Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 275.6- Scorched Eagle

[Vol.3] Quest 275.6- Scorched Eagle

"So this is Olympia, huh?" said Aphrodite, gazing at a city of white.

The first city, Olympia, remained rather small despite its long existence. Its buildings were pure white, with a sanctuary up top on a hill overlooking the city. They had a port where they could see ships bringing in fish, as well as a wall that surrounded the city. Much like in Orario, the city's walls were pretty big and thick, but not as much as the ones that encased Orario.

"Hm…" Malion closes her eyes and takes in the air. "Clean, but with a soft scent of ash."

"The flame is here," Hera said, walking ahead. "There is no time to dally. Let's hurry to the city."

"Come on, we can at least take in this beautiful view!" shouted Aphrodite.

"We are not here to sightsee. We are here to—"

"Yeah, yeah, Primordial Flame. Fine. Let’s go, my children!"

"YES!! MY BEAUTIFUL GODDESS!!" The Aphrodite Familia shouted.

"Malion." Hera glanced at her child. "Come along. I'd rather not waste time. In and out."

Malion nodded.

"So long as we finish this."

They traveled a bit, arriving at the front gate of Olympia.

When the guards saw these new visitors, they immediately became nervous.

"W-who are you all!!!" shouted one guard.

Hera and Aphrodite walked up front.

"I am the great goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite!! And this here is the gilded goddess, Hera!!" Aphrodite declared. "Open these doors! We are here to inspect the Primordial Flame!"

Sweat dripped down their faces behind their crimson helmets.

One guard leans back.

"Go tell Lord Ethon right away—!"

The guard feels a gaze on him, one that pierces through him.

He looked around and saw that they were nowhere to be found.

He looked down at the group that had arrived to see a dark elf staring at him sharply behind Hera.

‘Can she see me through the wall!? Shit!!’

"Go quickly!" he commanded the other guard.

"Yes, sir!!"

Back with Hera and Aphrodite.

Malion leans into Hera’s ear.

"It seems they don’t quite want us here," Malion said.

"Hmm… The moment they show hostility, break down the gate, and we will reprimand them." Hera said it coldly. "Aphrodite, be ready to charm as many as you can."

"Hm." Aphrodite wore a different expression; it was not her usual happy and arrogant face but one of seriousness.

Aphrodite’s children also changed to match their goddess. This was not fun and games. Their goddess and Hera instilled in them the gravity of the Heavenly Flame.

They waited a few minutes before the door opened.


The door opens wide and a man with blue hair to the side with tanned skin.

He walked out with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

"Lady Hera, Lady Aphrodite. I am the High Chancellor of the Order of Prometheus, Ethon or Aethon if you like, both are the same to me."

"Order?" Hera said. "Has that stupid god Prometheus still not shown themselves?"

"I am afraid not. We have their Falna, but nothing more. Everything you see here is because of our own strength and self-guidance."

Hera could feel the venom in his words.

‘Seems he… Hm?’

Hera looks at him keenly, he looks very familiar. Hera has seen the man's face before, but where?

"Tell me, Ethon. Have you left this city before? Or have you lived here your whole life?"

"Well, of course, I left Olympia. I explored the world quite a bit. But could you please return our scouts to us? That goddess of beauty has them wrapped around her pretty little fingers." Ethon glanced at Aphrodite.

"Let us inspect the Primordial Flame and we won’t just return your scouts, we’ll leave the place," Aphrodite said.

"Hmm… Sorry, that is a no. The Sacred Fire is—"

"You know it’s corrupted, High Chancellor," Hera said with a sharpness to her tone. "It has already released a Ripple; a Rift has formed in Gekai. Step aside or show us—"

"No can do." Ethon’s eyes narrow.

The tension in the air quickly thickened. The look of the citizens of Olympia matched their High Chancellor.

"Explain." Hera’s eyes spiraled. "If not, I will educate you." Her words were now laced with venomous anger.

Her patience was thinning. Malion and Aphrodite know how she is when she loses her temper.

"Hoh~" Ethon smirked. He was unafraid of her insane ruby eyes. "I didn’t think you and Nephele had so much in common."


Hera's and Malion’s eyes widen.

"Yes… She was a very tough woman. She gave me a lot of trouble, but I beat her after five days and six nights. She jumped into a river to escape. Didn't care to give chase."

"Malion," Hera said with anger in her voice. "Timo̱ró̱ Timo̱ró̱ means punish in Greek ."

The moment she said that word, Malion quickly acted. It was a phrase Hera used when one of her children misbehaved or committed a deed she did not approve of. She rarely said it, but when she did, many knew what ‘Timo̱ró̱’ led to. A brutal beating.

