Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 99 - 99: Like Father, Like Son!_l

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Like Father, Like Son!_l

Translator: 549690339

Fang Mu, not having ventured out for a trek or a wilderness adventure, didn’t prepare any food in his spatial spirit tool.

The gradually intensifying feeling of hunger in his stomach forced Fang Mu to immediately head to a small noodle shop that was just over a thousand meters away from the old factory.

The location of this noodle shop was not great and there were not many people who came to eat every day.

But in Fang Mu’s eyes, it was undeniably a treasure trove.

He basically had his breakfast in this shop every morning.

Since the business was not that booming, the noodle shop usually stayed open till after ten at night to earn more money.

The old granny in the shop, who was peeling garlic, saw Fang Mu and immediately smiled and said,

“You haven’t eaten so late! What would you like to eat?”

“The old man just made some noodles, they taste best fresh out!”

Fang Mu usually had one bowl of noodles.

Whether it was braised noodles, fried noodles or chilli oil noodles, he was full after eating just one bowl.

Sometimes, because he was a regular customer, the boss would give him extra noodles, which Fang Mu would have to leave behind.

But today’s sensation of hunger made Fang Mu order a serving of sausage fried noodles and a serving of black bean sauce noodles.

Seeing Fang Mu ordering two bowls at once, the old granny didn’t ask any more questions.

The elderly hand handed two peeled garlic cloves to Fang Mu and said,

“Black bean sauce noodles topped with garlic are the best! You wait over there for a moment.

“I just made a big pot of sour plum soup this afternoon, planning to send it over to my grandson tomorrow.”

“I’ll serve you a bowl in a while.”

Although small shops in old alleys, like this one, couldn’t compare to high-end restaurants like Sea Banquet Palace in terms of environment, service and food, They have a kind of irresistible warmth and charm.

While Fang Mu was waiting for these two servings of noodles, his hunger gradually became stronger.

This progressive hunger made Fang Mu develop the idea of chewing the table into pieces and swallowing it.

Fang Mu was not a fool, although at first he was very confused as to why he suddenly felt hungry.

But on the way, Fang Mu was already sure that the hunger in his stomach was definitely related to the quality upgrade of the Blood of Abundance.

In his previous life, Fang Mu had a problem of low blood sugar because he was always forgetting to eat when doing academic research.

The hunger he felt now was more than five times as strong as when he had low blood sugar.

This kind of pathological hunger could not possibly be a natural feedback from the body.

The Blood of Abundance has now reached Elite quality, and only needs to upgrade one more level to attain Perfect Quality.

The Blood of Abundance can then gain its first exclusive characteristic.

Fang Mu was very much looking forward to what the exclusive characteristic of the Blood of Abundance would be after it was upgraded to Perfect Quality.

Previously, Fang Mu had been using inhalation to deal with the corpses of bloodline newborns, acquiring blood crystals.

The speed of the Blood of Abundance’s upgrade from the blood crystals was slow.

Now he knew that the heart of a high-level blood tribe significantly enhanced the quality of the Blood of Abundance.

Compared to solely cleaning up bloodline newborns all day as a “scavenger”, finding the heart of a high-ranked blood tribe was undoubtedly more beneficial to him.

Firstly, cleaning up the bodies of bloodline newborns that others are reluctant to deal with is too conspicuous.

Secondly, if Fang Mu spent all his time dealing with the corpses of bloodline newborns, he would not be able to obtain other types of poison crystals.

Also, the efficiency of condensing life crystals by devouring the bodies of bloodline newborns was slower than that by dealing with other types of alien beast corpses.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu took out his phone and sent a message to Feng Lin over the communication software.

[Fang Mu]: Aunt Fang, my master wants a batch of hearts from high-ranked blood clan, do you have any resources?

Just as Fang Mu sent the message to Feng Lin, the shopkeeper came over with a large tray.

The delicious scent of sausage fried noodles and black bean sauce noodles made Fang Mu’s hunger reach its peak in an instant.

Fang Mu immediately picked up his chopsticks and started to wolf down the food.

Seeing this, the old granny smiled and said,

“Eat slowly, don’t choke!”

