Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 942

Chapter 942: Chapter 127- Trinity – Assignments (VOLUME 5)




Reece came back last night and told me what it was that they found at the park. Which wasn’t much at all. The people were gone, and their trails went to various places. Though Reece was sure that he knew where the bulk of them were staying. However, some of them did leave in a car, so that was enough to tell them that there were others in the group not staying at that fleabag motel.

On top of that, Reece played that megalomaniacal recording that he had been sent from the boys that were dating Rika and Alyssa. Not that I wanted to acknowledge that those things happened at all, but I guess that I didn’t have much of a choice. And well, I did need to acknowledge that the twins were all grown up now. They weren’t little babies that needed me to protect them anymore, no matter how much I wanted to think that they did. Times were changing, and life was moving on, for better or worse.

The kids weren’t going to school today though. No matter how much Reagan and Rika thought that they were able to protect themselves, we weren’t allowing them to go to the university where those people were. Not just Clovio and Warrick, but the others that we weren’t certain of. Of course, those two could be trusted, but not all of them.

Talia, Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley were staying home as well. To all those outside of the family, it would just look like there was some sort of family situation that we had needed to take care of. No one would suspect a thing, especially given the fact that Reece and I were away for so long.


Ours weren’t the only ones not in school though. All eight of Shawn and Dietrich’s kids were home, Noah’s kids were home, and so were all the others that were still living in the city. Those that were outside of Colorado Springs didn’t need to worry as much at the moment, since these people were focusing their efforts here for the time being. I had a feeling that the school was going to suspect that something was up when everyone that was close to me kept their kids home, but there was nothing that I could do about that. It needed to be done.

Right now, with all the kids upstairs in the tower, Reece and I were on our way to my office once again. There was a lot that we were dealing with lately, and there were a lot more meetings in my office than there has been in a while. Hopefully we can end this soon and have some peace and quiet in our lives for a while.

When I got to my office with Reece, the others were already there. That was one good thing about all the people that we trusted. They were punctual when they needed to be, and they were loyal enough to always be here when they were needed. They were actually really loyal and had never once let me down.

“Good morning, everyone.” I called out to them. “I am glad that you’re all here.”

“Good morning, Trinity. Good morning, Reece.” They all called out at the same time, it was like it had been rehearsed or something.

“As you all know, there is a lot for us to discuss. We need to figure out what we’re going to do tomorrow night. We can’t stop those men before they get the girls in their sights, but we will stop them before they hurt anyone else.”

“I am sorry, Trinity, but why can’t we stop them before they even approach the girls?” Landon asked as he raised his hand. “Wouldn’t it be better for the intended victims if they never make contact with those men at all?”

“It would, yes, but then they would be able to say that they weren’t doing anything wrong. We need to wait until they show themselves and we can take them down for real. And I want to wait on killing any of them. We can talk to them, interrogate them for more information, and potentially make their leaders try and rescue them. There is a lot that we can do with this situation, however, I do not want us to be monsters in this entire process.”

“Yes, Reece was saying that last night as well.” Landon nodded and looked at Reece. “I understand what you mean though. If we act like monsters, then they can just validate what it is that they’ve been doing. I agree with Reece, we need to work toward a more humane approach to life. We’re civilized beings, it’s time that we all started acting like it.”

“Thank you, Landon.” I nodded in his direction. “And yes, you are correct, we need to act more humane and civilized than those monsters that are attacking us. We’ve actually been doing that for a while now, however there are times that we have slipped over the years.”

“We’re allowed to slip now and then.” Trevor grinned as he tried to make the situation seem like it wasn’t so bad.

“No Trevor, we’re not. We need to start holding ourselves to a standard that even the humans don’t. We need to be exemplary citizens. I am sure that it is just a matter of time before the humans all know about us.”

“Why would they find out about us?” Carter seemed to balk at my words. It was like he and the others hadn’t thought about this at all. I guess they wouldn’t, since they weren’t always thinking of the bigger picture.

“Think about it, Carter.” I gave him a serious look. I needed him to pay attention here. “We aren’t aging. And let’s not even talk about Mom, Dad, and Grandfather, they all got younger when the immortality thing happened. How long do you think the world will continue to accept us if we don’t age? I am almost forty, but I look like I am in my early twenties. You are forty-one, haven’t you had humans that know you ask about your secret to antiaging? Well, what are you going to tell them when you’re sixty or eighty? It is going to happen, trust me. And it’s just a matter of time.”

“W..w..well, y..yeah, I guess you are right. I didn’t think about that. What will we tell people when we’re a hundred years old and look like we’re twenty-five? They will know for sure that we aren’t human then.”

“Exactly.” I didn’t want to be a bitch and get all sarcastic here, so it was taking me a really big effort to hold it back. Still, he was understanding it and that was all that mattered at the moment. “I think that we are going to need to address this issue, sooner rather than later. However, we’re focused on this case right now. And that is also bringing scrutiny down on us. People have asked questions about why Reece and I are so involved in this case. And they are wondering why we, who are not members of any law enforcement agency, are running point on all of this. So far, we’ve managed to keep things going smoothly, but that won’t last too much longer.”

“I am sorry, Trinity.” Carter hung his head in shame. “I didn’t think about any of this. I didn’t know what you and Reece had been facing for so long. I won’t interrupt again, please continue.”

“Thank you.” Now that I had their attention, it was time for me to tell them what they were all going to be doing tomorrow. “We will be communicating through the mental link only tomorrow. We don’t want to say a word if we don’t have to. We will have people all over the city to keep an eye out for these people. They have a nasty smell to them, one that you will notice right away. That will help you find them easier. We know that those men find the girls at the mall, so we will have a set of lookouts there. They will report on the movements of Leslie, Ada, Senna, Melissa and Jackie. There will be people all over the city that will be able to tell us where they go and what happens after the mall.”

“That’s all fine and good, Trinity, but what about the park? How are we going to stop them before they get there?” Athair mòr was concerned about the actual attack, which was a good place to focus on.

“We won’t stop them from going to the park. We will stop them at the park. We will have the park monitored by several people. We will make sure that they are watching from several locations and giving real time updates to the others. We won’t let any of the girls get hurt.”

“Understood.” Athair mòr seemed to accept my response with no objections. He and the others were ready to move on to the rest of the discussion.

“We are going to need a lot of the knights and guards that are in the city. We need to make sure that we go out in teams and that no one is following and targeting any of us. Gabriel brought something to my attention last night. We can possibly use some of these ancient runes to protect ourselves against the Jaegan. With these runes, there might be a chance that we can see them when they use their cloaks to hide themselves, and we might be protected against that light that bespells our kind. You and all the others will arm yourselves with those protective measures. I want no one to go anywhere alone tomorrow night.”

I continued to explain all of these things to them and then assigned them to groups. The list of the other soldiers that were going to be joining them was on my desk as well. I was dividing them among those that were here. I wanted a lot of teams that would be coordinating together. All in all, I ended up with twenty groups of five people. That was the minimum that I was willing to settle for at the moment. And I was even feeling like I hadn’t included enough people in this endeavor. This was going to be the first major operation in this entire case, and I couldn’t afford to have it go wrong.

Well, there was also the fact that I might end up using too many people and the entire operation going to hell as well. It was so hard to figure out how to do all of this. At least they all had their assignments and knew what to do. Now we just need to wait until tomorrow night.



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