Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 140:

Chapter 140:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Update twice a week [SUN] & [THURS] starting August 2024!

While it’s true that there’s overtime pay, it’s not so much that she’d endure the bothersome overtime. She didn’t want to do this even if they gave her an S-class weapon.

“But there are two other L-classes beside me. If Seong Jarim is an exception, then Kang Sejun-!”

“But you’ve dramatically grown from F-class to L-class, and you’re the one who made a name as the biggest contributor to the Labyrinth Dungeon. Plus, you’re the only civil servant.” Song Hanna patted Seora’s shoulder. “Endure it.”

Seora clearly saw Song Hanna’s trembling lips. She seemed to be saying that this was a calamity she brought upon herself. Song Hanna’s inner thoughts involuntarily reached Seora’s ears.

In the end, Seora thumped her head on the table.


The association-sponsored training was not mandatory. It was conducted only for applicants among those who awakened during the past year. However, since it was education conducted in collaboration with the top 5 guilds in the country, most people participated because if they showed remarkable results, they could receive scouting opportunities. Above all, if a Hunter who had not received an education committed a crime during a mission, they faced heavier punishment. Therefore, it was almost taken for granted that one would receive training upon awakening.

This year, there were a total of about seven hundred participants. Since the number of participants was so large, the education was planned to be divided between the management office and the support office.

About three hundred Hunters participated in the theory class held on the first day in the management office.

“Today, I, Do Junyeong, the director of the association’s management office, will be in charge of theory education. Nice to meet you.”

Even though he was known as an A-class Hunter, Do Junyeong appeared most often in front of the camera as the representative of the association, so new Hunters should find him familiar. Naturally, the attention should have been on him.

‘Why is everyone looking at me? The one in charge of the education is Director Do.’

The gaze of around three hundred hopeful, youthful eyes was directed at Seora, who was sitting in a large lecture hall’s auxiliary seat. It was truly overwhelming and uncomfortable.

“I’m Yun Seora from the management office. I am here to assist with the education, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask Director Do.” She promptly passed the burden to Do Junyeong, but the eager gazes seemed glued to her. Even Do Junyeong, who noticed this, chuckled softly. Seora felt betrayed.

“The training will be conducted over a total of three days. The first day will focus on theory, and on the second and third days, you will enter the dungeons for practical training. We will form teams with a small number of participants to ensure that no major issues arise during the practice. Each team will visit and observe the strategies of the Clear Blue and Sunset guilds. Any questions?”

Sunset Guild was known as the most aggressive among the top 5 guilds, while Clear Blue Guild was recognized for its systematic approach. The Hunters were visibly excited.

“Now, let me explain the most important aspect of a Hunter’s life, the Awakened Punishment Law. All Hunters in the country are required to learn the provisions of the punishment law from the moment they awaken.”

Educating about legal provisions could be tedious, but Do Junyeong seamlessly integrated real cases to make the training engaging, ensuring that the new Hunters remained attentive and participated.

Seora had also learned about this during her initial entry into the association, but hearing it again brought back nostalgic memories.

“Regular courts do not decide the punishment for Awakened individuals; the association president leads it. Of course, decisions are made according to the law without any arbitrary judgments. If it’s revealed that a personal punishment was given, the association president must resign from their position.”

Seora nodded at Do Junyeong’s explanation. If there weren’t such restrictions, Park Jinyong would have likely met his end at Song Hanna’s hands.

“I have a question. Given that the president seems to have considerable authority, considering they make decisions up to the punishment, it appears they are not heavily involved in dungeon strategies. Is there a reason for this?”

“The primary role of the association president is to protect the nation’s territory rather than making criminal judgments. Therefore, unless it’s a serious situation, they don’t leave the association. I’ll use the successful strategy for the Cheorwon Dungeon a while ago as an example.”

Some of the new Hunters in the room turned their gaze toward Seora.

“The Cheorwon Dungeon, which had been locked with a Lock, was a place where a terrible incident occurred in the past, but there was no guarantee that it would open. What if the association went there and a significant problem occurred in another area? What if a dungeon even worse than the Cheorwon Dungeon was opened?”

Ah… The faces of the new Hunters turned pale just thinking about it as if it was a dreadful thought.

“The reason the president holds their position is precisely for this. Think of it as the last stronghold. The association president must always be prepared for the worst-case scenarios.”

The new Hunters nodded as if they understood. It was natural for them not to know about this since it wasn’t covered in the media.

“Now, let me explain the dungeon strategy process.”