Hera took a step to her left, and Malion quickly kicked off toward Ethon.


Malion drew her white bow, Leukṓlenos, and swung at his solar plexus.

However, as she was swinging, Malion could see Ethon’s eyes track her, a level 8’s movement.


She hit him so hard that he flew back and smacked him with a white and red great sword through the gate and crowd.

"Shit, I used too much force." Malion lamented.

Despite using so much force, the people stood still, watching them with keen eyes.

Hera looks at Ethon and the great sword with which he collided. Her eyes widen.

"Ah…" Hera knew who he was, that face finally had a name. "That is where I know you. You are the Champion of Prometheus. The Hero of the First Flame, Epimetheus. I've seen you through Zeus's Divine Mirror back in Heaven."

Epimetheus slowly got back on his feet.

"Hmm!!" He stretched his limbs before placing his hand on the great sword. "I prefer not to go by that title. I am not that pathetic, shitty god’s champion, nor am I a hero anymore." He then drew the great sword from the ground and rested it on his shoulders.

Malion was shocked he could even get up. She was sure she hit him with enough strength to rupture his organs and even crack a few bones.

"How are you still standing? I am sure my accident put you down?"

"Dark Elf." Epimetheus looked at Malion. "You should have used more if you want to put me down." He swung his great sword, cutting the air.


Malion knew she was in the presence of a monster right away. Her instincts told her to quickly kill him or leave.

"Hera, who is he?" Malion took out an arrow and got ready to notch it.

"Didn’t you hear me? He is Epimetheus, Gekai’s first hero." Hera looked at Epimetheus keenly, after so many years she could tell he has no lost his edge.

"This isn’t the time to joke around, Hera. He is giving off the same feeling as the executive's of our and the Zeus Familia. I have no doubt he bested Nephele."

"When have I ever joked? It’s obvious he used the flame to live for three thousand years."

"Three… thousand??" Malion began to sweat at that prospect.

"That’s right, elf," Epimetheus said, walking up to and standing behind the gate. "Tell me, Dark Elf, does your race still prefer fighting up close? I mean, that was how your kind was as rare as or even rarer than the Renards."

The longest an elf ever lived was 300+. This went to both light and dark elves. Despite this, this human lived ten times longer than a normal elf and remained sane.

"Gulp! 3000 years... of experience, time, and skill polishing."

Malion did not like this whole situation, not one bit.

"Scared?" Epimetheus could see the hesitation in her eyes.

"… Hera. Your orders?"

Hera looked at Epimetheus, and a scowl grew on her face.

"Aphrodite!!!" Hera commanded.

Aphrodite immediately jumped forward and did a sexy pose.

"Come♥! Join me, my cuties! Chu!" She blew a kiss with her charm on max power.

"!?!?" Aphrodite quickly captivated a number of people.

They slowly inched towards her.

"Violence it is then," Epimetheus said as he got into a stance.

"Malion!! Hold him off while we make off with as many people as we can!!" Hera commanded. "Aphrodite!!!"

"Hurry, my cuties♥! We’re leaving♥!!"


"My goddess!!!"

Several of the citizens rushed toward Aphrodite.

While the crowd goes after Aphrodite, who is now being taken away by her children, Malion faces down Epimetheus.

Malion's heart was racing. She quickly notched her bow and quickly fired several arrows.

Fsh! Fsh! Fsh! Fsh! Fsh! Fsh!

Epimetheus held his great sword like a shield and charged at Malion.

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

Malion aimed for his hand to drop his weapon.



An arrow struck between the index and middle finger, but a burst of flame covered where he was shot. The arrow quickly fell to the ground, having been burned off.


Malion knew she couldn't beat him right away.

‘A self-recovery skill!? Ability!? Was this how he lived for three thousand years!!’

She kept firing her arrows with more and more power.

Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!!

She kept firing them without thinking.

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!!

The force at which she fired pushed him back a considerable distance, but he kept charging at her.

Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!! Fsh!!!

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!!

She kept at it till she ran out of arrows.

Pat! Pat!


"About time!!!" As he ran at her, Epimetheus held his great sword back, no longer using it as a shield but to offset his weight as he leans forward.

He quickly covered the distance.

"Tch! So be it!!" Malion reached behind her and drew her sword, the only weapon she took with her when she left Orario. Malion quickly chanted. "(Eight-armed giant, may your lust cast you with thunderous might. Ogn, Álfhildr, I offer his blood to the goddess.) [Starkad Fable]!!!"

Her blade is covered in amorphous darkness.

"!?" Epimetheus didn’t like the moving darkness. "Let’s see if you’re as good with the sword as you are with the bow!!"

