Dark Moon Era

Chapter 211 - The Mighty Su Siao

Chapter 211: The Mighty Su Siao

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Darkness was abysmal on this particular night.

The raging fire burned brightly. It was a sign that the Agnes family had been wiped out.

Su Siao, with Tang Ling on his shoulder, walked away step by step while looking like he had been through the mill. He fed Tang Ling and himself some vicious beast meat as he walked away from the scene. Words seemed to be stuck in his throat, but somehow he did not utter anything.

Tang Ling’s eyes were half-closed as his head lay on Su Siao’s shoulder. He was too weak to even speak.

“I grabbed too little, but we shouldn’t be greedy.” Su Siao patted his backpack after he found a topic to start the conversation. He was referring to the loot he had grabbed from the Agnes family’s storeroom.

Was it too little? Not exactly since the crystals and vicious beast meat filled his whole backpack.

“Um, I’m sorry that I was late just now.”

“It’s fine,” Tang Ling said in a muddled voice. How weak was he? Despite being fed with Level 3 vicious beast meat, he did not seem to be recovering.

Still, the pain from eating vicious beast meat stung his body, making it harder for him to speak. Despite the pain, he had to tell Su Siao that it was fine. It was really fine.

“What do you mean by ‘fine’? If I had been a second later, you might’ve died, and if you died, w-what should I tell your father?” Su Siao no longer had to keep it a secret. Tang Ling was a smart kid, so he must have known about it all.

Although Su Siao was not a sensitive person, everything that happened when Tang Ling met Aber somehow told him something.

With his sixth sense, Su Siao scanned the contents of the piece of paper that Aber mentioned. It actually held the secret to Tang Ling’s identity.

Tang Ling’s curiosity was always strong, but why the resentment and resistance towards this particular secret? What else did it mean?

As expected, after Su Siao mentioned Tang Ling’s father, Tang Ling did not respond at all, not even with the slightest movement.

Su Siao lowered his head and stuffed move vicious beast meat into Tang LIng’s mouth. He was a careless person, thus he never thought that the pain from the meat would prevent Tang Ling from speaking properly because he just wanted Tang Ling to recover quickly.

“I, uh, fought the group of people that Shadow brought over. The group of people put Ah Bing and everyone else’s lives in danger. They tipped the scale of the battle, so I had to join the fight.” As Su Siao walked with firm footsteps, Tang Ling’s head wobbled along with the movement.

“Pain...?” Tang Ling asked. His hand tapped Su Siao’s arm and his fingers slightly grazed his skin.

“I’m fine. The blood is someone else’s. I’m as powerful as a rank 5 Purple Moon Warrior with earth element talent ability and the all-category line.” Su Siao was a little delighted as he turned around to Tang Ling and shot him a proud look.

“Do you know what is the all-category line? Every element talent has its branches. For example, the water element has the ice element and a lot of other branches. Clyne was an ice element user, one of the branches of the water element.

“And my earth element talent can be offensive and defensive at the same time, but I still lack the most important branch of the line, the ability to travel. I mean, to travel underground or something similar.”

Tang Ling did not say anything, but he was all ears. After a while, he mustered enough strength to ask, “T-the others?”

“Death is inevitable in battle, but we won. Ah Bing and the others survived. They will go into hiding for some time after this. They will wait for you to grow, and when you are mature enough, with a single raise of your arm, you can summon all the heroes in the world under a single banner. Isn’t it cool?

“Do you know about the list? It’s...” In his excitement, Su Siao was talking non-stop.

Tang Ling’s heart ached when he heard that. He mustered all his strength to say, “Don’t wait.”

Su Siao halted his steps before he turned around to Tang Ling. His eyes had endless rage burning in them, but he suppressed it and his gaze was replaced by a heavy sense of helplessness.


“Don’t bother to explain. He will hear a lot about me when he grows up, both the good and the bad. He’ll also find out that he will have a big brother from another mother. If he’s like me, will he forgive me? What do you think?” Tang Feng looked at Su Siao with a gaze filled with anticipation.

“If he’s like you, I don’t want...” Su Siao was just speaking the truth.

