. As Skye used her Water magic again to identify what was in it, she realized that it wasn’t just water..

“What is this?” she asked with a perplexed expression.

The captain glanced at the markings on the side of the barrel, then replied; “That be some fancy water sent from the palace for you two. One of the two men that delivered it called it ‘mineral water’, and that it was specifically for your party. The crew made a fuss about it when it was brought on board. Most didn’t even know that water came in different forms and flavors.”

Skye and Tidas shared looks between themselves as Genie asked; “What did the men who brought it onto the ship look like?”

The captain donned a ponderous expression; “One was big and tall, and he spoke too eloquently to be a regular servant or dock hand. The other was..”

Captain Nagashima hesitated before continuing; “He didn’t say anything, and I only got a glance of him, but...There was something about him that seemed almost menacing. His face was blank, but when our eyes met for a split second: I thought that my soul might leave my body.”

Genie didn’t like the feeling stirring in his gut as he asked; “Did he have a scar?”

As the captain shook his head in the positive, Genie looked at Skye and muttered; “Ahriman..”

“Marco’s guard?” Tidas exclaimed.

As Skye started to check the other barrels, she commented; “Makes sense.. Marco could even blame Sai fer our deaths and start a war. Well, ya ken...if we woulda actually died. Dammit.. But that also doesna make sense. He knows about me traits, and I can easily heal the sickness caused by it..”

Going off of Skye’s external conversation with herself, Genie asked; “Maybe he was hoping to simply weaken you two on the way to Sai? It will take a little over a week to reach Sai’s boarders, then another two or so to actually reach the capital. What if Ahriman was planning on attacking the ship before we reached the boarders-attacking us all while we were recovering from nearly dying?”

Skye looked at her husband; “I think wearin’ our armor isna such a bad idea. Just in case anythin’ does happen while we’re travelin’. Dinna need Genie gettin’ blamed fer us dyin’.”

“Oh, so no faith in us then?” Ronnie commented from near a stack of sacks labeled ‘flour’.

A short laugh was had while Skye purified the barrel of fancy water, then checked the others. The ones meant for the rest of the crew and ship were fine. Only the one that had been specifically marked for ‘royal use’ had been tampered with.

After a few of the other crew mates came to, they explained what had happened. They knew that Tidas and Skye would be served the water, therefore they’d never know how big the barrel was, or if it had been previously opened or not.

They had never tasted water that wasn’t flavored with tea or lemons, and were curious. Nene had caught them in the act, and they had convinced her to keep quiet about it in exchange for some to drink herself. As they talked, Peggy came bustling into the room with fresh sheets and towels; scaring Tidas half to death.

“Bloody hell! I’d forgotten that you came with us this time. Where have you been?”

Peggy glared at him as she answered; “I was gettin’ yer things squared away in yer room! Then, I come ta find alla this mess! I got fresh linens and things fer them ta swap out their old, sweaty ones wit. This way the smell will die down, and the linens can start soakin’ before the stink sets in.”

“Thank ya, Peg. Yer a wonderful person fer helpin’,” Skye commented, knowing that it was what Peggy really wanted to hear.

Flashing her signature toothy grin, Peggy replied; “Thank ya me sweet bairn,” then turned to Tidas and said; “See that? Tis called gratitude: learn it.”

Genie and the others stifled their laughter as Peggy went back and forth with Tidas for a minute. Skye just rolled her eyes, and went about checking her patients as her loved ones playfully bickered over nonsense. It was a far cry from the atmosphere they had just experienced, and Skye was grateful that no one had gotten seriously injured or damaged from Marco’s attempt on her loved ones’ lives.

‘The amount of the bacteria in that barrel woulda killed Peggy overnight, and Genie wouldna have been far behind. Tidas mighta lived cause I would’ve noticed, but the others..’

As the infuriating thoughts led from one to the next, Skye felt her anger rising.. ‘The Bastard was just tryin’ ta hurt us.. He knows I woulda healed Tidas and me self, so the only one it would’ve definitely killed is....Peggy.. That fuckin’ piece a shite! I’ll slit his throat if anythin’ happens ta Peggy!’

“Skye? Calm down! I can feel your magic building,” Tidas commented as he stared at his wife with a mixed look about his face.

“Sorry bout that. I was thinkin’ of somethin’ unpleasant,” she replied without meeting his eyes.

“Well, geez: that’s not obvious,” Peggy added sarcastically.

After flashing her a flat expression, Skye shook her head, then replied; “We’ll talk later.. Right now I Really need ta eat somethin’ or I might keel over.”

“I can help! I wanna help!” Nene yelled as she tried to get out of bed.

Skye rushed over to her side; “Oh thank ya sweetheart, but I’d rather ya stay here and get better. I can only do so much. Yer body needs time ta recuperate.”

As the girl’s face turned crestfallen, Peggy chortled from behind her; “Ha! There’s always Somethin’ she can help me wit! How are ya at peelin’ potatoes, lassie?”

Nene perked right up as she replied; “I’m an expert!”

Peggy grinned as she nodded at the child; “Good! Then I’ll bring ya a bushel ta peel while ya stay in bed like the princess wants. Win-win.”

As the girl started to shake her leg with joy, Skye stifled a chuckle.. ‘She likes ta act grumpy, but Peg’s the sweetest, kindest person in the world..’

As the thought crossed her mind, Peggy looked at Skye and motioned to her with her hands as she said; “And what about you? Ya gonna let a child out-do ya? Hmm?”

“...I take it back: yer a slave-driver,” Skye said out loud, confusing everyone with her strange remark.

The following week was completely uneventful; unless you count Ralph and Ronnie nearly getting pulled into the river while fishing. The air was crisp until the mid-afternoons now, signaling that winter wasn’t too far off. Sai didn’t get as cold as Alcon, but the temperature wasn’t what was bothering Skye about being there through the winter..

Skye’s parents were healthy for their ages, but she also understood that she only had a limited number of years left with them before they were gone.. ‘Last year we were in the Highlands, and now this year we’ll be in Sai.. Next year, my foot is down! I dinna care what Maggie says! He can come ta Moonshire wit us!’

‘Oh! That’s a great idea fer next year! Although me belly might be too big fer me ta help Peggy decorate much.. Oh well! That’ll be Tidas’ job if Ima too preggers by then..’

As a small smile spread across Skye’s face, tiny raindrops began to hit the outside of the ship. About ten minutes after it had started, the rain had turned into a full-blown downpour. As Tidas glanced out a porthole, he hoped that his father and brother were keeping dry and safe.. And that Marco would get caught out in it once the storm hit the capital.

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