Corrupt Creations

Chapter 222 - Lan Xue

A petite woman slowly walked inside the meeting hall. She had a dark blue hair, cascading all the way down to her buttocks border, giving her a very jovial but refined appearance. If one were to look at her, he could swear she was a sixteen years old lady; however, everyone knew she was way older than that, but still younger than any of the other Palace Masters.

The thing is... She attained a very high realm of power when she was still really young. The Glazed Lake Sect inheritance bloodline, flowed in high quantities through her veins, since her compatibility with it was really good. Because of that, she retained an "eternal" sixteen years old body, very petite and very graceful.

However, if one were to ask her if she liked her cute and graceful appearance, she would certainly say she hated it. Growing amidst tens of thousands of women that developed really thick and bountiful bodies, while she still remained young, left a deep mark in her heart.

However, in terms cuteness and looks, she was above everyone else and only below one single person inside the sect. That person was the Lake Goddess.

Lan Xue could've been even more cute, if her expresison wasn't always so serious. None of the other Palace Master have seen her smile before.

This Twelfth Palace Master was more like a mascot of their group and everyone had the urge to dote on her whenever they saw her. But none of them dared to do that. Not only because of her status, but also because of her strength. She was a solid Profound Mana peak-stage Realm cultivator, a monster among monsters.

The only people stronger than her, were those leaders of the Higher Grounds, or people like the Elf Queen and Velgor.

As she arrived at the meeting hall, Eleventh Palace Master Yushui lightly bowed to greet her.

"Welcome Twelfth Palace Master Lan Xue."

"Palace Master Yushui, I heard that you have something important to tell us. Now that everyone is present, you can start telling us what it is."

Lan Xue walked towards the main seat, since she was the strongest one present. If the Lake Goddess was here, she would sit somewhere else. But at her absence, Lan Xue had the rights to conduct the meeting. Her words and decisions would have the weight of the final verdict too. This was a rule everyone respected.

"Since everyone is present, I will start. First of all, I have to tell you all, that I broke one of the Sect rules. Not only I broke one of those rules, but the rule that I broke was, that I invited a man to visit the sect."

Everyone but the Hua Sisters got shocked. But even though the sisters were not shocked, since they saw that man she was talking about, they wanted to know why she had done that.

"You... What?!" Tenth Palace Master Shanhu stood up, unable to accept what she had just heard.

Yushui ignored Shanhu's overreaction and continued: "I decided to do it on my own and I just want you to hear me out for a bit. If you consider it as being a huge error on my part, I am ready to be punished accordingly."

The way Palace Master Yushi said that, showed the others, a certain conviction she had that they would understand her point in the end.

"No... You actually broke one of our most important rules, committing a taboo that is un..." Shanhu was intensifying Yushui's erroneous attitude, when suddenly, someone interrupted her speech.

"Stop. I want to hear what Palace Master Yushui has to say first." Lan Xue said in a normal voice. She wanted to understand why Palace Master Yushui had done that, since she knew Yushui valued the Sect as much as any of them and would never dare to do something that could violate the rules, if it wouldn't help them even more in the end.

"Thank you, Palace Master Lan Xue." Yushui thanked her and prepared her next words.

Palace Master Shanhu had to swallow her next words back and sit down to listen everything.

"The man I brought here, is a very special individual. He is a person from the younger generation, but the mysteries around him are so numerous, that I can't even begin to count. However, what really matters, is this thing here."

While saying, she took a Glazed Stone out from her spatial ring. Glazed Stones, were very special stones generated in a very special palace inside their sect grounds. Those stones were able to store images and scenes inside, making them repayable and enabling them to be shown to other people later.

She injected her Mana inside the Glazed Stone and the scenes contained inside it, started to play before their eyes. First, the scenes playing showed everyone how a particular young male at the Mana Control Realm, was able to fight a huge and powerful golem that was a Profound Mana Realm initial-stage beast.

That scene alone brought shock and amazement to everyone that was watching. Seth was too young to have the power he had and not only content with that, he was actually able to fight a Profound Mana beast. The Hua Sisters couldn't believe it. Now Hua Qing knew there was not a single chance of her winning against him.

The scenes quickly changed, jumping to a very particular scene that happened between Seth and Palace Master Yushui.




The young man arrived before palace Master Yushui while she was sitting with her legs crossed. She had her eyes closed and was trying to concentrate in not letting the poison spread inside her body, but it was a really hard thing to do.

He was about to approach her, but she opened her eyes and released a bit of her aura to stop him from doing so. But when she did it, the poison inside her body flared and started to spread again.

"Cough! Cough!"

After hearing her coughs, the man closed his eyes and remained silent for some time. But suddenly, he extended his hands towards her and a few seconds later, the green poison spreading inside her whole body suddenly started to vanish. It happened so quickly, that Palace Master Yushui didn't even know how to react.

"What did you just do?"

He smiled and replied: "Nothing, just what I needed to do."

After that, he grabbed Caizhi's hand and left.

"Wai..." The Palace Master was about to inquire again, but her body was still weak, despite not having to fight against that poison anymore.




The Glazed Stone stopped showing the images, since it had already done what was necessary.

Palace Master Yushui saw how none of the Palace Masters were able to understand or believe on what happened, but had to, since those scenes were real.

"He easily purified the poison, just like he was a master on that topic. That's why I brought him here."

Lan Xue remained composed, even though she felt as amazed as the others. She looked towards Palace master Yushui and asked: "Where do you want to get with that?"

"I want him to heal the Lake Mother."

After she said that, everyone stood silent.

The Lake Mother was none other than the oldest human still living inside the Sect. Everyone present considered her as their ancestor, someone that should be respected and revered. The Lake Mother was the Glazed Lake Sect Master some twenty years ago. Her actual age was past the thousand years and she was a solid Mana Sovereign cultivator.

However, she was in no good state and needed urgent treatment. But since she was the most important ancestor, there was no room for taking any risks. If anything happened with her, it would be a major loss to the Glazed Lake Sect.

"So... So, you want him to treat the Lake Mother?" Lan Xue asked mildly.


"You're crazy! We cannot trust a male and a male from the younger generation at that!" Shanhu started to oppose the idea, but not only because she didn't like Yushui, but because of the risks of taking that strategy.

"Shanhu is right! This is too risky!" The Seventh Palace Master started to support her friend, opposing the idea as well.

"No! It could actually work! Didn't you see how easily he expelled he poison from Yushui's body?" Hua Jing started to take Palace Master Yushui's side.

The Hua Sisters took Yushui's side, discussing with the others about the whole scenario. At some point in time, they had already forgotten Yushui had broken a rule after bringging a male to their Sect Grounds, only discussing about that major topic.

The only person that didn't state her opinion, was the Twelfth Palace Master Lan Xue. She had her eyes closed throughout the whole process, only hearing everyone's thoughts. However, the most intense discussion, was actually happening internally inside her head.

This meeting would easily take the entire night, before they could reach a conclusion.. But while that was happening, inside the Eleventh Palace, something intense was about to take place as well.

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