“Then, don’t even bother explaining to the damned kid! If he really is my son, he will understand me. Otherwise, he isn’t my...” Tang Feng laughed as he rambled on. The baby on the little bed was following a bird with his gaze outside the window as it cooed and gurgled. Was he sulking with a baby?!

“Is there really no explanation?” Su Siao was simple-minded as always.

“Nope.” Tang Feng was done sulking with the baby. With a grave expression, his eyes were fixed on the bird outside the window as he said, “He’ll be the one who carries my hope, so he’ll be destined to walk the same path as mine.”

“If he walks the same path as mine, he’ll eventually see things from my perspective and understand what is right and what is wrong. He’ll understand the decisions that I’ve made after all the worries and sadness. He will.

“But, of course, if he doesn’t follow my path, just let him hate me. Only by hating me can he live a normal life peacefully. Get it?” Tang Feng picked the baby up and nuzzled its face with his pointy beard.

The delicate-looking baby disliked the rough sensation, so he pushed his father’s face away with his tiny hands. Tang Feng fought back with his chin. He then laughed and hugged the baby tightly.

“I don’t understand.” Su Siao was really lost.

“You don’t need to because he’s my son. That is why I want him to understand it and not get answers from someone else. This is the only brand that I have for him as a father. It feels a little lonely for not being able to be with him growing up.” Tang Feng laughed again though it was unclear which part of his words was genuine or was just a joke.


Reminiscing the memories from that day, Su Siao understood the only brand that Tang Feng meant back then a little better.

Tang Feng was a selfish bastard towards his own son. He wanted his son to listen to his heroic stories and ponder upon them. He also wanted him to figure out the reasons behind his actions, analyze and understand them, then finally walk the same path as him, ultimately understanding him, becoming him, and surpassing him.

Like always, Tang Feng was a thinker who planned carefully.

Damn that bastard. What is all this about? Is he trying to give himself a hard time? Or give me a hard time?

Su Siao pouted and sulked. He then told Tang LIng, “It’s almost time. I can run now.”

What is this strange conversation is about? Tang Ling also wanted to pout and sulk, but Su Siao then started running.

Accompanied by the wind, all the alleys he ran past were covered in blood and blanketed by collapsed walls. He ran past the place where the Dragon Army fought the half-zombies. The night wind whistled. The place was in a gruesome state since both sides fought to the end just so they could go back in peace.

He ran past Glory Square which held the earliest memory of the inner city for Tang Ling, but in the end, the place ended up as the ruins of the battle.

He crossed the inner city, running past Orston, Yu and Christina’s homes. He jumped over the inner city walls and arrived at the outer city.

The stone house that they once lived in, the delicious roast meat, the fried biscuits, the warm greetings...

Would Tang Ling visit the Hope Barrier in ten years?

Tang Ling was not afraid or nervous because Su Siao’s back was broad. His smokey scent was soothing and made Tang Ling want to sleep.

“I’ve viewed you as my father for a long time now.” Tang Ling’s voice was very faint. If he could speak properly, he would not have spoken this softly. When the soft words came out from his mouth, they were carried away by the wind.

Su Siao did not respond, but his face became stiffer and his nose twitched. He might not have even heard what Tang Ling said. Deep in his heart, he was repeating the same phrase over and over again, ‘Will Tang Feng beat me to death? Will he?’

Finally, they arrived in front of the towering walls of Safety Sector No.17.

Su Siao took a deep breath and jumped up. Dust and dirt formed stairs that perfectly appeared beneath his feet, allowing him to hop along the wall and reach the top. Phew! Standing at the top of the wall, he appeared as if he had been through the mill. He heaved a long breath.

Under the misty Purple Moon and above the towering walls, the place that was once the settlement finally showed signs of vitality.

After Tang Ling left the settlement that day, he had never come back before. Now, the place felt very familiar before his eyes.

There was the little hill filled with purple valerians. Then, there was the ring-shaped bush forest and the marshland within it that would be filled with puddles after the rain. Besides that, the messy bushes concealed the many secret entrances to the settlement.

The more Tang Ling looked at them, the redder his eyes got because he saw light in the area, apparently built by a bunch of Drifters that gathered around.

