CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 278


After some help, either light or heavy, or urgent or slow, Lu Jingyun, who only washed, took a bath and the fire rose. This made people feel that in the hot bathroom, their body temperature did not drop at all, but went up in a straight line. Joey, who had been washed directly, was flushed all over with angry eyebrows.

Lu Jingyun couldn't control this reaction. After washing in a hurry, he threw Joey on the bed.

It's just the beginning of the night. I believe that even the high temperature can't stop the most loving love between men and women.

When Joey woke up, Ruan Xiaoxiao had already left, and Sister Li had already made breakfast and lunch. After washing, she sat alone at the table to eat.

The dishes were not many, but they were exquisite, and Joey was not so happy.

"Have you eaten, Sister Li? Let's eat together. "

"Ma'am, it's impossible."

"There's nothing I can't do. It's not ancient times. Anyway, it's almost noon. Let's eat together. I'm so embarrassed that I'm facing this big table. "

Joey thought of the small tea table she used to have when she was in Jiangcheng. There were a few dishes on it. The table was very big here, but it was of no use. She could eat so much by herself. She felt empty.

Sister Li laughed and said, "madam, I will accompany you."

Sister Li sat on one side, but she didn't eat. She just looked at Joey with a smile.

"Well, no force. But just stay with me Joey said something occasionally as he ate Sister Li's cooking is really delicious. Can you teach me the secret recipe instead of teaching me? "

"Madame, if you want to learn from me, I will give it to you."

"Good. In fact, when we were in Jiangcheng before, either I cooked or my husband did it. At that time, we were complacent about our own cooking. But as soon as I eat what Sister Li has done, we can see that our level is almost far away. "

Sister Li was surprised that Mr. Lu even cooked?

She has only been here for two days, but she has learned a little about it.

Mr. Lu is a serious and deep man. She doesn't dare to be lazy, but she is very considerate to his wife. She thinks of everything. As for the lady, she is a lovely little girl and easy-going. She doesn't have the bossy look of other ladies at all.

At present, she is a good employer.

"When I learn Sister Li's craft, I'll make it for my husband and surprise him."

"It's admirable that you and your wife are so kind."

"Ha ha..." Joey blushed a little embarrassed, and Sister Li was soft in her heart. This lady is really a lovely little girl. No wonder Mister likes it so much.

Joey and Sister Li had a lot to eat and talk about. She knew about Sister Li's family situation. Both husband and wife had worked in Kyoto for several years, and a daughter was also striving to study in a university in Kyoto.

Looking at Sister Li's happy smile when she said her family, it's also a happy family.

After dinner, Sister Li cleaned up the table, and somehow stopped Joey from trying to help. Finally, she simply moved out the booty she bought yesterday, studied it and tried it on.

"Sister Li, do you like this suit? I always think it's too rigid. I feel bound to wear it. "

Sister Li nodded and approved Ma'am, I've seen some ladies or ladies wear this kind of clothes. They look very imposing. "

"Do you have any?" Joey also learned to pose, lifting his chin slightly as if he were haughty Do you like it, Sister Li? "

Sister Li looked and shook her head. "Yes, it's the eyes."


Joey has a look in his eyes Yes, yes, it seems to feel. "

"Oh, no, I can't do it." Joey broke his shoulders. " For another set. "

Joey just took the clothes to change, the doorbell rang, and Sister Li quickly opened the door. Joey was curious about her coming. Who would come at this time?

"Madame." Sister Li led a middle-aged man in. " This gentleman said it was sent by Mr. Lu. He wants to see his wife. "

When the man saw Joey, he looked at him quickly, and then he showed deference Miss Qiao, the master has heard that Miss Qiao has come to Kyoto and wants to see Miss Qiao. "

"Ah Good. " Joey was stunned and agreed, not to mention anything else Now? "

"Yes, the car is outside. I'll wait for you outside first. When you are ready, we'll start."

"Well, wait a moment." After seeing the man leave, Joey immediately changed into a comfortable dress, but he couldn't be too casual. Now Joey is so grateful to Ruan Xiaoxiao for his forced shopping yesterday. He turned out a dress to put on and put down his hair.

"All right, Sister Li, I'll go first."

After seeing Joey out, Sister Li immediately called Lu Jingyun.

After Joey got on the bus, he felt uneasy all the time.

When you come to Beijing, you have to meet your elders. But Lu Jingyun said before that he would go to the official meeting after he made an appointment, instead of the old man looking for someone to pick her up. What's more, without Lu Jingyun's company, it seems that such a meeting is not right.Should she call Lu Jingyun?

Just thinking about it, Joey's cell phone rings.

As soon as it was Lu Jingyun's phone call, Joey immediately picked it up.


"Yi, don't be afraid. I'll be there in a minute. It's OK. I'll be with you

"Well, I see."

"Don't panic when you arrive in a moment. Although grandfather is more strict, he won't embarrass you. In case there is anything unhappy, please wait for me. Do you know? "

What does that mean?

Joey looked at the middle-aged man in the front passenger's seat. If he wanted to ask what was inconvenient, he could only answer Lu Jingyun's words cleverly.

After hanging up the phone, Joey was even more upset. He didn't mean to see his elders, but to have a banquet at Hongmen.

When Joey arrived at the old house of the Lu family nervously all the way, he met Mr. Lu. From his eyes, Joey finally saw why Lu Jingyun was so nervous and ordered, for fear that she would overreact.

Because Mr. Lu never looked directly at her, and the only look in his eyes was full of contempt and dissatisfaction.

Joey sat so stiff, but he couldn't help scolding Lu Jingyun.

Why don't you say it earlier? She didn't need to say that she was not so satisfied. I told you that she would

Can she still run?

Joey knows that this is inevitable. Lu Jingyun's acceptance of such a humble woman as her wife does not mean that the Lu family can accept such a woman. What she should have thought of long ago was that Lu Jingyun had been so fond and considerate that she forgot that she was, after all, a woman who could not get on the stage compared with the Lu family.

Alas Today, we have to face up to this word.

"I'm sorry, grandfather. I haven't come to see you since I came to Kyoto."

After all, it's the elder. Even if Joey is reluctant in his heart, he still has to respect the elder. We have become a family. We can't be stiff.

Although she has no experience of getting along with her elders, she can be polite.

"Well, you know I'm sorry? It's the first time for my old man to see such a girl. Without the orders of her parents and the matchmaker's words, I can't even see her elders. I can't afford to be Miss Qiao's "grandfather!"

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