
Chapter 145: Funeral Arrangements

Chapter 145: Funeral Arrangements

“She is alive! She is alive, and I know it!” Jarek paced angrily on the terrace of the Basilica within the Holy Light Empire capital only 20 miles from Bella Domina.

St. Michael sat relaxed taking in the sun and calmly responded, “She is dead.” He looked to Jarek meeting eyes, “Or did you not see her skewered belly, obliterated heart, and crushed head? Who am I kidding… you are the one who crushed her head. Of course you saw it. So why won’t you believe it?”

He turned his head and looked out over the capital city, “I want to believe it. But I don’t. Not after what happened last time with your brother and father in Houston.”

Michael gave a slight laugh, “That time was very different. She was never confirmed dead.” He stood to meet Jarek at the terrace ledge looking out over the city, “You don’t believe it because it wasn’t the challenge you expected. You killed Xenia too easily. And you killed Victoria too easily.”

Michael paused before continuing, “There is a reason they call you the strongest warrior in modern history. There is a reason the people of the Holy Light Empire haven’t rebelled following their beloved Xenia BloodStar’s death. It’s because you are strong and respected.”

Jarek turned to Michael with a concerned look, “Michael. I haven’t told anyone this. I don’t want to cause alarm. But moments before melting away in Jacek’s ki attack, Victoria look pleased.”

Michael laughed, “I can’t imagine she would want to live with the pain knowing her pregnant daughter had just been murdered by her long time enemy. I am sure she was pleased to leave this world.”

Jarek ignored his comments, “She also whispered something. She whispered what sounded like a verse of something. Something about an heir and death.” He took a deep breath, “I know it sounds crazy, but I have had my scholars working overtime to root out any ancient prophecies pertaining to the BloodStar Empire, and they keep telling me one concerning thing.”

Michael gave a slight smile, “And what is that Jarek?”

“They keep telling me that any information they find leads them back to materials that would’ve been housed within the stolen archives. So you tell me. Is this all not highly suspicious? Stolen archives, an easy defeat, whispered prophecies?” Jarek looked to Michael looking for a serious response.

Michael shook his head, “It’s a conspiracy to be sure. And if it were true, why not kill Xenia herself? If it were true, why would Xenia go through all the trouble of getting pregnant only to be killed? You saw the look on her face. You saw what I saw. That was an honest surrender. One we would do well to forget if we are to live with ourselves.”

Jarek grumbled, “Don’t remind me. My son impregnated my family’s arch enemy while dating another Master, Erika Sage. I don’t think we’ve heard the end of that fallout.”

Michael furrowed his brow, “Is it not true that Jacek was raped?”

Jarek chuckled just a bit, “That’s the official word. But you know as well as I do that Xenia and Jacek have had a prior fling of sorts. She is the devil incarnate filled to the brim with sexual temptation. Even if it were true, if you were Erika would you believe it?”

Michael laughed, “Not for a second.”

The two men shared in laughter. Something they had not done in a long while even if there laughter was directed at a serious matter. Their moment was soon interrupted by a Holy Knight Empire captain who appeared at the doors leading on to the terrace.

“St. Michael and Master Heraklinos. I bring urgent word regarding Warlord BloodStar’s funeral.” The captain knelt before the two men.

Michael raised his hand gesturing at the knight, “Stand. Stand and tell us at once.”

The captain stood, “The funeral will be held at Bella Domina in two days time. The funeral will be televised, and the plaza will be standing room for anyone who wishes to be in attendance outside the cathedral. Seating will be limited on the inside to 100 attendees.”

Jarek stepped forward, “I don’t care what you have to do. Get us both a seat to that funeral.”

The captain nodded, “Master Heraklinos, a certain Mistress Khan has already gifted 10 seats in the very front row for the Allied Masters to attend. They are expecting you.”

Jarek nodded his head subtly, “I see. Tell Constance that we will be in attendance with a keen eye, and we request an open casket no matter how lifeless and hideous the body may be.”

Michael frowned and looked to Jarek; however, the captain nodded, “Sir, Mistress Khan has also confirmed the funeral will be an open casket.”

Michael continued to frown, “It seems they are aware of your suspicions Jarek. They are working hard to lay to rest any lingering animosity you may have.”

