Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 945

Chapter 945: Chapter 130- Reece – Operation Save The Girls Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




“Alright. It’s time to get ready.” I looked through the binoculars toward the park that we were watching. Trinity was looking over there as well, but she was, of course, not using anything but her eyes. I swear, sometimes I was so envious of her.

“We should move a little closer to the park, so that we are ready to stop them when they are there.” Shawn said as he looked in that direction as well.

“No, we need to wait until they are actually at the park. Based on what Talia told us the other day, I don’t think that the attack starts right away. And we need to make sure that they are in the act before we apprehend them. If we don’t, we will be called liars in the future. We need to make sure that we do this right.” Trinity vetoed his idea right away. She, like me, didn’t want to risk this plan going south if we moved too soon. However, my apprehension was for something else.

“We also don’t want to risk them noticing us before they get to the park. They chose this place because it was supposed to be empty and secluded. They won’t bring the girls here if they think that they are being watched. We need to stay up here until they are actually in the park, and then we surround them and the other group that is following them.” I explained to Shawn why it was that I thought that we needed to stay away for the time being. We needed to make sure that all is done properly as Trinity said, but also that we don’t spook them and make them go somewhere else. This was a balancing act that we needed to work through. We couldn’t afford even one error. Those girls and the rest of our people were counting on us to get this right.


I watched in the direction that I knew those guys were in. I was waiting for them to come into sight so that the next phase of our plan could finally start.

‘King Reece, Queen Trinity, they are almost to the park. They are once again walking, like they did to the restaurant. And that group is still tailing them.’

‘Are we sure that they are part of that same group? The other people that are following them? What if they are other authorities that are figuring this all out as well?’ I heard the sound of another voice, this one was from Carter who was on the other side of the park, waiting to surround it with us.

‘No, I am sure that they are part of that same group. They have a similar smell to the other ones.’ Garret was again the one that was talking and explaining things. I guess he was the most outspoken of the guards and knights that were with us. That or they all unanimously made him their designated talker. I knew Garret a little, mostly by reputation. He was a good man, a wolf from my own pack before it exploded into the massive thing that it is now.

‘What do you mean similar smell?’ I asked him, not wanting to let that little tidbit of knowledge pass me by. This had the potential to be something important, though it could just as likely be something that was nonessential and therefore not at all important. Still, as a leader, I needed to ask him about it.

‘Well, they have that same musty and general nasty smell that you were talking about. I noticed that on the guys that took the girls to the restaurant. However, these people seem to have it stronger. And there is a slightly different undertone to it as well. I detected a little bit of something that was sulfurous. It was almost like they were lighting match after match. It wasn’t overly strong, but it was there.’

I tried to understand what that might mean for the case. What does having a stronger odor and sulfur mixed with it mean? What should I do with that information? How was I going to use that to my advantage?

While I was thinking about that, my amazing Little Bunny, the wonderful queen that she is, figured something out.

“I am going to guess that they are the ones that disappeared in the car last night Reece. They have to be higher in the pecking order. These people, whatever it is that is wrong with them, the closer to the top that they are the stronger that smell will be.” Of course, she would figure that out in almost no time at all. You know something, I am not a stupid man, not by a long shot. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling like an idiot at times. I didn’t even think about the strength of the odor being relevant to the power they had in the family. Or it could also be related to the dedication that they had to the family’s mission.

“I think that you are right, Trinity. But let me add upon that.” I leaned in and grinned as I whispered to her. “Clovio and Warrick don’t smell like that, because they don’t believe in the mission. I think that the smell is a combination of power and belief or dedication.”

“Agreed.” She nodded. “Now back off and get to work. We can’t afford for you to get distracted by little Reece at the moment.” She rolled her eyes.

“That isn’t little by any standards.” I chuckled but did as she told me to. I raised up so that I was staring at the entrance of the park through my binoculars again.

“It’s not the full size Reece, so I call it the little Reece. I can call it something else, but I don’t think you would like all of the nicknames that I am able to come up with for it.”

“Probably not.” I didn’t even want to think about it. She would turn it into a joke on purpose. She would definitely try to make herself laugh with any name that she thought of. It was best to drop that subject permanently.

‘I see them.’ I heard another voice come through the mental connection. ‘They are making their way toward the park. I estimate that they will be there in about three minutes.’

‘Alright everyone, you heard him. Be on guard.’ My Little Bunny was the first to respond to him. She was the leader of all of us, so it all made sense that she was the one to be giving the orders. ‘Let them get to the park before we make our move. Those that are closer to the entrance that they come in, swing around and circle the other group as well, I do not want to lose any of them. I want this situation locked down as soon as we can. Let’s stop these guys, people. Saving those girls is only a small part of this. If we manage to capture all of them, then we will be one step closer to ending this whole thing.’ She was giving orders and a pep talk all at the same time. I could literally feel the spirits and determination of our warriors rising just by hearing her words.

‘We will give it our all, Queen Trinity. We won’t let you or any of the others down. We will make sure that we get them all. For your sake and that of those we must protect.” OK, some of these people were a little over the top. I mean, it was good that they were dedicated, but it was a little much sometimes.

‘Thank you. I am glad that I have all of you here to count on. We need all hands on deck with this. Do your best everyone.’ Trinity sounded like she didn’t really know what to say and just said something random to fill the gap in the conversation. Thankfully, the talking died out after that. It was time for us to focus and get to work.

The next few minutes seemed to drag on forever. I stood there with Trinity, Shawn and Dietrich as we waited for the first group to get into position. It was like the universe was determined to make it take ten times longer than it should have been.

After what felt like thirty minutes, or three eternities, I saw the group start to enter the park. They were there, right on the edge of Acacia Park, opposite the statue that Talia said that she had seen in her vision. They were laughing and I saw the men all holding onto one of the girls. I didn’t think that they had been bespelled yet, this was just them being boy crazy teenage girls. If I was their father, I would have been disappointed in them. And frankly, as a father to three daughters, I was disappointed anyway. Why did they have to try so hard just to get boyfriends when they were so young? Why couldn’t they be young for a little while longer? Seeing these girls with those men, it made me think about my own daughters and I didn’t like that. I knew that anytime now, Rika could find her mate and Talia wasn’t that far behind her. And before I knew it, Zaley would be finding a mate and getting married as well. I was losing my little girls, and that was too hard for me to process.

NO REECE! YOU NEED TO FOCUS! I scolded myself and shook my head. It was time to get to work.



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