Bringing Culture to a Different World

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Lursk Advanced Magic Academy.

Together with her apprentices, Prophet arrived at the advanced magic academy.

She took a glance at the sheepskin scroll in her hand. The scroll was sealed by an owl-shaped wax seal.

That scroll served as the proof of acceptance for the Lursk Advanced Magic Academy. Using the back door known as the Gray Mage Lursk, Joshua successfully enrolled Prophet and her apprentices as students in the advanced magic academy.

“Teacher, the humans are already going to school at such a young age?”

Prophet and her apprentices were walking on a shady trail covered by trees. Enroute, they encountered many mages that seemed to be only ten years or so old.

“Those are students of the elementary department. Once humans reach a certain age, their parents will try their best to send them to the magic academies so that they could acquire new knowledge.”

Prophet had studied the structure of human society. She took a glance at the humans that looked about the same age as her and felt a terrifying sense of heaviness in her heart.

“I... when I was young, I was only allowed to help my father manage the hellhounds,” said an apprentice in a slightly disappointed manner.

“The Demon Realm does not possess any standardized school. Besides, your racial traits made you over a hundred times stronger than humans. Even without training, you will still be able to become qualified warriors.”

Prophet glanced at her four apprentices. Apart from one of them who was half-succubus, the other three had racial traits that would allow them to become warriors no weaker than low-level mages without any training.

It was precisely because demons had superior constitutions to humans that many demons believed human knowledge and magic to be completely useless.

Perhaps their opinion was valid a hundred years ago. But today, the arcanotech devices created by humans had completely surpassed the demons’ physical gift and special traits.

“The knowledge that the four of you will be learning here will bring forth decisive influences upon your return to the Demon Realm. Thus, I hope that you all do not think of this journey to the human world as playing around.”

Right after Prophet reminded her four apprentices with a serious tone, she felt the surrounding air turning restless all of a sudden.


Prophet turned around. She could hear a large number of footsteps proceeding toward her direction.

“Ene... enemies?”

The four apprentices immediately tensed up and gathered together. Prophet removed her eyeglasses to look afar. Once she saw what was approaching them, she gave an order.

“Make way,” said Prophet.

Her apprentices were still confused. Prophet calmly walked to the side of the road.

Her apprentices quickly realized what their teacher wanted them to do and ran over to her. Right after they got behind Prophet, a burst of violent wind came from behind them.

In a blink of an eye, this not-so-spacious path was packed full with humans. They were all running in unison. With the number of humans, if the four apprentices did not move over to Prophet’s side, they would most likely be stomped into peppermint-flavored ‘demon stuffings.’

“Those people... what are they doing? Are... are they fleeing?”

The most timid of the four apprentices was completely terrified by the sight of a flock of humans.

Judging from those humans’ attire, they were all students of this advanced magic academy. In fact, Prophet even managed to catch sight of students from other magic academies in that group.

“No clue...” Prophet shook her head. If Joshua was here, he would be able to simply and incisively declare ‘they’re running to the dining hall for food.’

But, those students were actually running in the opposite direction of the dining hall.

“Maybe we can gather information about them from a human.”

Prophet waited until the main group of running humans passed. Only a few straggling stamina-lacking female students were still walking on the shaded path. Prophet found a girl that seemed easy to talk with and walked over to her.


Prophet raised her head to look at the girl with long silver hair. For some reason, Prophet felt like she looked familiar.

“Hello... you’re an unfamiliar face. Are you from the elementary department?” The girl bent down to look at Prophet.

Prophet didn’t answer her question. She merely revealed the owl symbol wax-sealed sheepskin scroll to the girl. That served as proof of her status as a new student in the advanced magic academy.

“A... new student? At this time? Oh... I’m Hyrlan Lloyd. Welcome to this magic academy.”

Hyrlan extended her hand to the little girl that was only as tall as her stomach.


Prophet also extended her hand while giving her name to Hyrlan. Very rarely would she ever tell others her true name.

“Prophet... what a strange name,” Hyrlan didn’t bother asking more about her name. Instead, she sized up this special new student, “Are you also planning to watch the Belle and Léon’s interview?”

“Inter...view?” Since coming to this city, Prophet had heard many strange terms like those.

“It’s up this road. Yesterday, an arcanotech device by the name of ‘television’ was installed above our academy’s magic arena. It seemed like we would be able to see the interview between Belle and Léon with our very eyes through that machine,” Hyrlan pointed to the end of the road.

All those students were running toward the arena for the sake of obtaining better seats.

Unfortunately, as Hyrlan’s stamina was lacking, she had no choice but to slowly walk behind the crowd.

“You should know about Belle and Léon, right? They’re the main male lead from ‘Léon: The Demon’ and the main female lead from ‘Beauty and the Demon.’”

Another girl appeared from behind Hyrlan. This girl’s eyes were shining. Seeing her, Prophet couldn’t help but step back repeatedly.

Prophet felt the aura of the Holy Light emitting from her body... She was certain that the girl before her was a believer from the Nation of the Holy Church.

“She’s my friend Sansa. Sorry about scaring you. Do you want to check out the arena together with us?”

Hyrlan offered an invitation to the extremely young looking girl. For some indescribable reason, Hyrlan felt very intimate toward Prophet due to the intellectual air emitted by her.

“About that...”

Prophet was hesitant toward the invitation. Joshua had told her before that she should ‘be wary of strangers.’

As she was hesitating, Prophet suddenly heard the sound of a galloping horse.

“Careful!” Prophet reacted right away and pulled Hyrlan and Sansa to the side.

In a short few seconds, an unicorn-like creature with lightning runes inscribed all over its body ran past Prophet. A girl who seemed slightly older than Prophet was seated on the creature.

As the unicorn galloped, one could hear the sound of thunder. No matter how one looked at it, it does not resemble a ‘gentle’ horse.

“An unicorn with the power of the God of Lightning, isn’t that a magical beast of the Croshere Magic Academy’s chief?” Hyrlan immediately recognized the origin of that magical beast.

She cannot understand why the chief from the neighboring academy would ride such a dangerous magical beast and run all around this academy.

“Young miss... please don’t... ride that unicorn around...”

After the unicorn ran past, a panting attendant appeared from behind. Before he could even finish his words, the unicorn had disappeared far into the street.

“I think she might be here to watch that ‘interview,’” Prophet pushed her glasses and made that verdict.

“It seemed like the headmaster of the Croshere Magic Academy had refused the proposal to construct a television in their academy. Perhaps that’s why she ran over to our academy?”

Hyrlan was very well-informed. After all, it was the advanced magic academy next door. To students of Lursk Advanced Magic Academy, the neighbors were their rivals.

“Ahh! This is our territory! How could we possibly allow for students from another academy to steal our seats?!” Sansa finally realized what was going on. She pulled Hyrlan with the intention of rushing toward the arena.

“It’s already too late now,” said Hyrlan. She was still catching her breath.

As someone who specializes in arcanotech devices and runes of order, Hyrlan’s stamina truly cannot compare to her wild mage of a younger sister.

“Perhaps we can go and seek out the seniors majoring in the prophecy system. Their ‘Omniscient Eye’ should be able to show us the scene inside the arena through their crystal ball,” said Hyrlan.

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