The theoretical education continued. Perhaps due to their desire to live and thrive as Hunters for a long time, there was not a single person who listened with indifference throughout the education, even though there were a few who dozed off occasionally.

Moreover, the content was vital for their survival and growth, so they opened their ears wide, determined not to miss a single word.

The education finally ended at five in the afternoon. As the instructor asked for any final questions, one of the Hunters cautiously raised their hand.

“I’m D-class Hunter Yu Jihyeok. Can I ask a question to Hunter Yun Seora?”

All eyes immediately turned toward Seora. Seeing Do Junyeong nodding in approval, Seora responded, “Yes, please go ahead.”

If he had asked about Headbang, she would have declined, but since he called her by name, she would oblige.

“Can lower-classed Hunters survive well?” Yu Jihyeok’s question made the faces of those in D-class and below, especially E-class and F-class Hunters, turn serious. D-class, if lucky, could get into a guild, but E-class and F-class Hunters were constantly overlooked wherever they went. Their survival was difficult due to their weak strength.

That’s why Seora, who had grown from F-class to L-class, was a subject of envy and admiration for them. Her luck was desirable, and her survival was their hope.

“It’s a well-known fact, but I was originally an F-class Hunter,” Seora said, capturing everyone’s attention with her deliberate words.

“Even after awakening, my abilities were close to that of an average person, so living as a Hunter was a real challenge. In reality, even after entering the association, I faced the risk of death several times. If luck hadn’t been on my side, I might not have made it.”

Do Junyeong, who had been listening silently, looked grim. If not for the miracle that happened in the Werewolf’s Dungeon, Seora would have died. Only he knew that fact in this room.

“Let me be honest. For Awakened individuals in the lower ranks, being active as a Hunter in this kind of world is truly a challenge. The survival rate is very low. You’ll feel it when you enter the dungeon for practice.”


“But remember, your rank isn’t everything. Some F-classes survive till the end, and some S-classes leave this world at a very young age. The world you’ll be living in is like that.”

Seora, who had lived as a weaker F-class compared to others, had a mother who was the first S-class in the country, but she awakened and died within less than a year. Because it was something she had personally experienced, her words deeply resonated with everyone. It wasn’t just something she said, but something she had lived through.

“Don’t judge everything based solely on your rank. There’s nothing more foolish than that.”

“Yes…!” Yu Jihyeok, who had asked the question, nodded vigorously. His eyes looking at Seora were clear with admiration and longing.


The practical training would be carried out in dungeons up to Level 4. The rookies would be divided into teams of 10 to 15 to enter with the large guild raid forces to make control easier and facilitate learning.

Today was the day they were to conquer a Level 5 Dungeon that had emerged on the outskirts of Seoul. Seora, who arrived at the gate with a team of new Hunters mainly D-classes and below, was surprised as she got out of the car.

Amidst the members of the Clear Blue Guild who were already waiting, she saw a familiar face.

“Guildmaster Han Suwon?”

Indeed, it was the guildmaster, Han Suwon.

“It’s been a while, Director Do, Yun Seora-ssi.”

“I understood that the 3rd raid party Clear Blue was participating.”

Even Do Junyeong seemed unaware of his visit in advance, having a surprised expression.

“I heard that both Director Do and Yun Seora-ssi were in charge of training the new Hunters. Don’t worry. Except for me, all members of the raid party are from group 3.”

Indeed, the Hunters standing behind Han Suwon in an organized manner were composed of C-classes and D-classes. If there were exceptional Hunters, it might not contribute positively to the training, so it was necessary to maintain a balance.

“It’s been a while, Guildmaster.”

“Thank you for your hard work in the Labyrinth Dungeon.” Han Suwon gave a slight smile and nodded. “You’ve been through a tough battle. Take some rest. Did you come straight to work?”

Surely that’s not what I would want… Seora chuckled awkwardly. “My body stiffens if I don’t move too much. Besides, Monique treated all my injuries anyway.”

Monique Ribery. The name of the world’s best Healer made not only the Clear Blue raid party but also the new Hunters perk up their ears. Such conversations were a rarity, even if you paid for it.

“Well, I’m relieved then, but still, don’t overexert yourself and be careful.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

After exchanging warm greetings, everyone stood in front of the gate. They were planning to enter immediately since the association had already measured in advance if there was no significant danger the previous day.

“As soon as you enter the gate, an attack could strike, so everyone, stay alert.”

Do Junyeong’s words snapped the new Hunters back to attention. Today’s purpose was not just a simple field trip. To avoid dying in the future as a Hunter, they needed to open their ears wide and learn everything they could.

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