Epimetheus swung right to left at Malion.



Malion swung at Epimetheus with an overhead swing.


The great sword and the blade of darkness clash with one another.



A blast of air went through the city.

The High Dark Elf and Human look at and meet one another on equal levels.

"Your strong hero!!" Malion shouted, trying to antagonize him. "You must be a level 8 to match me!!"

She needed more information. She needed to gather as much information about him as she could.

"What can I say!! Kirk!" He pushed her back. "I fought the Black Beasts on my own and slaughtered countless monsters that still live on the surface!! So after a thousand years, I am level 1!!!"

He took a step forward, and flame erupted from the blade, acting like a booster.


Seeing the fire spring from the great sword, Malion jumped.


Epimetheus swung her far away into the sky.



Immediately, Malion sheathed her sword, and the darkness dissipated. She took out her bow again and chanted.

"(Ride upon the battlefield, rider of the white steed) [Katákti̱si̱]!!!"

A ridged white light covers her bow. She pulls the string and an arrow of light forms.

"!?" Epimetheus looks at the arrow of light as it is aimed at his head. "Shit." He softly muttered as he was in a bad position.

Malion let loose.



"Gah!?" Epimetheus fell back as an arrow of light stuck through his head.


Malion lands back on the ground, ready to fire again.

"We need to leave now!!!" Malion shouted.

"Aphrodite!! We're going now!!" Hera commanded.

Aphrodite lowers her charm.

"Faster! And faster!! Let’s run away!!" Aphrodite shouted.

Malion kept watch as they all ran away.

Epimetheus slowly got up. The arrow of light was incinerated.

‘He’s immortal. I knew my chances were low, but to think they're zero.’

"Grrr…" Malion gritted her teeth as she fired a few arrows into Epimetheus’s joints.

The least she could do was retreat and pin him down, but his healing was getting faster and faster.

"Malion!! Full retreat!!" Hera shouted.

Malion put her bow away, quickly picked up Hera, and ran away.

Getting up, Epimetheus was annoyed.

"Tsk… It has been a few years since I faced that spitfire." He then cracks his neck. "Hmm… Should I hunt them? Or… Eh. They’ll come to me." He looks around and sees that a good chunk of the people were charmed and taken away. "… Alright!! No one goes near that goddess!!! Understood!!!"

Off in the wilderness.

"Huff!! Huff!! Huff!!" Malion was breathing heavily. "Dammit, Hera!!" She looked to her goddess, who was gazing at Olympia. "What the hell did you get me wrapped into!! I did not join you to fight an ancient hero!"

"You knew what you were getting into with the flame."

"Yeah, I know, but there was no mention of an immortal hero who can match a level 8 when he’s a level 1!! Was he even telling the truth!?"

"He was. I heard him, and I can tell it was the truth. He must have a unique skill, or it could be because of that Divine Weapon or Primordial Flame?"

"Divine Weapon!? That was a Divine Weapon!?!? You didn’t think to tell me!!" She drew her sword, only to find it cracked. "Basíleia…"

Hera looks around and spots an island.

"… Go to Orario, Malion."

"What? You brought me here, and now you—"

"Bring back Nephele’s boy, bring back Cirrus Zephyr."

"He is a level 8! He will not—"

"He is stronger than you and Nephele. Hell, I am sure it would take the whole of the Hera Familia to bring him down."

"… You must be clouded by bias to think he can—"

"Do not question me on this, Malion. Go get him, and do not tell him who he is going to face."

"He has the right to know the man he is going to have to fight is Epimetheus and that he is immortal."

"No, he doesn’t. The less he knows, the better. We don't want him to be discouraged in any way."

"Like with the Black Dragon?"

"Yes… Exactly like back then. Can you do that?"

"I can. If you have that trust in him, I can play along and see for myself."

"When you bring him back, come to that island." Hera points to the island she looked at. "Our base will be there."


Malion then left for Orario.

The sewers of Olympia.

"Haa... Good thing I made a run for it!" Zeus said as he was washing himself in the sewerage. "Ugh! The things I have to do to hide from Hera."


Lv. 1

Strength: ??? Endurance: ???

Dexterity: ??? Agility: ???

Magic: ???


[Guf Deukalion]

  • Incineration Type
  • AOE Type

[Aktinovólos Enkopí̱]

  • Strike Magic


[Aetos Kaukasios]

  • A gift from Prometheus.
  • Bound to [Ethon].
  • Allows the control and manipulation of the Flame of Heaven.
  • Grants Immortality. Immortality is tied to [Ethon].
  • When close to [Ethon] healing will increase far quicker.
  • Grant's Fire Immunity.
  • The Flame of Heaven emboldens you.

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