Michael turned to the captain, “Thank you. Will that be all?”

The captain nodded and made his exit leaving the two leaders to themselves once more.

Jarek turned back around to gaze over the city once more, “They had better lay my fears to rest. Or I will raze Bella Domina to the ground myself as a precautionary measure.”

Michael grimaced, “That could be politically problematic. Although certainly not a concern in the long run.”

Jarek turned with an annoyed expression, “Politically problematic?”

“Uh, yes. You see, Xenia planned ahead in the case of her death and loss of control of the Holy Light Empire. She ordained the land Bella Domina sits upon as a sovereign nation state ruled by a person of her choosing.” Michael gulped.

Jarek frowned at him, “So reverse it!”

“It’s not that simple. The person she left in charge of the nation state is Nero.” He looked anxiously at Jarek awaiting his response.

Jarek formed a fist, “Nero. Then it is Nero I will have a word with after the funeral. I will settle these matters warrior to warrior.”


Only a few floors lower within the basilica, Jacek and Erika had received word of the funeral arrangements in the next couple of days.

Jacek looked at the guard who had just informed them of the details, “Mark us down for an RSVP of two guests.”

The guard nodded, “Understood Lord Heraklinos.”

The guard began to turn to exit the room; however, Erika called after him sharply, “Guard! Belay that order!” She rushed up beside Jacek and looked to him while speaking further to the guard, “Wait outside while we deliberate the number of our RSVP to the funeral.”

The guard looked to her and nodded. He had no choice but to oblige her as she outranked Jacek with the title of Master. The guard respectfully said, “Yes, Master Sage. I will await your deliberations.”

The guard stepped outside and stood at the ready awaiting the RSVP number. Just as the door closed, Erika angrily burst out at Jacek, “You will not be attending the funeral!”

Jacek stepped forward with a confused expression, “I would like to pay respects to a fallen enemy. Especially given my hand in her fall. It is the way of the warrior to do so.”

She grit her teeth, “You. Will not be attending the funeral of the woman whom you impregnated while courting me! I am Master of a powerful empire. I will not be humiliated by your mourning of her.”

Jacek scoffed, “Erika. Surely you realize the circumstances of which you speak. As much as it pains me to admit, she defeated me in battle. I was her prisoner. She forced me to. She raped me. She is unspeakably evil. She gave me no choice in the matter. And my efforts played a part in ending this war.”

Erika side-eyed him and folded her arms under her chest, “And for those reasons, I have restrained myself from completely severing our relationship. However, the mere thought of what happened tears me up inside. I know she was wild. She was dangerous. She was forbidden. How do you think that makes me feel? I’ve never felt so inferior! And I hate it! Even in her death, I hate her!”

He moved to touch her shoulder and hug her; however, she slapped his hand away. He sighed, “Erika, our relationship will be stronger for having been through this, in time. And I still think it important that we show unity and attend the funeral. Together.”

A tear rolled down her eye, and she sniffled as she sternly said, “As a Master of the Allied Forces, I order you to return home Jacek. With haste. Now.”

He tilted his head in attempt to control his anger and turned around as he yelled, “Don’t forget! That would-be baby within Xenia was also made of my blood! Do you think it was easy to do what I did for the greater good?! Do you think I wanted to do any of this?!”

Erika started with an apologetic tone, “Jacek, I-“

Jacek cut her off angrily, “I will return to the Heraklinos Empire, Master Sage. But without closure at the funeral, I will need space to give these events the thought they deserve. Please respect my wishes.”

Without waiting for her response, he charged to the door. Instead of opening it with a twist of the door handle, he punched the entire door down off of its hinges and stormed out into the hallway leaving it shattered in pieces on the ground.

He marched down the hallway and called back to the soldier standing scared stiff of Jacek’s violent outburst, “RSVP for one! Master Sage!”

The soldier stood shocked but nodded to confirm.

Erika meanwhile slumped down into a chair crying as she lamented her harsh words thinking to herself, “Jacek is right. Who I am to give him demands because I’ve been hurt. He has been through so much more than I have. He fought, he gave his body, and he killed for the sake of our world order. For the sake of humanity.”

She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged her arms around them burying her face down as she began to unabashedly cry.

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