Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 317: Come to an end

Chapter 317: Come to an end

When Li Yaoxiang was reprimanding Akira, the other Special Class Investigators seemed to see the savior. They all lit up and walked quickly to Li Yaoxiang.

Did not speak.

Also closely staring at Li Yaoxiang, waiting for Li Yaoxiang to make a final decision. After all, this plan was ultimately suggested by Li Yaoxiang.

Li Yaoxiang glanced at them: "How are you guys?"

"The emotions of other people are about to get out of control. After they know that we want to let go of those ghouls, they are all unwilling to compromise..."

The four talked a lot at once.

Li Yaoxiang glanced at them contemptuously: "You are Special Class Investigators but can't control them? Don't make excuses for yourself, if you really have the determination to keep your promises, I don't believe that with your abilities you can't solve the current situation."

Several people were blushed by Li Yaoxiang.

But there is no rebuttal.

After all, the situation today is different from the original work. In original work, Kaneki Ken is leading a large number of ghouls, and he has enough strength to be qualified to negotiate things with CCG on the table.

But now they are injured.

And besieged here by a large group of CCG members.

Such a great opportunity really made these Special Class Investigators have to raise the idea of breaking promises.

Of course, Li Yaoxiang doesn't care what they think. The reason why he did not come immediately was to make the scene as it is today.

In order to make the relationship between the two sides deteriorate again.

After all, this is conducive to the darkening of Kaneki Ken's last step.

However, because of some changes afterwards, he found that someone was already targeting Kaneki Ken and planning a big play. He judged that this drama was enough to darken Kaneki Ken to 100%.

So it is easy to compromise.

Came here with Mado Akira.

Li Yaoxiang no longer wasted time with them, walked directly to Kaneki Ken, and put his hand on Kaneki Ken's shoulder, moved towards everyone and shouted, "He is called Kaneki Ken. He was originally like you all. He was a human. But because of Washuu clan's plan, he was transformed into a ghoul. It is precisely because of his help and cooperation that this time we were able to eliminate the large cancer hidden in CCG that is the Washuu clan so easily. Moreover, before the cooperation, I have also given a promise. After the event, we will work with them to maintain the stability of the entire Tokyo. So now you have to figure out, who is your real enemy? Was it the group of outsiders who were killing innocents indiscriminately, or the one standing in front of you who were willing to cooperate with us and cooperate with our partners?"

Li Yaoxiang's prestige is no doubt in CCG.

Most of his deeds and strengths have long been heard.

Out of trust in Li Yaoxiang, many people seemed to find the backbone of their heart after Li Yaoxiang appeared.

The swaying thoughts immediately became stable. When Li Yaoxiang finished this remark, they were determined to stand on the same line as Li Yaoxiang, and their eyes became firm.

It's just that there are still some diehards who are extremely hateful to ghouls, unwilling to compromise, and still blazing the flames there.

"Even if we cooperate, we can only cooperate with him alone."

"How can humans cooperate with ghouls?"

"You mean that we want to get along with these guys who wants to eat us all the time?"

"Cooperate with the ghouls? How can we be worthy of the brothers and sisters and family members who have sacrificed in the past? How can we explain to their relatives and friends?"

There were noises.

Affecting the Aogiri tree side, some people have unstable thoughts.

They also didn't expect their leader was originally a human being.

Worried that Kaneki Ken will eventually favor humanity.

Li Yaoxiang stared at the stubborn elements each and everyone unwilling to compromise: "Don't forget what your real purpose of joining CCG was to protect humanity! Serve the people! If you only focus on revenge, please put down your weapons immediately! The weapons provided by CCG are not tools for you to take revenge! Now there are more powerful enemies in front of you, and you don't care?! Is this your attitude?!"

Many people felt guilty after being told by Li Yaoxiang.

But there were still a few people who showed dissatisfaction.

Li Yaoxiang looked at them and pointed at the 'Dragon': "You think you're right? You think I'm wrong? Or do you think that even if we don't cooperate, we can solve the monster in front of us with our ability alone? If you really think so, then show it to me!"

Isn't this just asking someone to die?

Seeing that Yukio Shinohara, Marude Itsuki, and Kuroiwa Iwao exclaimed at the same time: "Li-"

They were stopped by Li Yaoxiang waved his hand.

Li Yaoxiang's gaze still firmly stared the unwilling ghoul investigator.

The ghoul investigators refused to admit his mistakes.

In the end, as soon as he clenched the teeth, he still prepared Quinque and walked towards the 'dragon', and he must attack the 'dragon'. But the result is not what everyone expected. His movement alarmed the 'Dragon'.

The Dragon suddenly opened his eyes and swallowed the man in one bite.

It made people on the CCG side look shocked and sad.

Li Yaoxiang didn't mean to give up, looking at some people who had just shown up, and continued: "You see? You want to die, I won't stop! But please don't carry others to die with you! If by now, you still think that even if you don't cooperate, you can solve the monster in front of you, and solve the cruel and innocent ghouls. Then go ahead! I won't stop you!"

Now, even the few remaining CCG members are unwilling, also lowered their heads and stopped talking.

Seeing that it finally worked as a deterrent, Li Yaoxiang said softly: "The research institute has developed food that ghouls can eat. Although the finished product is not ideal, but I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, we will soon have a perfect result. So, you don't need to worry!"

This sentence is not only to relieve the worries of the human side.

It is also to appease the emotions of Aogiri tree.

Just as expected.

After everyone in the room heard the news, everyone's face finally eased a lot.

Seeing everyone, there was no objection, Li Yaoxiang also ordered most people to be dispersed and sent to support them everywhere. Kaneki Ken also issued the same order to the Aogiri Tree side.

Cooperate with CCG to solve the clown organization that is doing things outside, so as to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Seeing things always come to the end of a phase, Kaneki Ken no longer stays.

Before leaving, it was impossible to bear to take out his mobile phone, and wanted to make a call to Kirishima Touka entire group to report safety.

Can make several consecutive calls, but still unable to reach Kirishima Touka, including the mobile phones of Banjou group.

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