Cursed Immortality

Chapter 462 All Alive Alliance (1)

In a black mask, Lucy was silently sitting in a heated meeting between the ten strongest S-Class mercenaries of the Epic Plains. These mercenaries were not only the strongest S-Class mercenaries, but they also controlled thousands of mercenaries. 

The leader of the Bronze Barbarian Mercenary League's Leader, Wilder, was also present among these ten figures, and his expression was unsightly as he glared at the gray scales menacing  Wind Kobold. He was the leader of the Wind Bringer Mercenary Group, Geko!

Geko was extremely gleeful, looking at Wilder's ugly expression, "Leader Wilder, we are gathered here to discuss who will be the vanguard of our mercenary agency in the upcoming trial plains in three months not to mend your tribe's feud with Scroll Elder Ephraim!" 

"Geko, stay out of my business! I'm just pointing out the Scroll Elder Ephraim's disrespect towards our agency. He publicly berated us, and I think it's time to shoot him down a peg. Even if he's one of the ten chief elders of the alchemy guild, he can't block us from acquiring magic scrolls!" Wilder retorted with a murderous look in his eyes.

In the incident with Jacob, Ephraim nearly died, and since no one was there to blame, he naturally vents his anger on his enemy, Wilder, and the Bronze Barbarian Tribe. 

If before he was blocking the Bronze Barbarian Tribe from acquiring just the magic scroll since he was in control of the magic scroll business, after that incident, he started to block them from acquiring any alchemy items in any way he could. 

Strong and arrogant, the bronze barbarian tribe maybe, but in front of someone like the Scroll Elder Ephraim, who controls a large portion of the alchemy guild's business. They were fighting a lost battle, and now they were on the verge of exploding from all that pressure. 

The alchemy commodities were the lifeline of any living beings, and without them, it was like living in a primitive era. As for solving this matter by killing Ephraim, if only it were that easy. 

As one of the ten chief elders who were just a rank below the vice guild leader and above everyone else, killing or assassinating Ephraim was akin to an all-out war with the entire alchemy guild!

Which would spell nothing but the end of the Bronze Barbarian Tribe since the bank won't stand for them. 

So Wilder now had no choice but to bring this matter here in the hope that Lucy might help him a little despite his last blunder. But Geko's tribe, the Wind Kobold tribe, has been sworn enemies with the Bronze Barbarian tribe for generations now. 

Both tribes hold prominent positions in the Bank region, so they will not stand still to kick each other while they are down, and Geko was doing just that. He wanted the Bronze Barbarian tribe to perish and couldn't be more gleeful about their feud with Ephraim. 

"Leader Wilder, you misspoke just now." An ebony elf with astute blue eyes and graceful bearing coldly spoke. She was not only the leader of Lighting Assassin Den but also the tribe leader of Shadow Elf Tribe, Mildred!

She continued coldly, "There is no 'we' in this but only 'you.' Don't drag the agency into your fight. If you truly want what is best for our agency, go to Scroll Elder and apologize. After all, you guys were the ones who started it because of your crass temper." 

Wilder's expression turned even darker as he glared at Mildred. She has no enmity with him and was just stating it as fact, and it's exactly because of that it strings so much!

A white lion face orc, the leader of the Vlion Mercenary Team, Verlin, with a deep scare over his left eye, also chimed in with a growl, "If you want to talk chivalry, then how about we discuss the war between the Society Killer and Killer Skull Society and how it is damaging the Epic Alive Plains. Furthermore, the likely perpetrator of this war, the Faceless Ancient, has been silent for over a year now. 

"Or how about the King of Dead Onyx, who's pressuring the Alive Epic Plains even more wantonly now that the life zone is about to descend? As we speak, hundreds of lives are being harvested in life crystals. 

"If you're so noble, how about you take your league and go help out the alliance armies? I promise, if you really do it, my Vlion Team will be your number one supporter." 

Wilder's breathing became ridged as he clenched his fist. He couldn't find a word to refute Verlin since his selfishness was now as clear as day. 

At this moment, before anyone else could take a shot at Wilder, a frigid gale of wind suddenly brushed past everyone, and they all were instantly alarmed and looked in one direction in unison. 

Lucy was impassively looking at everyone, and when their focus turned on her, the icy gale vanished. But they all could still feel the chilly killing intent in it. 

She finally spoke, "If you guys are done talking nonsense, shall I proceed with the matter of today's meeting?" 

No one spoke in objection as they all knew their time was over, and from now on, Lucy would be the one talking. 

Lucy continued, "As Leader Geko just mentioned, the trial plain will descend in exactly 93 days. Since everyone knows what's going on in the Alive Epic Plains lately, it would save me the trouble of explaining everything.

"If I remember correctly, for both Senior Nathan and Senior Mack, it is your second time participating in a plain trial, which is extremely rare." 

She glanced at two wizened face pale gray elves as they were both twins and strongest among the top ten. They were the two leaders of the strongest mercenary team, the Twin Sword Golden Team. 

Even Lucy called them Seniors, which clearly represents their worth in the agency. 

Both Nathan and Mack smiled and bowed humbly. 

Lucy didn't react much, "This will also be my second plain trial and probably last before my replacement took my place. As the rule of the bank, we don't have a vice bank manager but only a bank manager. 

"So, you two will be my Chief Commanders in this trial plain, and if you perform well, I'll give you a chance which would only come in once a lifetime."

She then looked at the others, who were looking at her with wide eyes as if they were seeing a ghost. 

Lucy nonchalantly continued with a hint of killing intent, "This offer is not just limited to two seniors. If any one of you performs well, you will be eligible for this chance. Furthermore, if anyone can give me the head of the Faceless Ancient, this opportunity will be yours!

"Now, let me tell you all about the changes this time in All Alive Alliance, which were made considering the variable named Faceless Ancient. Because you might not be aware of the fact that he was the champion of this time's rare trail plains, and he had done it in a record-breaking time!"

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