Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1029 - 1029 Chapter 14- Trinity – Reece’s Surprise (VOLUME 6)

1029 Chapter 14- Trinity – Reece’s Surprise (VOLUME 6)




I was still sitting in my office when Reece came in about ten minutes after Rawlynne left. He hadn’t thought that I would be in that part of the castle, so he was shocked to find me.

“Hey, what are you doing? You’re on sabbatical.” His voice was filled with worry and concern.

“I had a meeting that popped up. I had to take it of course, and so I met them here, in my office. What are you doing here? I thought that you were working at the office today.” I countered his question with one of my own. It was basically the same one, but I was curious as to why he was home at this hour.

“I only had two meetings, the rest I can do from here. I went to find you upstairs though, but I was told you were down here. I brought you some lunch.”

“Ooh, what did you get me?” I sat up in excitement at his words. I couldn’t help it. Even though I was only a third of the way through the pregnancy, I was already craving and hungry all the time. I guess that it was just more noticeable for me this time because I have been there so many times before.

“Ha ha ha.” He laughed as he reached toward me, pulling me from my desk and toward the door into the hall. “I got you some of your favorite Chinese food.”


“Ooh, I have been craving that a lot lately. Did you get Peking duck or chop suey?”

“Both.” He was steering me toward the elevator. “Come on, let’s go and eat.”

“Yummy.” I clapped my hands together in excitement as I stepped onto the elevator. “I have one request though. Let’s eat in the bedroom. I want to talk to you, and I don’t want to be overheard.”

“Deal.” He agreed easily. He probably thought that he would get some dessert with his lunch. Not that I was opposed to the idea, but it just wasn’t on the top of my list of priorities at the moment. If we took care of the other business, then we could take care of business. I smiled at the horrible pun in my head. It was groan worthy, but I didn’t care. It was still funny to me.

Reece and I stopped at the dining room, grabbed the food that he had brought home, and went upstairs. A few moments after we had set the dishes down on the table, there was a knock at the door. It was Gabriel with drinks for us. He handed them to Reece and then gave a short bow before he left. He didn’t say a word at all.

“He seems awfully quiet today.” Reece noted as he walked back toward me. “Did something happen?”

“Sort of. That’s why I needed you up here.” I told him.

“This works fine for me as well, Little Bunny. I have something that I need to tell you. And it isn’t exactly pleasant to hear.”

“That sounds ominous.” I blanched at the words. If Reece said that, then it had to be really bad. “Let me go first, so I don’t lose my nerve after your bad news.”

“Deal.” He nodded as he bit into an eggroll.

I started to tell him then. I explained that I had met with Rawlynne, and that she had a visit from the NSA. It was when I got to that point in the story that he choked on his food and had to take a drink of his soda to unclog his throat.

“Th.. cuhuhh.. huu rrhehh.” He choked and spluttered for a moment, and I didn’t really understand what was so bad with just that part of the story. “Th..the NSA?” His eyes were watering, and his face was red after that choking incident. “Trinity, I just had a meeting with a man from the NSA. That was what I needed to talk to you about.”

“What? Why did they come to see you?” I was confused and at a loss. What the hell was going on here?

“The man that came to see me was Agent Dayton Long. He came to warn me that people in the NSA, his department, are looking into us. They know about Samuel and his reverse aging. They know about us and how we haven’t aged in almost twenty years. They are looking into it all. And they even have some of the DNA from the murders. They are going to test it to see if the victims were human. They think that we aren’t human. They are figuring it out, Trinity. We can’t hide much longer.”

The room was spinning. This wasn’t just a single person that was looking into Rawlynne or Reece and I. This was a department that was looking into all of us. This was a group of high powered government agents with sharp minds, impressive skills, and government resources that were looking into us. And they are going to find out the truth, no matter how much we try to hide it. They were going to figure out what we were. And they were going to do it way too soon for comfort.

That spinning feeling wasn’t going away, even with me trying to take deep breaths. It was like something in the universe was broken and I was careening out of control. I was spinning wildly and madly toward whatever obstacles were in my path, and I didn’t even know what they were.

“Reece, if they are looking into us, if they find out what we are, then it’s all over. There is no more hiding from the humans.” I looked up into his intense, glowing golden eyes and knew that he was thinking the same thing that I was. “We have to save our people. We have to do what we can to protect them.”

‘What can we do, Trinity? How do we protect them from this? How do we stop people from finding out about us? If they are already onto us, then it means that our shroud of secrecy is failing us. There is no way to stop this.”

I knew that he was right about one thing at least. There was no stopping this, but we could still protect ourselves. We could still do whatever we needed to do so that we didn’t end up at the receiving end of another witch hunt. I mean, this time around we outnumber the humans. If you put all of the nonhumans together, we would be able to have the majority vote. The problem is, did we have enough of them in positions of power to help us?

My mind was already on this. That isn’t to say that the room had stopped spinning at all, it’s just that my mind was spinning even faster. I knew that this was inevitable, and I knew that we needed to do all that we could to protect our people. And that meant that we couldn’t waste another second.

“Reece, we need to work on this as soon as we can. We need to protect our people. And that means that we have a lot of work to do.”

“No, Trinity, we can’t. You can’t. You’re on a sabbatical. You’re supposed to be resting.”

“Reece, if I don’t take care of this, what kind of life will Reeselynn have when she is born. What is going to happen to our family if the humans find out about us through an investigation?” I could see that Reece was trying to work through what I was telling him. This wasn’t the time for us to let things happen, this was the time to take action. And that meant that we needed to keep moving and working on all of this for as long as we could.

I knew that there was a lot of work to do, and Reece agreed to it as well. He understood that my sabbatical from work was over, and it was time for me to double or even triple my efforts. We had to get a move on this as soon as we could.

I sent a message to all the usual men that joined us for these sort of intense discussions, but I also invited Rawlynne, Jackson, Juniper, Paul, Cedar, Bryce, Carter, Noah, Trevor, Landon, Riley, Grandfather, Athair mòr, Aunt Glory, Mom and Dad. While we waited for them, Reece and I finished the lunch that he had brought, but the once delicious food was now tasteless as I didn’t have it in me to enjoy the food anymore. I thought that it was a waste to throw it away though. And I really was hungry. Or I had been before all of this started. Now I just felt hollow and didn’t know if I was going to ever feel right again.

After we were done eating, I went into my office while Reece went to change out of his suit. He wanted to be more comfortable if we were going to be having this difficult conversation, then he wanted to be comfortable for it. He knew that this could also become a very long meeting as well, and that was another reason to be in something more comfortable.

He came into my office, wearing a comfortably worn out pair of black jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers that were favorites of his. He pulled me out of my chair, slid himself into it, and then settled me on his lap, all just before the others started walking into the room.

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