Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1031 - 1031 Chapter 16- Reece – Making Plans (VOLUME 6)

1031 Chapter 16- Reece – Making Plans (VOLUME 6)




Now that we all knew what we needed to do, we weren’t wasting time for one second. We knew from experience what waiting can cause. Every minute that we weren’t working, the NSA was moving ahead with their investigation.

I just hoped that they weren’t anywhere near releasing this information. If they were nearing the end of their search into our kingdom, then they would beat us to the reveal. We couldn’t let that happen. We had to be ahead of them.

I left Trinity and the others to start making plans just then. I needed to call someone and talk to them. But I also needed to make sure that the man was not going to be found out. This was a tricky situation.

I drove into town and stopped at a store to get a prepaid phone. I honestly couldn’t believe that they still sold these things, with how obsolete that they had become. I didn’t need anything special though. I just needed to be able to call and test someone. Calls were safer though, since there was no record of what we talked about. Not unless someone was listening in on our conversation.

Damn! Had I always been this paranoid? Had I always thought that someone was going to overhear me and start looking into what I was doing? I didn’t really think that I used to be this way, but I guess that I wouldn’t know anymore. I was acting this way now, and that was what mattered at the moment.

After getting the phone, I went back to my Little Bunny’s office. I knew that they would all still be there, making their plans and their lists. I wasn’t done with my call yet, but I was getting there.


Walking over toward my Little Bunny, I pulled her aside and whispered in her ear.

“Come with me to my office for a moment.”

“OK.” She gave me a curious look but followed me out with no hesitation.

When we were across the hall, in my office, I shut the door behind us and turned to face my wife. She was looking at me like there was a little something that she was worrying about.

“What is it, Reece? What is going on?”

“I want to call Dayton, and tell him the plan. But I don’t want to get him in trouble. If someone is tracing the calls on his phone, then I need to make sure that it isn’t tracing it back to me. I got a prepaid phone from town, and now I need to make sure that the signal routes from somewhere other than here.”

“Reece, you know that there are programs that will do that to your phone. You don’t need to worry about that.” She shook her head but wasn’t following me yet. At least it didn’t look like she was following what I was saying yet.

“I don’t have the time to get them installed. I need to go now. So, I need you to make me a door to someplace that is remote and far away. Though it still needs to have cell signal. I just want to make sure that there is no chance of it coming back to Dayton.”

“Alright, I hear you.” She nodded at me. “How about I send you to the condo in L.A., that will be far enough away. And there are people that saw you in town just a little bit ago, so there is no way that it could be you in L.A., right?” She was grinning at me. She understood it all perfectly.

“Sounds perfect.” I gave her a smile that was filled with pride and love.

My Little Bunny turned away from me to make the door. It didn’t take her long since she knew where the opening would be. And no one would see it because there was no one in our condo in L.A., it was the perfect plan.

A few moments later, the door was there. I opened it, stepped through, and found myself standing in the living room of the building that was owned by Analise and Reef Rivers. They had allowed us to have a place in the building, though I did buy it when I was traveling in that area. They said that it was ours to use as we saw fit, so we had vacationed there a few times, when we took the kids to the beach in the past.

The moment that I was in the condo, the door to my office still open, I pulled the phone from my pocket and started to dial the number that was on the business card. The phone rang three times before a cautious and slightly annoyed voice answered.

“Hello? Who is this.”

“Dayton. It’s me. We spoke earlier. Don’t say my name. I know you know who it is.”

“Yeah. I do.” His voice was still wary. “I am busy right now.”

“I know. I just wanted to let you know, we are going to be taking care of the situation. We are getting ahead of things, and hopefully against our opposition.” I was trying to be vague while still conveying what I needed to say. “We are going to get things ready, but we need to tell you about it all soon. Contact me on this number so that we can discuss it further. And meet me in the same place tomorrow at the same time.”

“Understood.” He was keeping things brief on his end.

“Take care.” I ended the call. The entire thing hadn’t even lasted a minute. That was good. I knew that tracing technology was sophisticated, but there were still limits. They would be able to have a general location, but they wouldn’t be able to narrow things down to an exact address. And unless they had a listening device inside of Dayton’s phone, there was nothing at all that they would have learned from that conversation.

Now that the call was over, I turned to face the door and walked back into my office. Trinity, having stood right next to the door the entire time that I was on the phone, had heard the entire conversation. She smiled at me and shook her head in slight exasperation.

“So, are you trying to be some sort of spy or something? Your espionage game isn’t that bad. At least you know what to do. And you have the element of magic on your side. Or rather, a magical wife.”

“Why not use every tool at my disposal?” I said as I pulled her into my arms. I pressed her against my chest and leaned down to press my lips against her. She tasted so delicious that it was enough to make the events of the day a little less crazy. I was going to need her a lot while we worked our way through all of this. She would be the rock that we all needed, really. But she was mine, and that meant that I got the most comfort out of her.

Thinking that little thought about my Little Bunny had made my pants feel a little tighter all of a sudden. I really was nothing more than a horny bastard. But I was her horny bastard, and I knew that she was enjoying it all the same.

“You’re incorrigible.” She pulled away from me while shaking her head. “Put that thing away for right now. We have work to do.”

“But I can play with you later, right'” I wiggled my eyebrows at her. I know, it was the wrong time, but I couldn’t help it. I really did love her, and that delectable body of hers.

“Maybe.” She looked down at the erection that was still firm in my jeans. “If you behave yourself for the time being.”

“I will.” I promised her. “If I can get a kiss right now.”

“That seems counterintuitive.” She was laughing at me, but she was still stepping closer to me.

“It may seem like that, sweetheart, but I promise you, it will work. All I need is you to keep me going. And with a kiss from you, I know that I will be able to push myself through the meeting until I can take you in my arms later, and then I will take you.” I spoke seductively as I pulled her closer once again. I lifted her off the floor this time, pressing her against me as I wrapped my hands around her waist.

With her legs wrapped around my waist, I kissed her long and deep. I needed her taste in my mouth more than I had thought that I did. That little kiss earlier wasn’t enough, not by a longshot.

“Reece?” She was panting when I pulled away from her, desire and lust making her voice go heady with arousal. “We need to get back.”

“I know.” I sighed as I slowly lowered her to the floor again. “I think that I might be able to go on for a little while longer now. You can go ahead of me.” I looked down at myself. “I need a minute to make this go away.” She laughed a little shakily, but she nodded and walked out of the room.

“I love you, Fido.” She smiled at me from the door before disappearing.

“I love you too, Little Bunny.” I called after her softly. I knew that she still heard me though. It wasn’t that big of a distance, so she would have no problem hearing my declaration of love for her.

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