Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 990

Chapter 990: Chapter 175- Trinity – Outcome of the Battle (VOLUME 5)




I watched as Griffin, Riley and Landon all carried Reece away and toward the castle. I knew that they were taking him inside so that Griffin could help Reece. I knew that they were taking him to the infirmary, the clinic in the castle that Griffin had insisted on building, even though we were all immortal supernatural beings. I didn’t see the point of that wing of the castle before this battle, but I see the point of it now.

When we were in times of peace, it was easy to forget that there were things that could go wrong for us. When you were in the throes of a war though, there were so many lives at stake, and even we could be killed. That was something that I needed to remember at all times. I knew this, but I still let myself forget.

“Reece?” I called after him as I knelt on the blood soaked bridge where he was just lying. My voice was barely audible as he was taken away from me. “Reece.” I felt the first tears that I had been holding back track their way down my cheeks.

“Trinity.” Vincent knelt next to me. I felt the movement, I heard him there, but I didn’t see him. I still had my eyes locked on the place where Reece disappeared into the distance. “Trinity.” He called to me again, this time he put his hand on my back between my shoulders. He was rubbing soothing little circles to help me calm down as much as possible. “Come on, Trinity, let’s go inside. We need to get you cleaned up, and then we need to talk to the others.”


“Y..yeah.” I nodded at him as I stood up.’re right. I need to get cleaned up.” I looked down at my body, at my clothes. I was covered in Reece’s blood and I knew what that might mean. “V..Vincent?” I called to him as I looked up, my entire body going cold. “I..I can’t do this. I..I can’t lose him.”

“He is going to be fine, Trinity. Griffin is working to save him right now, and you know how good Griffin is at saving lives. And he loves Reece like family, he won’t let him die. He will be alright, and you know it. Reece is a fighter. And he’s too damned stubborn to die.” I wanted to laugh, to chuckle just a little, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t even able to smile at him. The attempt that I did give him left me with nothing but a grimace on my face.

“I can’t lose him, Vincent. I need him, and the kids need him too. I can’t do this without him.”

“It’s OK, Trinity. He will be fine. Let’s get you inside and get you cleaned up.”


I didn’t want to go to my room. The one that I shared with Reece. The one that I knew he wasn’t going to be in when I got there. And because of that, I didn’t want to get cleaned up in the castle. Instead, I used my magic to clean the blood, dirt, and other debris off of me and Vincent. I used the magic to clean the clothes that we had been wearing and make them smell better. Then I used the magic to dry us and the clothes. By the time that I was done, we looked like nothing at all had happened to us. We were clean, dry, and presentable to the people inside the castle. If they saw us, they wouldn’t know what it was that had happened during the battle. This was a better option as well, since there was no time to waste. I wanted to get this over with so that I could go find Talia and the others. I needed to see the kids. I needed them to know that the battle was over. But, before then, I needed to know what happened to the others. I needed to know how many others were hurt or died during the battle. How many casualties were there?

Vincent noticed what I did, but he didn’t say anything. He just looked at me with a calm expression and nodded at me. He was telling me that it was OK, that I had done the right thing. And he did that all while walking me into the castle with his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He had me pressed against his side as he took care of me. He needed to be there for me, and he knew it. He was the man that first came to know me after I started living with Reece. He was my first guard, and he was like my brother. He would always be there for me, no matter what.

There were a few of the men and women that fought on the battlefield waiting just inside the castle. They were waiting for me. They were waiting to see if I was OK or not. They knew that Reece had been injured, but they needed to see that I was OK as well. And they wanted to know if their king was going to live.

“Queen Trinity?” A man stepped closer to me when I entered with Vincent. It was Kiernan, the one that had sent the warning about the enemy approaching.

“I will address everyone in the throne room. Please see to it that the others are notified. Vincent, if you would be so kind as to send out a message to those that need to attend.”

“Yes, Trinity.” He nodded and I saw that he was about to speak in his head, but he paused and looked at me directly. “Sh..should I allow Landon and Riley to stay with Reece?”

