Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 992

Chapter 992: Chapter 177- Trinity – Seeing Reece Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




Everyone was crying. Everyone looked as if this moment was going to be the make or break moment for their lives. Were they going to see the man that they all loved so much in so many different ways die here and now, or were they going to see him live and make it through this horrific event? That was something that we didn’t know the answer to. Not a single one of us.

“Mommy?” Zander came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. He was pressing his face against my shoulder as he cried. “How do we help Daddy?” I could already feel his tears dampening my shirt as he squeezed me tightly.

“Mommy is trying to help Uncle Griffin. I am giving Daddy some of my magic. But for now, you can all talk to Daddy. You can tell him that you love him, and that you want him to stay.”

“Can I give Dad my magic too?” Talia asked as she rushed forward. It was the first time that she had spoken since coming into the room.


“Me too. I have magic, I want to give it to Dad too.” Rika stood a little taller while her face firmed.

“I want to help too.” Reagan nodded. “We will all give Dad our magic. Anything to save him.”

“Can we help too, Mommy?” Zaley asked. Her eyes were swimming and I knew that she didn’t want to see her daddy die.

“It will be hard, sweetheart, but I know that you can all do this, if you just try.” They all looked a little more relieved at that. “And don’t forget to talk to Daddy as well. Tell him whatever you need to right now.”

“I will.” Zaley put her hands on Reece’s left shoulder and I could tell that she was pushing magic into Reece. I didn’t know if it was something that she did on her own, or if my magic was drawing it out of her. Either way, it was working. “Daddy, please don’t leave us. We love you so much. I love you so much. And I need you, Daddy. Who else is going to protect me when the others say something mean about my hair? Who is going to put me on his shoulders and carry me around? I need you, Daddy. Don’t leave me.”

“I need you too, Daddy.” Zachary was next, his magic flowing the same as Zaley’s had. “I need to learn how to be a man from you Daddy, no one else will do. I need you, Daddy, more than anyone will ever know. A..and I am scared, Daddy. I don’t know how to be me without you.”

“Please don’t leave us, Daddy.” Zayden sobbed as he pressed his face to Reece’s side, his magic flowing into him as well. “You’re our dad, and no one else will ever be able to replace you. We need you.”

“Daddy please, stay with us.” Zander was crying so hard that it was almost impossible to hear what he was saying. “You can’t go. You just can’t. We can’t be a family if you’re not here with us, Daddy.”

“Please, Daddy.” Talia was next, the amount of magic that she was pouring into Reece was enormous. She was putting all that she had into saving her dad. “I am sorry that I was a brat recently. I am sorry that I insisted on being there for the battle. If it wasn’t for me, you might not be hurt. Please, Daddy, you need to come back to us.” Her cries were so heartbreaking that I nearly started to sob right then and there. As it was, I was struggling not to cry and stop paying attention to the others.

“Come on, Dad.” Reagan put his hands on Reece next. “We need you. Remember, Dad, you’re the strongest man in the world. If you can’t survive this, what does that say for the rest of us? We can’t survive without you, Dad. We need you.”

“Please, Daddy.” Rika threw her face onto Reece, crying into his shirt and pouring all that she had into him. “You can’t leave me, Daddy, please. I don’t want to lose anyone else in my life, especially you. We need you, Daddy. You’re so strong, so brave, and so smart, I know that you can make it through this.”

I thought that this would be the end of it, but I was wrong. Riley came over and put one hand on Reece, he didn’t have magic, but he loved Reece like a brother.

“Come on, man, you can do this. Fight this and wake up. The kids need you. Trinity needs you. I need you. I can’t lose another member of my family, man. I just can’t. Not like this. Please, Reece, you have to wake up.”

“Reece.” Landon was next as he put a hand on Reece’s shoulder. “You’re family to me, Reece. And family always sticks together. That means that you can’t die. You can’t abandon us.”

“Come on, buddy.” Trevor was next. “We’re supposed to be there to annoy each other for all of eternity. That was the promise that we made all those years ago. You’re like my brother Reece, and I can’t lose another brother to a battle. Please, don’t make me bury another brother.”

“Come on, Reece, you can do it.” Mom found a place and put her hand on him as well.

“Wake up for us, Reece, please.” Dad stood behind her and placed his hand next to hers.

“Come on, Reece. You need to be there for my granddaughter, my great grandchildren, and my wife. Your mother needs you as well. Come on, Reece, you need to pull through this.

“Come on, Reece. You need to wake up.” Ivy put her hand on the spot next to Grandfather’s. “You’re the best big brother that I could ask for, please don’t die on me now. Please.” She was sobbing and leaning into Grandfather for support.

“Sweetheart, please wake up. You see that there are so many people here that need you. You can’t leave yet. Come back to us, baby. Come back to us, Reece.” Lila was sobbing the entire time that she spoke to Reece, begging him not to leave us.

Lana and Griffin were pouring magic into Reece as well, and with all of us touching him at that moment, there was an immense amount of power. I hoped that this would save him. That he would feel the love and the need that we all had for him and he would come back to us. I did notice that the blood was flowing a lot slower now than it was before. And it almost seemed like the wounds were closing. That was a good sign.

After several minutes of us all just concentrating and focusing on Reece, I heard Griffin’s voice cry out in alarm.

“It’s working.” He was pointing at Reece’s side, the one that had been steadily flowing blood when I came in here. The bleeding had stopped, and the wound was closing.

“Reece?” I looked down at him as I saw the color coming back to his cheeks. He had been as white as the hospital sheets had been before he had stained them with his blood, now though he looked as if he was almost back to normal. “Oh, Reece, come on, open your eyes.” I begged him and hoped that he would listen. The others all took up the words as well, turning it into a sort of chant.

“Come on, Daddy, open your eyes.”

“Come on, Dad, open your eyes.”

“Come on, Reece, open your eyes.”

“Come on, sweetheart, open your eyes.”

“Come on, buddy, open your eyes.” It was being repeated by several different people at once, and they all had a slightly different way of saying it. I was saying it too, but more in my head as I watched his face.

His eyes were still closed, but I saw the moment that Reece’s breathing went from the barely there shallow breaths to the large shuddering gasp that he took to fill his lungs completely. I saw the moment that his mouth moved, almost as if to speak. And then, a moment later, I saw his eyes open.

“REECE!?” I screamed his name and he looked right at me. His golden eyes fixed on mine with confusion and fear.

“T..T..Trinity, you’re covered in blood.”

“It’s your blood, idiot.” I leaned down and kissed his lips gently. “You were almost dead. I thought that I had lost you.”

There was a cacophony of noise then as everyone called out to him in their relief. He saw just how many people were in here with him, and I knew that he felt loved, but he was also confused.

“I..I almost died?” He tried to sit up, but there was obviously still pain. He cried out and then laid back on the bed again. “What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later.” I eyed the kids and he understood that I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley. He nodded after that, not pressing the issue any further.

“I am sorry, Trinity.” He cupped my cheek to the best of his ability. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I know.” I kissed his cheek and started to cry. “I know.”

The wave of relief that washed over me seemed to wash over the entire room. The tension turned to tears and everyone cried in relief as Reece proved to us that he was alive and well. He hadn’t died, not tonight, no matter how close he had come to dying this time, he had survived, and it was thanks to the love that we all had for him.



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