There was fire for warmth and a pot for cooking. In the center of the group of Drifters was a bunch of children, laughing and playing around.

“Nothing lives forever and nothing remains gone forever, except time. But time also runs in a cycle and it has never changed,” Su Siao said to Tang Ling.

“Then, what about Grandmother and San San?” Tang Ling had recovered a little since he had been chewing on vicious beast meat along the way and it finally worked.

“They will live forever in your memories.”

“What if I am gone?”

“Then, they will live in the heart who inherits your will.”

“What if that’s lost as well?”

“Then, time will remember them. They will be carried away to the deepest part of the universe and wait for a day to come back.”

“Why are you lying to kids?”

“You can’t guarantee that they won’t come back either, can you? We are nothing but a speck of dust in the vast universe.”

Su Siao then laughed out loud and jumped off the towering sector walls. He then quickly dashed towards the bush forest at the settlement, his unannounced arrival frightening the Drifters.

Tang Ling had recovered enough to speak. He shouted at the Drifters loudly, “Go forward for another 70 meters. There’s an entrance in the second bush from the back. The underground is safe.”

The Drifters looked at each other in confusion.

Su Siao carried Tang Ling and raced towards the forest.

At the edge of the forest, a calm, buff man was watching Su Siao sprint across the bush forest. Behind him was the thick tropical forest, and among the tall trees, there were more than a hundred figures hiding in the shadows.

Su Siao slowed down and eventually froze. He hesitated for a while and decided to move forward slowly.

“Is there a problem?” Tang Ling also sensed something unusual. Maybe because of his weakened state, his senses had dropped.

“It’s not a big deal,” Su Siao said calmly. He then added, “But it must be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, the trouble will be endless. Your identity has been exposed anyway.”

Tang Ling was speechless. He did not know why, but the resistance toward his never-before-seen father deepened again.

Why would his father drag so many people into this? Even after being dead for so many years, there were still a lot of people involved in this matter. In fact, Su Siao was not in good shape and Tang Ling could sense it. He had to replenish his energy with vicious beast meat to be able to run, so how good could he possibly be?


Two minutes later, on the edge of the forest, Su Siao was confronting a man wearing a set of hunter clothes and looking utterly gloomy. His face was covered in a mustache and a beard.

Su Siao untied the rope and put Tang Ling down. He also put the bag of vicious beast meat in front of Tang Ling.

He knew the man and called his name out loud. The first thing Su Siao said after he met the man was, “I never thought it would be you, Qi Jun.”

“My mercenary company is the nearest, so I came,” said the man known as Qi Jun gravely.

“So, it has started? Am I wanted now? The highest wanted warrant?” Su Siao raised a brow.

“Yes, the highest wanted warrant. Do you know how much weight does the kid behind you have?” Qi Jun pulled out a short stick from his back. With a quick shake, the short stick turned into a long rod.

“Yeah, I know.” Su Siao pulled his black overcoat off and tossed it aside. Underneath the overcoat was a simple set of black armor. A giant sword as big as a door plank was revealed as he gripped it in his hand.

“Did you draw your sword? Are you being serious?” Qi Jun was slightly surprised, but after some thought, he added, “Stop exhausting yourself. I know the secret. Give yourself in and you may survive. No matter what happens, I fought with you before and I’ve always held the relationship true to my heart.”

Su Siao sighed at Qi Jun’s words. He looked into the dark gloomy sky and said, “Qi Jun, have you ever had regrets in your entire life?”

“Are you talking about the betrayal of the Dragon Army?” Qi Jun seemed to know what Su Siao was asking about.

Su Siao did not respond and fixed his gaze at Qi Jun.

“He’s dead but the others have to live.” Qi Jun sighed. “So, I regret nothing.”

“Let’s fight, Su Siao.” He pointed his rod at Su Siao.

At the same time, the hundred or so men who hid in the forest behind Qi Jun showed themselves, surrounding Su Siao and Tang Ling. In conclusion, breaking through the human wall would not be an easy task.

“Qi Jun, I actually didn’t want to ask you whether you regret in betraying the Dragon Army or not. The Qi Jun I know desires a lot of things, so why would you regret betraying us?” Su Siao fished something out from the little pouch at his waist as he talked.

