Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 974

Chapter 974: Chapter 159- Trinity – Relaxing Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




I left the calling of the others up to Reece and Vincent. I knew that they would tell them all to be here as soon as possible. And for some of these people, those that were comfortable with it, I would be opening up a door to bring them to the castle. And, luckily, there were a lot of them that would be willing to come through a magical portal door. I think that a lot of them were just curious as to how that was supposed to work.

Before anyone was to arrive, Reece and I took a nap. So did all of the others that had been up most of the night and woken early from their first nap this morning. We were all exhausted, including Talia and Alexio. Actually, my daughter had been so tired that she had fallen asleep at the table while we discussed what was going to be happening. I felt bad for her at that moment, because I knew that it was worry and fear that had kept her awake all night long. She was exhausted now, especially after having had her first shift. She needed to rest before she could do anything else. And Alexio, who had had just as little sleep as Talia had, ended up needing to carry her to her bed so that they could get some sleep. Thankfully, I had already put Peter on the job of getting Talia’s door fixed. It had needed to be done before she could go back to her room again.

We all laid down, again. We all tried to get some rest, again. And we were all unable to do that, again. I think that at this point, we were all just a little too keyed up and worried about what was going to happen. I knew that Reece was worrying about his pack, his land, and his family. He was also worried about the rest of our people, even though they weren’t here in the city and, therefore, weren’t in immediate danger. I was worried about them all too, I was just doing my best to hide it from him and the others. Nothing good would come from the others seeing me panicked or scared. It would just make their morale plummet.

When I failed to fall asleep, I started to quietly leave the room and let Reece rest some more. That didn’t work though, because the moment that I left the bed he sat up and glared at me.


“Where are you going?” He asked me in a stern tone. “We need to rest so that we are able to fight later.

“I know Reece. I know. I am just not able to sleep. I have too much on my mind. And way too much pent-up tension.”

“If you’re still keyed up, Little Bunny, then we can go for a run. I can’t sleep either. And I think that running out the frustration that we’ve been feeling would do us some good.”

“I agree.” I hadn’t thought about doing that, but now that I did, I felt like it was the best option that we had available to us at the moment. “Let’s go, Reece.” I held my hand out to him. “Let’s go for a run.”

As Reece left the bed and started to walk toward me, I opened a door that would take us to the private woods behind the castle. There was nothing like having your own place to blow off some steam. And this place, these woods and mountains, they held a lot of memories for Reece and I.

I had the door open up on that crescent out look that we went to several times over the years. It was one of the first places that Reece and I were alone together on the property, and it was also where we watched the stars on one of our first dates. It was a special place for us, and I loved having picnics here with the kids as they were growing up. It was beautiful and packed full of memories.

“Ahh.” Reece sighed as he exhaled. He had just taken a large, deep breath of the fresh mountain air. It was chilled with the crispness of the impending change of weather that accompanied autumn. And soon after that, it would be winter. That was when the true beauty of this spot was able to be seen. Looking down at the scenery that was below when it was blanketed in snow, I loved it so much.

“I know what you mean.” I grinned as the cool and refreshing air washed over me. “I have missed this. Getting away for even a few minutes as we forget all of our problems.”

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” He looked at me with excitement in his eyes. “I don’t even remember the last time that we ran like this. Hell, even shifting is getting to be rare for us these days.”

“Yeah, we’ve been busy. A long run in our wolf forms will do us some good.” I started to reach for my shirt as I spoke.

“And, I must admit, I do love the preparation that comes along with a shift like this.” He started to pull his t-shirt up and over his head. “This might very well be my favorite part.”

“Ha ha ha.” I laughed at him. “Why am I not surprised?” I grinned at him. “Well, I will admit that you make it a pretty enjoyable part as well.” I kept my eye glued on him as he started to push down his lounge pants that he wore to bed. “It’s such a great view.” And it was. When he revealed himself to me then, I almost wanted to skip the run altogether. Almost. I still had all that energy and tension that I needed to get rid of. “Come on, hot stuff, it’s time to get running.” I finished stripping off my clothes, and even though I could feel Reece’s eyes on me, I shifted immediately. He wasn’t looking at my naked body anymore. Instead, he was looking at my wolf, and all the white and blue glory that she was. It made me think about Talia’s wolf just then, and how her wolf was even more unique than mine was. She was definitely going to be special. She already was.

“Let’s have some fun.” Reece said as he started to shift. I had been staring at his naked body at the time, and I got to watch as he switched from tall, muscular sexiness, into the most handsome wolf I had ever seen in my life.

Reece’s almost pure black fur was only interrupted by the thin red markings that he had gotten over time. They stood out, even in the daylight. Then again, they were glowing like there was a bright flame behind them, so I guess that explained it.

“Damn, Reece, you sure are sexy no matter what form you are in.” I looked him up and down.

“You are too, my love.” He didn’t hide that he was panting over me. “Now, let’s get some of this tension burned off. We have way too much going on for that.”

“How about a game of chase.” I smirk and just knew that he saw it, even in this form.

“Ooh, I like the sound of that. Does the winner get to do whatever they want?” He was being suggestive. This too was reminiscent of our first game of chase that we played. He had caught me that time and had done what he wanted. I was stronger and faster now though, and he was often unable to catch me. Honestly, if he was going to win this little game of ours, I was going to have to let him win. That or he was going to have to work extra hard at beating me.

“Yes.” I answered Reece with desire and lust filling my voice. I wanted him to win, but I wasn’t going to make it that easy on him. He needed to work for it. “If you catch me, you can do whatever you want with me.” I winked at him. “Go.”

Without another word, I took off running in the opposite direction. I was sprinting fast and weaving through the trees before I even heard his feet thundering against the ground. He was already trying to catch me. He wanted me, and that meant that he was going to give this his all.

Honestly, I think that Reece and I knew this little game of ours was going to happen the moment that we decided to come out here. We had a lot of tension, stress, and excessive nervous energy. What better way to get rid of that than to play a little chase. And then after that, I was sure that Reece would want to play a game of hide and seek. Though it was less seek and more hide. Hiding one particular thing anyway. And that was fine with me as well.

Excitement was flooding through me. I just couldn’t seem to get enough of it. My heart was pounding, but that wasn’t the only thing that seemed to be pounding and throbbing in the heat of the moment. As the blood rushed through me, my body was already telling me what it was that I needed from Reece. And it was begging me to stop running so that he could catch me. I was inclined to do just that, but I also wanted to make him work for his prize. I mean, that was the right thing to do, wasn’t it?



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