Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 307: It came.

Chapter 307: It came.

After the previous day's confessions, Jen had started her day in a relatively good mood. She didn't have to spend so much time waking Lucas up anymore. It was as if he suddenly snapped out of that phase. She didn't know that it was because he had felt guilty for making her wake up so early just so she could make sure he goes to work in time.

He still hated waking up early in the morning the most but he couldn't force this activity on her, he was the one that had to go to work and the fact that she would wake up early to make him breakfast made him happy enough. He wouldn't mind even if she stopped, but his stomach would probably protest if he started skipping breakfast.

Jen had gone back to bed after accompanying Lucas to breakfast as she was feeling exhausted for some reason, she just thought it was because she had slept late the previous day so she just wanted to get a few extra hours of shuteye.

As she was still sleeping, her eyebrows furrowed, and the urge to sneeze came over her. The moment she sneezed her eyes snapped open, and she jumped out of the bed like an acrobat and ran to the bathroom to use the toilet. She looked at the tiled bathroom floors with a complicated gaze before groaning partly in frustration and partly in relief.

Her periods finally started, but why did she feel disappointed? Was she hoping that maybe she would be pregnant? The moment that thought came, she shook her head as if her actions would make her thoughts dissipate.

She cleaned up after herself before going to the bathroom to take another shower. She wondered whether Lucas would feel relieved or disappointed when he learned that she wasn't pregnant while she was washing her hair.

She paused her actions and laughed at herself. What was wrong with her? She was the one who kept whining that she wasn't ready to have kids and wasn't planning to have children at this point in her life. Why did she feel so disappointed then?

Jen finished showering and went to her room to get dressed before she went to check the sheets. She sighed in relief when she saw that the white sheets were not stained. She felt that she should pat herself in the back for her quick reaction speed.

When she checked the time, she saw that she still had two hours before classes started. She went to collect her things in the living room and made herself a packed lunch before checking the time once more.

Jen left the house even though she still had a few minutes. After double-checking for an umbrella and a warm jacket, she finally left the penthouse. She drove to campus while on autopilot because she was just lost in thought. She only came back to her senses after she parked her car at the school's parking lot.

Jen gave a long sigh and leaned her head on the steering wheel. She was wondering if she could focus in class today or if it would be the same situation as yesterday. She got out of her car with the large purse she was carrying and walked towards her faculty building.

It was not surprising that she was the first person to arrive in her class. She went to her normal seat and took out her laptop and put in some earphones. She planned to distract herself for the one hour so that once class started, she could focus.

Just like that, she wasted away an entire hour. When she felt someone sit next to her she took off her earphones because she knew it was Michael.

"Hi Jen," Michael said when he noticed that she took off her earphones.

"Hi," Jen said and tried to smile but it came out looking off. Michael frowned a bit in confusion as he studied her face. Hadn't she sorted out her issues the previous day? How is it that she looked worse than she was yesterday?

"Are you alright?" Michael asked as he took out his books from his bag.

"I'm fine, I'm just not feeling too well today," Jen said with a sigh as she closed her laptop and put it back in its bag.

Michael looked at her for longer but wasn't sure of what he should say, so he just kept quiet. It was better than if he ended up saying something wrong. It wasn't long before the lecturer walked into the class and everyone's focus was on the lecture.

Besides the discomfort she was experiencing, Jen was not in a daze during the lecture like she was the previous day and the two hours passed quickly. Michael packed up his things quickly as he had a lot of work that he hadn't been able to complete the previous day because he was pretty much kicked out of the office.

"How is your reading going?" Michael asked Jen after he finished packing up his things.

"It's okay," Jen said in a high-pitched voice.

"Don't hesitate to ask if you need help. I'll be joining you in the library next month. Mr Lucas said that I still have to study for my exams even if I can handle both school and his internship simultaneously," Michael said with a small pout.

Jen's mood improved greatly when she heard Michael refer to Lucas as Mr Lucas. She knew how much he did not enjoy being addressed that way, and Michael was the only one who ignored it. How could he call his boss brother? He didn't want to be addressed as Mr Lewis because of his father, then he should settle for Mr Lucas. He did not have the guts to call him directly by name, and he didn't think it was appropriate to call Lucas brother.

"You're cute, I look forward to having my study partner returned to me," Jen said with a genuine smile. Michael nodded and said his goodbyes before rushing out of the lecture hall, completely unaware that he had changed Jen's mood.

It wasn't long before Jen also walked out of the lecture hall and went to the cafeteria. She had had nothing during breakfast, that's why she packed lunch for herself. Otherwise, she would start to feel nauseous halfway through her day.


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