“Yes. They can stay there, and we can catch them up later. The others, though, please send for them. I need to know how the battle on the ground went. I need to know the true outcome of the day.”

“Yes, Trinity.” He nodded and that was when he started to send the message for me. He wasn’t looking at where he was going, since his eyes were closed, but that didn’t stop him from walking perfectly. He had the castle perfectly mapped out in his head like any good guard would do. He knew where he was going, and I just had to make sure that no one got in our way. They didn’t though. I guess not many people step in front of the Queen and her second in command.

After the message was sent, Vincent opened his eyes and guided me into the throne room. We led the way into the large hall, walking through it until I got to my large throne that was at the back of the hall. This made me sad as well, since Reece wasn’t sitting in the throne next to me.

Behind us, as we entered the hall, all those that were in the entryway followed us and found their places among the seats and standing areas. The others that Vincent had called slowly started to arrive. Those of the council that were here showed up to take their seats on the lower dais. Those that were close to me sat near the front of the hall. And those that were not as integral to the main group stood or sat in the back to watch.

I saw that the kids weren’t here. Vincent hadn’t sent the message to them. And Lila, Mom, and Dad weren’t here either. They were most likely with the kids, protecting them and making sure that they didn’t know what was happening right now.

It looked like they were all here. At least all the people that were going to be here. It seemed like so few in comparison. I knew that there were more people that had been on the battleground. I knew that there had to be a lot more people than were here right now. Where were they? Were they gone? Did I get them killed?

“Thank you for joining me.” I said from my throne. Normally, I would have stood up to address them, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do that right now. I was grieving, in my own way. And I didn’t know if my grief would be short term or long term. “We fought a hard battle this evening. While it didn’t last long, it was significant. During that battle, there were injuries on our side, and casualties on theirs. We won this night, but I am wondering at what cost that victory had come to us. At this moment, I do not know how those on the ground fared during the fight, as I was on the bridge with the leader of the enemy troops. Can someone please tell me how many were hurt or lost among our people?” I looked around the room, waiting to hear how the fight went for the rest of my people.

Trevor was the one that rose from his seat and looked at me. He was on the lower dais, next to his wife as he looked at me. I could see the solemn and heartbroken look in his eyes and it nearly undid everything that I was struggling to hold onto.

“Trinity, first I want to tell you that we are all proud to be here with you. We fought with you because we all love and respect you. Secondly, you have nothing to worry about. There were no major injuries on the ground, and no casualties as well. And I know that Re-.” I held up a hand to cut him off. I didn’t want to be rude, but I couldn’t listen to another person tell me that Reece was going to be OK. The only one that could tell me that was going to be Griffin. And the sooner that I finished this, the sooner that I could go and see him.

“I am happy to learn that there were no losses this evening. And I do hope that it stays that way in the foreseeable future. I am proud of you all. You fought bravely and valiantly.”

“Trinity?” Athair mór stood then, looking at me with his eyes filled with tears and worry. “The rest of the Jaegan were rounded up. I hope you do not mind that I added several temporary cells to the dungeon to hold them. They will stay there until we know what to do with them.”

“Thank you, Athair mór. I appreciate that very much. How many more were arrested?” I looked at him with curiosity in my eyes. I needed to know how many managed to survive until the end of the battle.

“Only nine more, Trinity. The others perished in the battle. And the Ancient Ones, the monsters that we were fighting, they all turned to dust and disappeared.”

“Yes, that was when Talia killed their leader.” I didn’t say more on that. They would all start to spread rumors no matter what, at least they would know who was really responsible for the end of this nightmare. My daughter. The one that was so powerful and strong. The one that had been there with us for this case from almost start to finish. She had done so much for us, and I knew that she had one hell of a future in store for her when she grew up. She was going to be even more powerful and strong. She was going to be an amazing ruler of the underworld. I just knew it.

I also hoped that Reece would be there with me to see it happen. I wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to be missing out on being there for when his daughters found their mates. I knew that he was going to be really upset about it when it did happen, the overly protective ass that he was. He just couldn’t miss that. I needed him to be there with me for it all.



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