Cursed Immortality

Chapter 448 The Death Maze (1)

Chapter 448 The Death Maze (1)

Jacob was astounded when Immortika introduced the Whammy Poison to him and asked, "How can you mix curse with poison? I mean, do you simply mix hex mana with poison?"

"Hehehe… I've told you what I could. The rest is up to you to figure out." Immortika directly excused itself and left Jacob hanging like usual after revealing a small part of a complex puzzle to him.

Nonetheless, Jacob didn't seem flustered because now he knew about the Whammy Poison, 'Had that Witch been an Evil Poison Lord? If I can get her inheritance, I'll know for sure.'

Motivated more than ever, he wandered in the mist as he tried to find the exit. If it were anyone else, they would've already started to get affected by the Basic Epic Grade Whammy Poison.

But Jacob quickly got used to it as that disgusting feeling slowly faded away, and now he could faintly feel the hex mana mixed within this poisonous mist. Furthermore, now he could vaguely see two meters around himself, unlike before.

'If I can use my mana like this, I don't even need to lift a finger…' Jacob thought with a hint of excitement, 'It was indeed a wise decision to come here, and all that risk was worth it…'

After more than one hour, Jacob finally reached his destination. It was a red door and also the source of that whammy poison mist. The moment he put his hand on it to open it, with a faint click, it was slowly pushed back, revealing a dark opening behind.

Jacob slowly walked out, and the red door behind him automatically closed.

The next moment, the static voice sounded.

"Congratulations, Faery Human, for passing the entrance checkpoint!

"You may speak your name to be recorded in the Witch Palace database.

"You have earned 20 Sacrifice Points!"

Jacob coolly stated, "The name is Viper."

"Faery Human, Viper has been successfully recorded in the database. Good luck with your exploration!"

Jacob merely scoffed as he looked around. He was standing between walls 10 meters away from each other, and there was a cross passage five meters ahead of him.

'Let's see where I am…' Jacob took out the map and found the sacrifice checkpoint marker on it, and it was quite easy to find his location, for there was only one sacrifice point at the entrance.

Thereby, Jacob begins to walk as he selects the first Inheritor Checkpoint closest to him. He was going directly after the five inheritor checkpoints. Since they weren't mentioned by the AI, they should be hidden pieces and a quick way to end this death maze.

However, as Jacob moved closer to the first inheritor checkpoint, a strange, uneasy feeling started to grip his heart which he couldn't describe.

"Is there any living being ahead of us?" He looked at Immortika as he questioned since there were only a few minutes left before the cursed book would be forcibly unsummoned. He was then going to wait for 24 hours before moving forward again.

"Hehehehe… I don't know about the living, but I sure can sense lots of dead crawling in this place. What an interesting place this is, how entertaining!" Immortika wrote with relish.

However, Jacob's expression went rigid when he heard 'dead' because he could easily guess what it meant, "There are dark beings here?!"

Just as he questioned, he sensed something moving under his feet, and the next moment, he kicked off the ground, jumping away from his spot.

The next moment, where Jacob stood a moment ago, a gray bone hand appeared, grabbing the air. Since it seemed to have missed its target, it retracted its hand underground before it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

However, Jacob could feel faint tremors under his feet, and it was not just one dark being; there were too many!

"What the hell is going on? That bitch was crazy!" Jacob cussed the Vile Witch since he didn't even imagine that someone would be crazy enough to use the Dark Beings as guard dogs of her inheritance ground.

He started to understand why she was called Vile Witch. She was really a vile lunatic, and getting rid of her seemed to be the correct option. Or who knows what sort of schemes she had been hatching with the Dark Beings.

But Jacob had to admit her method of using the Dark Beings instead of living to test the participants was a cost-effective method. Not only the Dark Being don't need to eat, they can live for ridiculously long.

Not to mention, they would go crazy for any living being if they hadn't tasted life force for years. Just like right now!

"Hehehehe, they are all epic rank dark begins, the Crawling Earth Skeletons, and they are quite annoying to kill since they won't come out of the ground easily and can sense your movement on earth in a one-mile radius.

"And they are just starters. This entire place is teeming with Dark Beings of Epic Rank. But if you look at the bright side, if you can kill all of them in here, you might be able to increase your Hex Mana Core Rank to Epic.

"How wonderful, don't you think…heheheehe…" Immortika wrote with wanton laughter.

Jacob's expression soured and turned pale because if there were enough Epic Rank dark beings here to increase his magic core rank to epic, then it meant there were at least 100,000 Epic Rank Dark Beings here.

Even if he was strong and confident in hunting lower tier epic rank dark beings, this many were not something he could take on, especially if they all came at once.

At this moment, Jacob felt even more tremor, and his expression turned ashen, 'Just how many are coming… I need to find that checkpoint!'

Without hesitation, Jacob fled toward the inheritor checkpoint while avoiding those bone hands one after another as they tried to catch him. He knew if he was stopped, things would turn nasty too fast, and he had no intention of finding out if he could take on hundreds of dark beings at once!

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