Cursed Immortality

Chapter 469 Unstoppable Trial

Somewhere in the star ocean was a hidden island. 

At this moment, the entire island was buzzing with static voices, 

"Contingency Alert! Epic Void Star Server has been destroyed! 

"Contingency Alert! Epic Void Star Server has been destroyed! 

"Contingency Alert! Epic Void Star Server has been destroyed!" 

All of a sudden, this voice suddenly stopped, and another voice rang, 

"Data received! 

"Analyzing the data… data analyze complete! 

"Activating the emergency Void Star Server in Epic Plains!

"Camouflage mood activated until the attacker is dealt with! 

"Weapon used in attack: Elemental Shield Spell (Intermediate Unique Rank) (Origin: Unknown), Void Drill Spell (Advanced Unique Rank) (Origin: Unknown), Nuclear Warhead (Advanced Unique Rank)

"Detecting Unique Star Server Signature on the Nuclear Warhead! 

"Nuclear Warhead (Advanced Unique Rank) (Origin: Ancient Artifact Industry Star Server)

"Finalizing the List of Prime Suspects: Star Chaser (Nuclear Warhead Buyer), Timeless Dark Tree (Nuclear Warhead Buyer), The Society Killer (Nuclear Warhead Buyer), Faceless Ancient (Nuclear Warhead Seller and (probably) Creator)

"Finalizing the List of Secondary Prime Suspects: Amiable Wizened Monk (Only Nuclear Weaponry Expert in the Epic Plains)   

"Dispatching containment unit to contain the Contingency! 

The next moment, something shot out from the island and vanished into the cloudy sky. Thereafter, the island fell into eerie silence as if nothing had happened!


"Succeeded!" The Star Lord roared in mirth as he watched the footage of the explosion. 

The Vice Star Lord was trembling with excitement as she spoke, "Decades of research and planning finally paid off!" 

The Star Lord nodded, "Now that annoying AI is gone, and the star network is shut down, we don't need to hide our movements. All we need to do is strike down the three hegemonies before the Star Destiny Corporation can react!" 

"More importantly, now we can find the bastard who stole our children!" The Vice Star Lord murderously declared. 

"Hmph, that's our primary objective." The Star Lord coldly nodded, but at this moment, he frowned, "Wait, why is the trial plain still there?" 

The Vice Star Lord was startled as she looked at the screen and found the mist was still there and frowned, "Could it be the trial plains are not connected with the Star Void Server? Those trial plains are still the biggest mystery, as no one has ever been able to discover how they are made and why. 

"Furthermore, the Star Watches won't work inside the trail plains, so they might be independent. This is new for us since this sort of information is top secret in the organization. But now that we have achieved this, those old men can't keep secrets. 

"Even if something goes awry now, it no longer concerns us since we kept our end of the deal. Now, let the council deal with the aftermath. I'm not interested in dominating this wretched place anymore. I just want to find that bastard and torture him for my remaining life!" The hatred and madness in her voice were apparent in just how much she wanted vengeance. 

The Star Lord looked at his wife with a hint of concern and sighed in sadness, "Zee, you know you can blame me for what happened with Frugal and Aven. I was the one who let them out. I never discussed it because I was afraid that I might lose you as well. But now I'm afraid I might lose to your vengeance. We still have our lives after we avenge our children. I want you to remember that. If not for me, live for them and keep them alive in your memories." 

The Vice Star Lord looked at the Star Lord deeply and for a long time before her hate-filled eyes suddenly turned moist, and tears started to gush out. 

"I-I *sob* my precious babies! *sob*" She pounced in the giant's arm without saying another word as they were simply too heavy for and all she could do was cry and express her boundless sorrow, which she had been keeping for too long.

The Star Lord hugged her back as his eyes were also misty, "You can cry all you want. I'll always be here for you. Just don't blame yourself. We will avenge our children even if it's the last thing we do!" 


Jacob was moving towards the trial plain with a hint of ecstasy. His early anxiety was completely gone. After he mulled over the destruction of the epic void star server, which has cut off the star network from the epic plains, he thought that the trial plain would also vanish or at least be delayed because of it. 

Although he might get suspected as an accomplice in the destruction of the Void Star Server, he decided to worry about it when the time came, and he had a clear conscience. 

If it was the SAAI, it could easily tell that he was cooped up in the Witch Palace when the attack happened. So, he had nothing to worry about there. 

Furthermore, only three people had bought the white sun missile from him, and he easily ruled out the possibility of the dark city behind this attack since they didn't have any reason to go against the star network. So, the attacker was either the Society Killer or the Star Chaser. He highly suspects the Society Killer. 

So, Jacob threw his worry behind his head and decided to focus on the benefits. If the trial plain were delayed, then this means he would be free to head back and continue his research. 

That's why he was ecstatic about this whole situation and was going toward the supposed location of the trial plain with the hope that it wouldn't be there. 

However, after heading towards the dark beings' territory for half an hour, Jacob's steps came to an abrupt halt when he saw the thick, cloudy mist and frowned deeply. 

"There shouldn't be any mist in this place, right?" He muttered as a bad feeling suddenly aroused in his heart. 

He knew whenever the trial plains descended, a unique pathway was created to enter it. Like the gray land trees in the rare plains were that passage towards the rare trial plain, the Dark Ruins. 

'Don't tell me even that server thing can't stop the descent of the trial plains?' 

Jacob grimaced and having no other choice, he had to move forward, and if he was able to enter the dead plains, then this meant the trial plain was not active yet. But if he's not, then he was ready for the worst, and he also summoned Cursed Immortality!

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