Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

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1001 Chapter 186- Trinity – Weeding Through the Jaegan (VOLUME 5)




There were more things discussed after what to do with the Jaegan, but most of that was to do with the Prison. And, more specifically, it was Athair mór, Aunt Glory and I talking about how it should be made. We knew that we wanted to make sure that anyone that was sent there, be they supernatural or human, they wouldn’t be able to do anything that was magical. The Jaegan would never be able to use runes, and shifters or one of the other beings, could never use their powers inside of the prison. Though that wasn’t all. We needed to make sure that, just in case, the guards could still use their abilities.

My solution here was to have Athair mór, the man that was a specialist at making tools to lock away spells, build the prison so that the very foundation blocked the magic. And then, instead of making magical bracelets that would stop magic from working, Athair mór could make anti blocking bracelets. These would then be worn by the staff of the prison and allow them to use their abilities.

It was a complicated system that I was working out in my head, but I thought that it was doable. And I knew that Athair mór was more than capable of making this vision of mine come true. Not to mention, there was a giant smile on his face while we discussed all of these things. He was looking forward to making this building a reality. And he was more than excited to get to work on those new magic items that I asked for.

“I have never made an anti blocking tool before, but I am looking forward to trying.” His smile was literally from ear to ear as he looked up from the blueprints that we had on the table.

“I have one more thing that I want to add, Trinity.” Aunt Glory said as she leaned daintily over the table. “I know that we will have watchtowers, but this isn’t the type of prison that I want to leave up to chance. I think that we should add a barrier spell to it. Something that will keep the prisoners inside.”

“That is a good idea.” I nodded at her. “I think that it should be specific though.” I started to sketch the barrier as a dome over the drawing in front of me. “It will be tailored to allow only those that have a special pass through the gate. And if you don’t go through the gate, well I will leave that part to you.” I saw a wicked look in her eyes that would have made me shiver if I wasn’t so used to these things by now.


“That sounds like it can be fun.” She grinned. “I can’t wait to play around with it.”

“Hey, just remember to be humane.” David raised his voice and tried to make her see reason.

“Don’t worry, David dear.” Aunt Glory smiled even more wickedly at him. “The barrier won’t kill them. It will just be a powerful deterrent from those that might try to break out, or in.” I could see that my sweet little Aunt Glory was not as innocent as she always claimed to be. I had known that she had a darker side to her, but seeing it was something else entirely. She could be someone worthy of nightmares if she was crossed the wrong way. That was why I was glad that she was on my side and not an enemy.

After we discussed all of these things in my office, I wanted to move onto another part of that topic. I needed to know who all was going to be punished to the fullest extent, and who was going to be able to be reformed. I mean, clearly Clovio, Warrick, Armina, and Gustav couldn’t be the only ones among the family that are good or able to be saved. No, there had to be more. I was going to hold out hope for them and make sure that we vetted them all completely.

I wasn’t going to go at this alone though. For one thing, I knew that Reece wouldn’t let me be ‘alone’ again until after the baby was born. If ever again. He had never really liked me to go anywhere or do anything alone. He wanted me to be safe and protected at all times. Such a worry wart.

No, for this trip to the dungeons, I was going to take Reece, as if he wouldn’t insist on following me anyway, Vincent, Gabriel and Juniper. Two of those last three were able to tell me if someone was telling the truth and being sincere. And Juniper was able to help heal the minds of those that might be salvageable among the group. I really didn’t want to put innocent people into prison. If they were controlled by the Ancient Ones, as we saw that many had been, and if they hadn’t killed anyone at all, then maybe they could be helped and put back into society at some point in time.

The five of us took a magic door from my office to the dungeons. I always thought that it was funny when I did something like that. The guards, not expecting our sudden arrival, all yelped and jumped when the door appeared. It was actually quite funny to see.

“Queen Trinity, to what do we owe this honor?” Kiernan asked as he looked between me and Reece. “A..a..and King Reece, I am so happy that you are alive and well.” He put his hand over his chest and bowed.

“Thanks, Kiernan.” Reece nodded at him.

“We are here to interview the Jaegan, again.” I made it clear that I was not looking forward to this task, but I would see to it that it was done no matter what.

“O..oh. W..well, we have already interviewed them, Queen Trinity. We have our notes here.” He was actually holding a stack of files in his hands. “I was on my way to bring them to you just now.”

“Well, I guess I saved you a trip.” I held my hand out to him. “There is much that we need to discover about these men, and I have specialists here to assist me.” At those words, he looked between Vincent, Gabriel and Juniper. He knew what all their powers were already, so he didn’t bother to ask. He just nodded and stepped aside.