“Apart from this bowl of sour plum soup, also try this pickled radish I made!”

Fang Mu quickly finished the sausage fried noodles, but the feeling of hunger in his stomach didn’t seem to have alleviated much.

Only after the second bowl of fried sauce noodles was finished did Fang Mu feel a slight sense of fullness in his stomach.

Fang Mu did not choose to order more noodles in the noodle shop.

Instead, he paid and hailed a six-hoofed yak car, heading to the local branch of the Beastmaster Alliance.

The Beastmaster Alliance had a plethora of different tasks.

Some demanded for Guardian Beasts, some hired Beastmasters to transport goods, and many advertisements for adventure groups recruiting Beastmasters were posted.

The Beastmaster Alliance had lots of operations, including specialists that sold vacuum-sealed nutrition meals.

An adventure group’s expedition could last as short as half a month or as long as over half a year.

There are definitely no restaurants in the wild for adventurers to order from freely.

Furthermore, wilderness adventures require high physical demands, making the carefully prepared nutrition meals by nutritionists highly sought after.

Fang Mu had too many secrets, and as much as possible, he did not want to stand out as being too special.

If he were to consume ten or twenty bowls of noodles in the restaurant, he might just scare the living daylight out of the elderly couple running the place!

Hence, the most suitable choice for Fang Mu were the nutrition meals sold by the nutritionist within the Beastmaster Alliance.

Fang Mu’s Sequential Spiritual Instrument the Purple Ice Crystal Ring had two football field sized spaces, which could be used for storage.

The nutrition meals, after special treatment, had a shelf life of over two years.

Fang Mu was unsure if this state of hunger would continue to persist.

Preferably, Fang Mu directly bought a thousand nutrition meals and stored them in his Purple Ice Crystal Ring.

With that, Fang Mu could deal with his meals anytime, anywhere.

Large clubs and adventure groups had the habit of buying nutrition meals in large quantities.

The thousand nutrition meals purchased by Fang Mu were negligible compared to those larger clubs and adventure groups.

Suppressing his hunger, Fang Mu returned to his plant and joined XiaoXiao, taking out nutrition meals and starting to eat heartily.

He paid no attention to the messy surroundings.

Usually, one nutrition meal was enough for an adult male after high-intensity physical exertion!

However, Fang Mu had to consume a whopping seventeen portions before he felt full.

XiaoXiao had almost completely refined the venom sac of the Black Nightmare Snake, but Fool’s Shadow had only absorbed about one third of the Shadow Eye


After Fool’s Shadow absorbed about one third of the Shadow Eye Stone, it not only didn’t change.

But its aura even became much more restrained than before.

Fang Mu surreptitiously nodded, this fits with the abilities of Fool’s Shadow!

While waiting, Fang Mu started his usual blood donation.

During the process of blood donation, Fang Mu instantly noticed his own changes.

Previously, injecting 1500 milliliters of blood into the Blood of Abundance was already at his limit.

Starting from 800 milliliters, Fang Mu could distinctly feel weak.

But now, after injecting 1200 milliliters of fresh blood, only then did Fang Mu start to feel the sensation of weakness.

This instantly reminded Fang Mu of his increased appetite.

Fang Mu reckoned tnat tms situation was not because tne volume ot b100d m his body had increased.

Instead, it was his body’s blood production abilities that had improved.

As expected after conducting several tests, Fang Mu found that only after injecting 2200 milliliters of blood into the Blood of Abundance.

Did he feel the same feelings as when he had injected 1500 milliliters of blood before.

Fang Mu knew that this was feedback for his body from the improvements in the quality of the Blood of Abundance.

An enhancement of the ability to produce blood naturally accompanies the spending of energy.

And Fang Mu needs to obtain energy from external sources through eating.

He suspects that he will become a big eater from now on!

And, as the level and quality of the Blood of Abundance continue to rise, his appetite will increase further.

Thinking about this, Fang Mu watched XiaoXiao in the midst of eating and drinking heartily from the rubbish pile and suddenly a saying came to mind.

Like father, like son!

XiaoXiao was a Guardian Beast that he created through Covenant Blood Essence, isn’t it equivalent to being his son then!

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