CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 121


Lu Jingyun thought of many methods in his mind, but he was not sure that Joey agreed with them.

What's more, it's not the holiday honeymoon for no reason. In particular, his little woman that save money temperament, to go out, is certainly not feasible.

Lu Jingyun did not think of any feasible way to solve the possible crisis. He slowly felt that he was very low-key now. Even if people from Kyoto came, they would not find him in front of him. In particular, he let Mo Jincheng call Tong Zhaoyuan, more security points.

The point is, even if he's been debunked and someone else knows it, Joey can't know.

The only thing to hide is Joey. Lu Jingyun knows that this matter must be opened up by himself, and he must choose a suitable time. Therefore, he is extremely careful to circle Joey within his scope and hide these things from her.

Maybe he would tell Joey when he had to, but not now.

Lu Jingyun has been hiding this matter in his heart these days, but he conceals it very well, and Joey doesn't find anything different. Until the weekend, Lu Jingyun learned through news that people from Kyoto had arrived in Jiangcheng and were meeting with the Zhao family.

Lu Jingyun immediately made an excuse and took Joey to the hot spring resort nearest to Jiangcheng. He took Joey away from Jiangcheng. He also hoped to see if he could find a good chance to confess to Joey over the weekend.

They started early in the morning and took the bus for two hours to get to the temperature hotel.

Lu Jingyun because of booking a room in advance, tell Joey he is still group buying tickets, Joey also did not feel too much pain, after all, after all, she was very happy after two people world.

After a short rest in the room, Lu Jingyun takes joy around the hot spring area nearby. In addition to the comfortable hot springs, there are also some beautiful hills and developed landscape. Near the garden, there are a large number of holiday villas, which can be regarded as a tourist attraction.

Lu Jingyun and Joey walked in the garden hand in hand. Because it was the weekend, many people came to take a hot spring. From time to time, he met couples or several people from a family. Joey was very happy and took photos with his mobile phone from time to time. His own, Lu Jingyun's, or both of them. Obviously, Joey was very interested in playing.

"Husband, look at that villa. It's very beautiful."

Joey took a picture of the villa in the distance and was happy to share it with Lu Jingyun.

"Yes, you like it?"

"Well, listen beautiful. As for like it, we can wait until we have money to say: "that kind of villa is beautiful and spacious. Everyone will like it, but not everyone can afford it.

"Well, when we have money, we'll buy it." Lu Jingyun said, Joey did not notice the change of his dark eyes, and happily pulled him to the front of the sculpture next to the photo.

After that, they would not have lunch in the hotel until noon. Joey was very satisfied with the food in the hotel. After all, it was a group purchase of food and accommodation, which was absolutely worth the money. She also had a good meal.

After lunch, the hotel recommended guests to visit the villa group. Joey was surprised, but then he thought that this was the same interest relationship between the hotel and the sales office. Dare not buy or not to buy a house, these visitors here may become invisible buyers.

Joey and Lu Jingyun also went to the sales office with the crowd. When they entered, the men and women in the room enthusiastically introduced all kinds of villas with different prices. Joey was embarrassed to see how enthusiastic they were. But they won't have money to buy them. Are these people so enthusiastic? Are they well-trained or have poor eyesight? Do you think they are rich?

However, Lu Jingyun listened carefully. During the visit, he put forward a lot of questions about the villa, which really looked like a person to buy.

When everyone went upstairs to visit, Joey seized the opportunity to grab Lu Jingyun's arm and asked in a low voice, "husband, you ask so many questions. It really looks like you want to buy a villa. I feel a little embarrassed

Lu Jingyun dotes on Joey's head. In fact, he really wants to buy such a holiday villa for Joey.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. We've got a clear idea. Maybe it won't be long before we can afford it."

"You dream." Joy couldn't help but take a look at Lu Jingyun. "Did you win the lottery?"

"Yi, what would you think if I could pay for the villa now?"

Lu Jingyun's face didn't mean to be a joke, but Joey looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

"Husband." Joey touched his face and said, "I was thinking, didn't you sleep well yesterday?"

Lu Jingyun looked at Joey's smile and sighed helplessly.

"Silly Yi, you are so stupid." Why didn't you see his seriousness?

"You're stupid. Your whole family is stupid." Joey retorted.

"Yes, you are my family." Lu Jingyun smiles and points Joey's lips OK, let's continue our tour. Even if we can't buy it, we can see it clearly. We will also tell people that we have been to see villas. ""Poo Hoo..." Joey chuckled. "You can think of that."

In the afternoon, it seems that there are several model villas. Before returning to the hotel, several people have decided to buy them. Joey can't help but be surprised. It's really low-key to see the people who pay for it.

After returning to the hotel, Joey changed his swimsuit and followed Lu Jingyun down to the hot spring.

What Lu Jingyun chooses is a double room, which can give two people private space. This kind of quiet space is not disturbed by people. Lu Jingyun has been reluctant to speak.

Finally, Joey found his strange, Joey could not help rowing to his side, some worried asked Lu Jingyun.

"Husband, are you worried?"

Lu Jingyun holds Joey's waist with both hands. He is afraid that she will leave. After a deep breath, he seems to have some difficulty in opening his mouth.

"Yi, I There is something I want to tell you: "Lu Jingyun looks at Joey's totally trusting eyes, and he can't say what he says.

"Husband, what do you want to say to me?"

Joey's eyes on Lu Jingyun's eyes, want to understand his hesitation and embarrassment from his depth.

It suddenly occurred to me that last night, Lu Jingyun tried, if I kept something from you, would you be angry?

Joy's heart suddenly thump, soon, the face is a little pale, even if the hot spring, can not cover up her sudden vulnerability.

Grasping the landing scene cloud's hands fiercely, Lu Jingyun is a little nervous.

Joey asked him, "honey, are you What are you really hiding from me

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