Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 971

Chapter 971: Chapter 156- Trinity – A Visit from Hell Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




I paced. Talia spoke through a mental connection. And everyone else in the room sat watching on with palpable impatience. We all needed this to get a move on. We needed to talk this all out. We needed to figure out what was happening to Talia, with the Jaegan, and who the true enemies here were. There was just so much that we needed to understand that I thought it was going to be near impossible when we finally did get down to talking again.

Thankfully Talia was able to contact the three Gods immediately. And they were able to come here within seconds of being contacted. Literally, in the span of no more than three minutes of starting my pacing, the glowing interdimensional door was forming itself in my office, and there was a little yelp of fear from Mr. Amadeus. I really should have made him leave, but it was too late for that now. He was just going to have to suck it up and deal with his fear. He was probably going to learn a lot during this meeting, and he was the only one outside of my inner circle that was privy to it. He should feel honored really. And he should make sure that he stopped gawking like an idiot.

“Talia, sweetheart, I am so glad that you called for a visit.” Hades, who always treated Talia like she was some sort of family member, came through the door with a big smile on his face and hugged her as soon as she was on her feet. He looked just the same as when I saw him last, blue hair and all.

“Talia, I am intrigued about your call.” Lucifer said as he came through the door, his dark hair a little disheveled as if he had been hurrying. “You didn’t really say what it was that we needed to discuss.”


“I am sorry, Lu. I wanted to talk about it in person. Please, can you forgive me?”

“Of course, Talia. I understand that it must be a difficult topic for you to discuss from afar.”

“I myself am curious.” Satan said with a mischievous grin on his face. “Talia isn’t the type to panic so easily, so I do believe that this ought to be good.” He took a moment to look around the room with his sharp eyes. “And given that there is such a large audience here, I believe that would be a safe assumption for me to make.”

“Well, I don’t know how good it will be.” Talia shrugged as she welcomed Satan with a hug. She had hugged all three of them as they came into the office. “But I do believe that it will be of interest to you. So, I guess that is something.”

“Well, Talia sweetheart, you may begin whenever you are ready.” Hades waved his hand and three large, almost throne-like chairs appeared in my office. I knew that he had called them here for him and the others to sit in, so I didn’t mind. However, there were plenty of chairs in the office that they could have used. None of them throne-like though. Just my chair was like that, and I wasn’t giving it up for them.

“I think that Alexio and Uncle Gabriel will be better when explaining this to you.” Talia tried to get out of it, but they weren’t having it.

“Now Talia, I know that whatever this is, it has something to do with you. If it didn’t, then you wouldn’t have called us.” Hades gave her a knowing smile.

“And you are preparing to rule in our stead, Talia. You need to learn to speak for yourself and not to let others do it for you. Please, if you do not mind, begin the conversation for us. If you need to delegate later in the conversation that is fine, but a good leader will begin the address on their own.” Lucifer and Hades apparently never stopped with the lessons that they offered Talia. If they were with her, they were usually telling her what she needed to know.

“Yes, of course.” Talia nodded at them and turned so that she was facing the entire room of people. “We are all here because I had another vision.” She was addressing the room like she was giving a speech, but she was instantly interrupted.

“Another vision?” Hades asked in a shocked voice.

“This has happened before?” Lucifer added.

“Yes. Twice before.” She nodded at them and started to explain the visions to them. She gave them the details in a shortened and abridged version. She even explained that Mr. Amadeus believed that when she had these visions, she was sending her soul to the future. Obviously, it was not intentional, but it was happening nonetheless.”

“This is interesting.” Hades had his hand on his chin, stroking the blue goatee that he had there. “And this newest vision was different? How so?” Talia explained how it felt when she went into the vision and then gave them an abridged version once more. She didn’t mention the names that she heard in the vision, but she told them the other important facts.

“I admit Talia, I had not been privy to such occurrences.” Lucifer spoke softly and comfortingly. “And I can tell that you have been through a great deal, but what does this have to do with us?” He didn’t know why Talia had called for them.

“Well, Lu, the reason that I called you all here today, is because I heard some names in my latest vision. Though we are not sure if it was a true vision, or a trick someone is trying to play on me.”

“That sounds confusing.” Satan’s voice held his usual hint of laughter as he spoke. I knew that was just the way that he talked and that I didn’t need to get upset about it. “What were the names, though?” He added in a tone of voice that was just ever so slightly more serious than it had been a moment before.

“Well, Satan, I was told that these names belonged to people that were so old they were nothing more than legends to Alexio.” She didn’t use his nickname here, probably because most of the time the Gods didn’t like that.

“Well, don’t pause for dramatic effect girl, tell us the names already.” I could tell that Hades was worried, but didn’t want to show it. He was hiding the emotion behind his jovial fa?ade as he joked with Talia.

“I heard the men in my vision say the names Vogran, Olorud, and Zarinog. The one man, Olorud, was referred to as a king as well. He was the one that was giving the orders to the others. And he was the one that..” She hesitated and looked at me for a moment. Her eyes wavering as she recalled the vision. “He was the one that killed my parents in the vision.”

“Vogran, Olorud and Zarinog? Are you sure about those names Talia?” Lucifer was on his feet now, shock and anger warring on his face as he stared her down.

“Yes. I am sure. Those are the names that I heard in my vision.”

“Those beings should be long since deceased.” Satan was on his feet as well. He was not joking at all, and that slight hint of laughter that was usually in his voice was gone now. He was being completely serious, and that is how I knew that things were anything but good at the moment.

“Talia, I know that you are a smart girl with a wonderful memory, but are you absolutely sure that those are the names that you heard?” Hades was on his feet now, all three of those gods looked as if they were worried about something.

“Yes, Hades, I am sure. Those were the beings in my dream.” She looked over at Gabriel and Alexio then, knowing that she was the one that needed to keep talking. She saw the same thing that I saw when I looked at them. They were nervous and didn’t want to be the ones to talk to the Gods about this topic. It was a difficult one, that was for sure. “I was recently made aware of these beings. I was told that they are referred to as the Ancients. They are a form of gods, like yourselves, but that they hate the humans and didn’t help anyone. Uncle Gabriel said that they were what people actually thought of when they heard the word demon.” That was paraphrasing, but we knew what she was getting at. “That they hated the humans and didn’t want to be worshiped. I don’t know what that would actually entail, if they hunted humans and hurt them, or just ignored them altogether.” I was right there with her, but what was it that happened with the Ancients and the humans? What transpired all those centuries ago? “These beings, these Ancients, I want to know just who they are? And I want to know why they would want to kill my family?”

In the wake of Talia’s questions, the room was utterly silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the pounding of the hearts that beat in anticipation of the answers, and the shallow breaths that were so reluctantly taken as most of the people in the room tried to hold them in during their tense anticipation. The ball was in their court now, it was time for the gods to explain what it was that was happening. It was time for them to tell us what we needed to know.



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