Chapter 164

164 The Way to SuiLian

“Hehe, please forgive us, Your Majesty, we also didn’t know about it” Bi replied, Yan nodded too.

“Yes Your Majesty, our furthest journey is only to LiuYang, we barely know about other city.”

BaiYing tied his cloth bag, thinking hard, he then sat down because of a bit tired filling his bag until it was full.

“Ehm, it’s said that it was at west of YueYang, meaning at the border of the most west parts city, um, it’s quite far, if I’m not mistaken, according to Mr. Shin, it passed around five big cities, two valleys, one mountain, um, a river too, owh, it’s quite far, it turns out that young master ChenMing is indeed very great, he was able to arrive at SanPo safely, it’s no wonder that His Majesty is suspicious of him”

Bi looked at Yan, then looked at BaiYing.

“Are Your Majesty sure you want to go there? What if His Highness the Crown Prince gets angry if His Majesty goes there alone, after all, the journey must be very dangerous,” said Bi.

BaiYing thought, what was he dreaming of? With his condition, and have no martial arts skills at all, he must have been repulsed when he just arrived in front of the big city gates of Sanpo, let alone passing through other cities, also rivers, not to mention forests, he could die silly, but, no matter what the risk he must go to SuiLian, according to ChenMing, chances are, his great-grandmother was there, if only he could meet her, he’s ready to die if he has too, BaiYing sat frowning while looking at the coin hanging around his neck, there was a message from his mother for her family, including for her grandmother, at least, he could convey the message to her.

“But, Princess aYa might be able to help, she has very great martial arts,” said Yan, she couldn’t bear to see BaiYing’s frowning face, hearing that BaiYing raised his head, his eyes opened wide.

“That’s right, why didn’t I think of it before, but, what makes Princess aYa want to accompany me there? What does that have to do with her, she has no advantage at all.”


Yan and Bi glanced at each other again.

“Hehe, Your Majesty, Princess aYa, love Your Majesty to death, we think wherever Your Majesty goes, she will definitely be so happy to accompany you,” Yan said, Bi agreed.

“Yeah that’s right, everybody knows very clearly that Princess aYa will do anything for Your Majesty”

BaiYing pulled his lips, but that’s it means to use people for his own matter.

“Heh, you guys, even so Ying’er doesn’t want to bother her either, let’s me think about it first” BaiYing’s voice was sluggish, previously from the very excited became lethargic, propping his chin on the table.

While everyone was thinking, suddenly a loud voice came from outside the room,


Making the three of them turn their heads, BaiYing glanced at his maids.

“What’s that sound?” BaiYing asked,

Yan and Bi shrugged their shoulders, most of the servants in the pavilion at this hour were already asleep, there were only two guards guarding the front gate and two more at the front door of the house, Yan opened the door to peek a little where the voice came from, her eyes blinked looking around, but found no movement, until suddenly.

“Whosshhh!” loud wind sound

“Prakkk!” slammed the door and immediately pushed Yan’s and Bi’s bodies who were standing closest to the door, BaiYing’s eyes widened when he saw his maids float up very lightly, so fast that he didn’t see the two of them fall to the floor hard, BaiYing was just about to turn his head to see what was making the sudden damage and crashing into his room until a rather loud clapping sound hit his chest.


And suddenly there was no more sound, in a very short time the place becomes so quiet and leave no sound other than the wind, which also slowly disappeared along with the chairs and tables which were badly damaged after being hit by the two poor maids who were now lying motionless on the floor, and, BaiYing was no longer visible in the room.


The sun wasn’t even fully lit yet, as the entire Crown Prince palace was shocked by the damage of Concubine Hua’s room in the pavilion and especially BaiYing’s disappearance from his room, an anxious LuoXiang already dressed up in his golden armor, ready in the front courtyard of the West Dragon Palace to rush out of the palace, where according to the bodyguards, there’s a suspicious train escaping from the guard at the city gate of SanPo.