It was a tube of black liquid. Despite being black, it glowed dimly and would catch attention on the darkest night.

Qi Jun was truly frightened this time, but Su Siao did not spare him a chance. He crushed the vial and poured the liquid into his mouth.

The aura in him exploded. “I’m actually trying to ask you if you ever regret being too arrogant!”

After that, Su Siao swung his big black sword at the men behind Qi Jun. A yellow flash came from the edge and the ground started to shake strongly. Even those with decent strength could barely stand on their feet.

At the same time, a wall sprung out from the ground between Qi Jun and the men behind him, separating them apart.

“The wall is the line. Whosoever crosses the line, dies.” Su Siao swung his sword around and pointed it at Qi Jun.

Qi Jun looked very bitter as he opened his mouth, trying to say something, but no words came out. He swung the rod forward and smashed it at Su Siao.

As he wielded the rod, the rod glimmered in the bright silver light and started to extend forward, the tip of the rod fired at Su Siao’s chest.

Su Siao plunged the greatsword in the ground. Many more walls sprung out from the ground in the rod’s trajectory, blocking the silver gleams from moving forward.

Qi Jun roared fiercely, pushing his rod further ahead and the silver gleam perforated the walls one after another. Covered with a dust cloud, a huge layer of ground armor enveloped him whole instantly. He removed his greatsword from the ground and placed it in front of himself as a shield.


A huge bang went off upon impact, shaking the entire area. Su Siao grinned wildly when the black greatsword blocked the silver gleam.

Astonished, Qi Jun turned his body around and retracted his arm, pulling the silver gleam backward.

Su Siao extended his huge hand and grabbed the silver gleam through the void. A giant hand sprung out from the ground and grabbed the tip of the silver gleam.

Layer after layer of mud covered the silver gleam and it spread towards Qi Jun like a rising tide.

Qi Jun responded with a gloomy look. He tossed the rod away and pointed both his hands at the invading mud as a silver gleam flashed from his palms. He bellowed, “Slash!”

The mud that caught Qi Jun’s hands was slashed into pieces by the silver gleam, but at the same time, Su Siao bellowed, “Burst!”

Right after the words subsided, the walls that sprung out from the ground to block the silver gleam, the giant hand that grabbed Qi Jun’s rod and the little tendrils that came from the giant mud hand that was slashed by Qi Jun’s silver gleam exploded right away.

They exploded into fist-sized mud balls and flew towards Qi Jun at an astonishing speed.

“Aaarghhh!” Qi Jun shouted as the hunter clothes he wore burst into shreds, revealing both his arms covered in silver bangles. He crossed his arms in front of him and a stronger silver gleam flashed, enveloping his body whole. The silver gleam materialized and moved like water, forming a fitting armor around his body.

Bang, bang, bang! The noise of the mud balls hitting the target was relentless.

As Qi Jun threw a punch to break the mud balls around him, or more specifically, around his feet, tendrils from the ground sprung out and constricted his legs. All he could do was endure the relentless attacks of the mud balls passively. Eventually, he was covered by numerous mudballs.

Then, Su Siao widened his legs and raised an arm. “Fight!”


Another loud blast later, the loose mud that covered Qi Jun hardened as if two invisible hands were compressing the mud together. The mud was 10 meters wide and 7 to 8 meters tall when it covered Qi Jun whole and tightened into an irregular-shaped mud ball that was only 2 meters wide.

Blood started to seep out from the mud ball.

Behind the mud wall, Qi Jun’s men saw the scene and some of the loyal ones wanted to join the fight, but little tendrils burst out from the wall and perforated them.

Su Siao dragged his greatsword along as he walked towards the bloody mud ball. He lit a cigarette, obviously tired and sad. He said softly, “At the later stage of my prime, I finally mastered this technique. Squeezing mud with high pressure has unlimited possibilities and I thought of using this against the councilmen of the Stardust Council.”

Su Siao spat a cloud of smoke out as the smoke blurred his expression. “I really didn’t expect to use it on you, my dear comrade-in-arms.”

The moment his words subsided, he raised his greatsword and slashed the mud ball.

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