Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 126:

Chapter 126:

“Crush him.”

The moment the command of <spirit magic=""> was uttered.


The fishmen that were scattered about started to scream and came together as one.

There were few with their bodies scattered about from the attacks of Nam GungHyuk….

But every single one of them crawled through the ground and went towards him.

“You’ve even mastered the Cult’s Necromancy…?!”

At that sight, Nam GungHyuk attempted to destroy the gathering of the fishmen, but it was impossible.

The <spirit magic=""> activated through the Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown made it possible to control every dead being.

As long as its existence itself was not gone, the dead would never stop its movements.

‘<spirit magic=""> of B+ ranks are that powerful’

But that did not mean that I could just laze around. </spirit></spirit></spirit>

「The durability of Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-) is decreasing by 0.01%.」

「The durability of Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-) is decreasing by.…….」

「The durability of Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-) is decreasing by.…….」

With each passing moment, the crown kept cracking as its durability went down.

At this rate, the crown would completely break so the plan had to commence quickly.

‘Let’s end this quickly.’

I gathered up my thoughts even more seeing Nam GungHyuk swing around his blade like a lunatic.

「The exclusive effect of Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-), <spirit magic(b+)=""> is activating strongly.」</spirit>

「Every dead being’s movement will increase by 300%, and unless the entities are completely destroyed, the spirit magic will not be deactivated.」

「The strong activation of <spirit magic(b+)=""> is affecting Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-).」</spirit>

「The item’s durability will be lowered 8 times faster and your mind will also be eroded faster.」

The fishmen that were gliding across the floor started to move inhumanely fast.


I added on another command, feeling the crown on my head get a large crack.

“Hold him.”

With that command, the group of the dead started to hold onto Nam GungHyuk as well.

Although it was just a single additional command, its effect did not increase.

The corpses that were busy trying to crush him now turned to move in an attempt to hold him down.

Nam GungHyuk eventually ended up showing a weak spot due to the quickly approaching corpses.

“Damn it! Let me go! Using such a vulgar method…!”

His voice dissipated from being buried by the corpses.

Now his form could not be seen, trapped inside the tower of the fishmen.

「The exclusive effect <spirit magic(b+)=""> of Ancient’s Emperor’s Gray Crown (A-) is deactivating.」</spirit>

At that, I took off the ashen crown and put it back on my inventory.

After sheathing the Blood Demon Sword, I concentrated while holding the Counter Shield.

‘I have to wrap it up with the strongest technique.’

With every condition met, this should be plenty to kill him.

But, if this attempt does not work, the fight will become more difficult.

In order to avoid that, everything will have to end using the most powerful attack.

And there was only one technique that I knew, that was the strongest technique to kill.

Rolling Sword of Blue sky.

Among the techniques that I knew, this was the strongest area attack technique that managed to make a region of Tokyo into a wasteland.

The rugged mana sword slowly spun about at the same time I turned.

「The skill ‘Counter Shield’ releases the accumulated damage at once. 」

And a blinding light exploded from the tip of the sword manifested like a tornado.

The tornado of light that was already blinding enough….

「Activating Exclusive Skill of ‘Harmonic Soul Demon Sword’, ‘Double Attack’.」

Did not stop just with that.

»————- ★ ————-«

The scenery after three rounds of tornado went through was beyond imagination.

Every tree was burnt up and the overflowing water from the lake was completely dried up.

Almost as if the concept of destruction visited and disappeared.

Under normal circumstances, Nam GungHyuk would’ve never survived this….


“I’m gonna go insane.”

But he was still alive after getting directly hit with all these insane attacks.

Of course, his state was in no way good.

His clothes turned ragged, and blood was pouring out from his eyes, ears and mouth.

But it was undoubtful. Seeing the shining light from his sword.

That this was a battle that I lost.

‘Just what on earth is that….?’

It was absurd seeing the star light looking light coming from his sword.

With the experience gained from the tower, it could be easily understood.

That the light was not from a skill nor a power, but from Nam GungHyuk’s pure caliber itself.

And that of a level higher than Sword Ki and Sword Flame.

Perhaps it might’ve been the result of the combination of the three elements.

But that was not it either after thinking about it.

‘That was not an attack that could be blocked simply by adding another element to the sword.’

At that, I frowned but felt futility after finding out the answer.

‘Now this is a foul play…’

The answer determined from observing the mana resonating around Nam GungHyuk was this.

Sword Ki was a technique that can modify the laws around the sword to add an element, and Sword Flame was a level that could further add another element to it.