“The office is available, but I fear that it is not as comfortable as yours is, Queen Trinity.”

“I will be fine, Kiernan. I am not that delicate of a flower.” I shushed Reece when he tried to counter me on that fact.

“O..OK.” Kiernan looked confused but just stepped away to let us work.

Together, Reece, Vincent, Gabriel, Juniper and I poured over the files that we had been handed. We looked at what they had to say after they were arrested, after the spell of the Jaegan seemed to have worn off. We worked out a list of those that were likely to be salvageable, and those that we thought were beyond hope. After that, we decided to start with the potentially lost causes and work our way to the possible happy endings.

After the battle, there had only been nine more Jaegan arrested. Three of them seemed like they would be the definitely guilty type. Two of them were possibly innocent. And the other four were in the middle. We started with the one that had seemed the worst. He had been recorded throwing so many vile words toward the guards that I just knew that he was a monster. And with the help of Vincent and Gabriel we learned that he had indeed committed a lot of crimes. He was a horrible man that was nearly as nasty as Claud had been.

The second of those three, while not as vile, had killed several of the victims around the world. He was as guilty as the others had been. Juniper, who was sensitive to people’s mental states, had wanted to get away from that man and the first one as soon as possible.

Oddly enough, the third of those that had been listed as the worst of them all, had actually been quite the shock to us. The man named Justus, had never killed anyone, not even on the battlefield. He had spoken like the others, but that was because he didn’t want to be labeled as a traitor. He had, in every way possible, reminded me of Clovio and Warrick. He was innocent. He was still a little brainwashed, but that was cleared up almost immediately by Juniper.

Juniper, sitting at the table with the scared young man, was able to connect with him on a level that no one else in the world could. She helped him to see the lies that he had been taught for his entire life. And by the time that she was done, he was sobbing for forgiveness and begging for another chance. He was sent with one of the guards to the apartment that the others were currently waiting for me at.

We interviewed the remaining six from the battlefield after that. There were only two others that were innocent. Elise and Heinz were their names. They had been cleared of all suspicions, had their brainwashing undone, and they were sent to stay with the others.

I was feeling a little discouraged at the moment. To think that out of those that had been saved from the battlefield, only three of them, literally just one third of them, was able to be trusted and taken to safety. It was hard for me to think about with how many of the Jaegan there had been in the beginning. This was just not the way that I thought these things were going to go. Why was it that, despite my best efforts, most of the Jaegan were either dead or going to prison for the rest of their lives?

Trying not to dwell on all of these thoughts, I pushed on and tried to think of other things. I knew that I wanted to save people, but there was more to it than that. More than anything else, more than saving the Jaegan, I wanted to save innocent people. My innocent people. And knowing that they were safe now, that was the best thing in the world. I would be able to put them all at ease.

And let’s not forget about the rest of the world being put at ease as well. The humans all around the world, who had been plagued by the news of these murders for the last few months, were going to breathe a sigh of relief. They were going to feel better, and they wouldn’t even know that it was us that had done that for them.

Moving things along in my mind, going from one task to the next, I knew that I wanted to go back to the others, the Jaegan that had been taken into custody the other day. Now that the spell of the Ancient Ones was gone, it was possible that they might be more open to talking with us. And with the help of Juniper, we might be able to rehabilitate some of them.

There were three more that were fully innocent. Among all those that were in the other cells, that had already been guests of the castle dungeons when the battle started. And it was clear that the spells had released them from the hold that the family had over them. They were still brainwashed and afraid though. They flinched upon seeing the five of us coming onto their cells.

I wanted to help them. I wanted them to see reason and to know that they would not be punished if they did nothing wrong. And Juniper was able to reach them, but it was clear that they needed more help. She told me that she wanted to work with them slowly. Their minds were far too damaged at that point, and it would take her some time to help them to stitch them back together. The others, those that weren’t innocent, would be taken to the prison as soon as Athair mór and Aunt Glory went back home to build it. These three, though, would remain here in the dungeons until Juniper had finished working with them. She was determined to see to it that no one was punished without being truly guilty and unable to be saved.

After we spoke with the prisoners, it was time for us to speak to the Jaegan that we sent to the apartment. I didn’t feel much like visiting them in that apartment, I had been out and about for so long that I just wanted to rest soon. That was why I had them summoned to my office for the meeting. It was also another way for me to show them that I trusted them. Calling them to my office was a sign that I didn’t think that they were a threat. I was going to allow them to be further into the castle, and closer to my family.

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