CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 236


Joey gave a faint smile, "OK, don't say later. They're all coming back soon. They won't talk

After closing the topic, Joey got up and went to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, she could feel her depression from her face, and her eyes and eyebrows had no rising vitality.

Perhaps, this is temporary, she may soon be unable to carry, and then forgive Lu Jingyun, again into his arms. But after that, will her happiness continue to go on like that?

Joey didn't have any confidence.

He lowered his head, took the water, patted his cheek, and Joey sobered himself up.

She was not so timid before. Was she frightened by Lu Jingyun's identity?

She shook her head and Joey walked out of the bathroom. She couldn't think about it.

In the afternoon, I don't know how many topics the love lunch has attracted, and Joey doesn't care. At the end of the day, Joey quickly packed up and left the company. Tomorrow, Saturday, she wants to leave Jiangcheng and go back to her hometown.

But the idea is good enough, but the action is no better than the interference.

Li Jia's phone seems to have found out her whereabouts. She had just arrived at the bus stop and had not got on the bus, but the phone came.

She asked her classmates for a party. She thought about it and knew it was Ye Lin who told Li Jia.

I don't care about her husband's caressing her for dinner.

Agreed to Li Jia's invitation, Joey changed direction and went to Li Jia's invitation place.

This time, instead of the ostentatious choice of emperor Hao, the restaurant is still not very affordable.

Joey is taken into the box and sees Li Jia and Zhang Yan sitting together chatting.

"Joey, I'm waiting for you. Why is it so late?"

"I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam at work. Just the three of us? " Joey sat down and asked.

"Yes, just the three of us. Don't you like having too many people? Isn't it nice to have a simple meal? " Li Jiafen told the waiter to serve the dishes and explained to Joey with a smile.

"Joey, I haven't been in touch for a long time. You all seem to be having a good time. I'm miserable. I've been chased by my tutor all day. My world is full of books and papers. I'm bored to death. " Zhang Yan also seems to have some changes, laughing and complaining.

"Don't you just like doing research?"

"I used to like it, but I can't carry it. It's terrible that you are buried by a lot of research every day."

"Work and rest are combined. If you have time, you can come out more often and contact us often." "Joey and I are not very busy, either at night or on weekends," Li said

Joey nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll find you when I'm bored."

While eating, the three chatted. They didn't talk about the vanity of money and material. Instead, they talked about their former college life, or their current work, friends and life.

They had a good meal, and Joey hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

So, sometimes Li Jia is really good, if you don't show off your vanity.

"No, the school dormitory has access control. I have to go back before that. You two keep talking. I have to go first. "

Although Zhang Yan didn't give up such a pleasant atmosphere, she would like to have a night talk like that in the school dormitory before. However, this is not in the school after all.

Seeing Zhang Yan off, Joey is ready to leave.

"Thank you tonight." Joey and Li Jia walk out slowly and say thanks.

"Thank you for what?" Li Jia smiles. "What else can I thank you for meeting my classmates?"

Joey smiles, too. "If you know my situation, I won't go around with you. Thank you and ye Shao. I'm very happy tonight. I haven't been so relaxed for a long time

Li Jia is silent, which is tacit to Joey's thanks.

"I'm just being asked."

"Yes?" Joey was stunned.

Li Jia suddenly focused on Joey. After a while, she said to Joey, "I broke up with Ye Shao."

"Well Sorry, I'm... " Joey was surprised.

"Ah There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault. " Li Jia goes on. " It's very common to open and close these days. Look, aren't you facing the trouble of opening or closing? "

Li Jia's topic turns to Joey, which makes Joey helpless.

"That's true." Joy's self mocking smile, let alone others, she herself is the same.

"Ye Lin and I will be separated sooner or later. I couldn't have married into the Ye family. Even though in your opinion, my family still has some status, but compared with the Ye family, I'm not qualified to be accepted. "

Joey's face was heavy, too.

"So I'm jealous of you. Although you are worse than me, you are the legal wife of Lu Shao. And I can only be one of the women in Ye Lin's past. In the future, his wife will never be me. ""If ye Shao really loves you, then you..."

Li Jia interrupted Joey and sneered, "yes, if he really loves me, he will fight for it. But he doesn't love me? "

His eyes turned to Joey, as if with no meaning.

Joey frowned, not knowing what to say.

"Ha ha Well, it's getting late. Go back. Let's get together again sometime. "

Li Jia laughed as if she had nothing to say.

After seeing Joey off, Li Jia smiles and calls Ye Lin.

"She's gone back, and she said she was happy tonight. You don't have to worry. In fact, sooner or later, she will return to Lu Shao's arms. "

"Don't thank me. You still remember me Li Jia. I should be flattered."

After hanging up the phone, Li Jia sarcastically hooked the corner of her mouth and said in a low voice. "I'm so mean."

Then he walked to his car and drove away.

When Joey got home, the light in the living room suddenly turned on, which made Joey's heart skip. After seeing the man sitting in the living room, Joey's face was even worse.

It's just that before Joey gets into trouble and calms down the feeling he was scared by, Lu Jingyun starts to talk.

"You are not allowed to turn off the computer in the future. Do you know that I am worried about you?"

Joey looked at Lu Jingyun's gloomy and angry expression. She went into the room to frighten people and asked questions like this. She threw the bag in her hand without thinking about it reflexively.

"Get out of here."

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