That, was a state that went further than the aforementioned to manipulate the surrounding mana like the Sword Flame technique. In a way, a kind of Extreme Devotion.

If he manages to ascend further from that state, just from will alone, swinging his sword would be able to cut down anything…..

And use the Mind’s Blade technique as well.

‘I feel like I can understand why he worshiped martial arts so much.’

I could understand now why he was able to resist the three hits of the Rolling Sword of Blue Sky.

It was not that he used a great skill or a special power.

‘To think that he only used the Flying Sword of Blue Sky……’

Nam Gung Hyuk merely used the basic defense techniques that he knew.

But, that defense technique itself was reinforced like crazy to influence its surroundings.

As I was silently looking at him, he spoke up.

“….Consider this an honor. This Sword Aura was not something that someone like you is worthy of seeing.”

Unlike before, his voice seemed quite tired.

It was no wonder.

The technique that Nam GungHyuk just demonstrated went beyond his current abilities.

No matter how great he was, it was a technique that would’ve taken a toll on him.

To explain, at this moment, Nam GungHyuk would be killed with a single proper attack.

It was evident from his rough breathing and sensing the mana circulation to conclude that he did not have much energy.

Taunting him to weaken him worked as a heaven sent opportunity.

The technique that Nam GungHyuk used was most likely his final attempt in escaping the desperate situation.

If he could be cornered just one more time, my victory would be certain.


However, the issue was that it would be more likely for me to be murdered before such an opportunity would come.

Precisely with that starry light emanating from his sword.

And I could not even attempt to buy more time with my completely depleted mana.

「Activating the power, ‘Quick Mana Charge’.」

Despite activating the power previously acquired, mana was not recharged much.

‘I’d need at least 10 minutes for a full charge.’

Despite recharging mana even with a risk of damaging the mana circuit, I still ended up like this….

With the current rate of mana recovery, at most I could do a few attacks.

But I glared towards Nam GungHyuk with a determined look.

As the saying goes, it is not over until the end.

Despite the tide of the battle being against me, there were still opportunities to turn that tide.

‘If it goes according to my plans, it’s not so hopeless.’

「Activating the power ‘Iron-blooded Sword’.」

Nam GungKyuk bitterly laughed after seeing the newly summoned sword.

“Resisting until the end. I will end that unsightly resistance now.”

And his sword of starlights moved in an arc.


Although the technique was a level higher than Sword Flame, it was unable to break my Sword Flame.

Whether the issue lied with the technique itself or the user…..

That was unknown. But this was clearly an opportunity.

‘I have to recharge my nama and buy more time.’

One hit, two hit, three hit……

The battle of clashing swords did not last long.


「Deactivating the power ‘Iron-blooded Sword’.」

After ten rounds of clashing swords, the summoned sword broke.


And Nam GungHyuk’s sword bent like a snake at the opportunity.


The moment his sword flashed brightly and the sensation of cold metal flashed by my neck.

An unusual thing occurred.

「Activating skill ‘Last Stand’.」

「All the damage you’ve received will be nullified.」

「For a period of time, all sensations will heighten and every skills will be adjusted.」

「The skill’s cooldown will last for a week.」

The Last Stand skill.

A skill acquired as bonus reward after clearing the 12nd floor.

And thanks to that, I was safe and sound despite that hit that should’ve killed me.

“…I never thought that it would actually nullify it in this way.’

Now I realized what the skills’ description of nullifying the critical injuries meant.

As the description stated, it has literally nullified the critical injuries on me.

As if the time was reversed.


Perhaps a skill like the Last Stand must’ve been unexpected for him as well.

He attempted to swing his sword in surprise….

But this insane skill does not merely nullify critical injuries.

「The skill ‘Chaotic Sword-fighting Play’ will be adjusted to increase to the maximum attack speed.」

With the effect of the skill, the newly adjusted sword moved about four times faster than before.

And with this opportunity, the sword glowed from receiving all recovered mana to shine brightly with crimson lightning.


The chilling sensation of cutting through flesh resonated throughout the entire body.

「Congratulations, You have overcome the Tower of Trials floor 14.」

「As a reward, you have received ‘Wind Spirit’s Boots (A+)’.」

「As a reward, you have received ‘10,000 points’.」

「As a reward, you have received ‘4,000 SP’.」

「Your bonus rewards will be increased due to achieving victory against a strong opponent.」

「As a bonus reward, you have received ‘4,000 points.’.」

「As a bonus reward, you have received ‘Sky Breaking Sword(A+)’.」

「Please move to the waiting area.」

The messages signaling the end of the 14th floor appeared.

[To be continued.]

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