BeiYau who was also ready with his golden armor approached.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Shin’s whereabouts are also unknown, since last night no one has seen him in his room” reported the guard, LuoXiang was ready to ride on his big white horse, he pulled the reins towards the gate, he was very angry and be cheated in front of his eyes, but in the same time, he was very anxious, thinking that BaiYing might be in a very dangerous situation right now.

“Impossible, how can a palace with this tight of guards still can be pass? what about ChenMing?” LuoXiang asked.

“Young master ChenMing is still in his room, I have sent some trained guards to watch over him”

LuoXiang stomped on the reins of his horse.

“Come on Bei, don’t waste time, we have to catch the carriage.”

But before LuoXiang could leave, a scream from the palace stopped him.

“Your Majesty, wait! I can help locate BaiYing’s whereabouts!” exclaimed ChenMing who was already standing in the middle of the field, LuoXiang pulled the reins of his horse to stop his pace, he just realized, ChenMing has a Tracking coin in his hand, why didn’t he think about it before? And the young man was right to show his coin held high above his head, he was almost late, thought ChenMing who was panting because he had run so hastily earlier.


thump thump thump.

The guard’s footsteps entered the Eagle Pavilion room, immediately dropping to his knees in front of LuoXiang who was getting ready with his clothes.

“Report Your Majesty, the dungeon was broken last night, the prisoner is no longer in his place,” the little guard reported.

LuoXiang turned his head, then looked at BeiYau, he hadn’t thought of going there before.

“That person again, after all this time I was so stupid not to think that that person might still have many accomplices in this palace, that impertinent” LuoXiang clenched his fists, smacking to the table that even hadn’t been touched but broken by the pressure of his inner strength, ChenMing soon appeared.

“They are on the west side of the city, we have to hurry because they seem to be constantly moving,” ChenMing said.

LuoXiang looked at Bei.

“Bei, prepare some of your formidable men, we will get YingYing back no matter what”

BeiYau nodded.

“Ready Your Majesty”


Shack shack shack.

A shuffling sound on the ground, like someone, was dragging something.

His head was facing downwards, with all his long hair falling down just like that, slowly the noise around becomes clear, then felt an excruciating pain in his head, until his eyes were drooping, upside down, all the scenery was upside down, no, he’s the one who was upside down, like someone carried him on his back, slowly everything became clearer, his hands were tied in front, the distance from the ground that continued to move was a bit far from him, so, whoever was carrying him at this time that person must be very tall.

The shuffling sound, the man was also carrying a fairly large tree trunk in his other hand, dragging it across the dusty ground, until, before long they stopped as if entering a house.

“Put him down here.”

Someone’s voice, a woman, he seemed to recognize the voice.

Roughly, that person threw BaiYing’s limp body onto a pile of dry hay, don’t know what happened, but this must be really bad.

“He” the voice smirked, BaiYing turned his head, this headache seemed to kill him, making the sound around him buzz, but he recognized that voice, and that face, the face of a petite young woman who was already standing in front of him.

“Wow, our handsome prince wakes up already, that’s great, I thought my pills would last at least two days, but, not half a day this handsome prince has come to his senses” YeMu, who lowered his body in front of BaiYing holding his chin up, BaiYing tried to break loose, what did the girl do? Why tie his hands and feet together? And this place? Why bring him to this place? And, that person, BaiYing pulled his leg when the big tall person resembling a giant with an ugly face was about to approach him, his eyes looked at BaiYing as if he was delicious food.

“Pretty pretty, want to! I want to!” TaPo, the giant man who was locked up in the dungeon all this time, the man was about to touch BaiYing’s cheek, and the dirty hands with rotten faces and stinky mouths approached BaiYing as if to kiss him.

“So beautiful”

BaiYing raised his hand trying to restrain the face of the man who was getting closer to him.

“No! don’t come any closer!”


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