
Chapter 123: Negotiations - On The Table

Chapter 123: Negotiations - On The Table

Xenia leaned against the wall with her arms crossed and one leg bent against the wall as she waited for Jacek to arrive for the second and likely final round of negotiations.

The door opposite her opened and Jacek walked in alone.

Xenia smiled at him, “Jacek Heraklinos, welcome. No friends this time? No Master Karasu?”

Jacek looked at her and couldn’t help but to admire her all-black leather outfit even if just for a millisecond before saying, “My friends are intent on killing you Xenia. I have left them behind in hopes that we may make some headway on diplomacy even if it is a very long shot.”

Xenia shifted her weight from leaning against the wall and walked up to the table where she had placed a small plate of cubed, bite-sized meat pieces, “An appetizer if you like. I made it myself.”

Jacek shook his head as he looked at the pieces of perfectly cooked meats and said, “No thank you, Xenia. If I know you, that is not a source of meat I enjoy eating.”

She laughed as they both sat down, “It seems you do know me well.”

Jacek led off, “Let’s get right down to business. You have several thousands of my soldiers in custody. I want them back. Let’s make a deal.”

Xenia stared him down, “A deal? For a few thousand soldiers? That doesn’t pique my interest in the least. The stakes aren’t high enough. Not nearly high enough.”

Jacek grunted, “The lives of several thousands of soldiers certainly piques my interest. What else do we have if not the lives of the men and women we command and rule over?”

Xenia shrugged her shoulders, “Power. Greed. Gluttony. Lust. Envy. Wrath.” She unfolded her arms and stood up. She then leaned over the table and said, “I’m forgetting my favorite one though. Hmm.”

She raised one leg and then another as she climbed atop the table in her leather outfit and began to crawl over to Jacek who sat opposite her. She smiled at him as she crawled, “Oh yes. Now I remember. Sex.”

As she reached the end of the table, she sat on the ledge of the table and slapped the inner aspect of both of her thighs with her gloves making a loud ‘slap’ noise as she spread her legs right in front of Jacek’s face.

She looked down at him and said, “What do we have if not the men and women we command and rule over? Sex, Jacek. Lots and lots of sex.”

She then slid off the table and into his lap and began to gyrate on his crotch and put her arms around his neck. She leaned in to kiss his neck; however, Jacek blocked her with his hand and grabbed her shoulders holding her firmly in place on his lap as he angrily said, “Your conduct is not becoming of the heir of the BloodStar Empire. I am interested in negotiating for the release of my soldiers whether it piques your interest or not, Xenia.”

She wrapped her strong legs around him and leaned her head back moaning and said, “Oh Jacek, did you not hear?”

She leaned back putting her hands on his knees and moaning as she gyrated on his lap with her legs tightly around him. Jacek said, “Did I not hear what?”

She leaned forward putting her big boobs in his face and laughed, “After hearing how uninterested you are in me or giving me an heir, I killed every last prisoner. And I enjoyed it!”

Jacek stood from his chair and yelled at her as he tried to pry her off of him with his hands, “I demand to see my soldiers right this instant! This is not a game Xenia!”

Xenia smiled in his face, “You want to see your soldiers? There’s the last one right there.” She nodded to the meat on the table and laughed.

Jacek continued to struggle with his hands against her strong legs around him and she merely smiled at him and said, “I’m not letting go Jacek. I’ve killed thousands of soldiers to get this far, and you are going to fuck me whether you like it or not.”

Jacek’s frustration kept growing and growing, “Remove yourself from me this very instant Xenia, or you are going to get hurt. What you have done is grounds for being deemed a war criminal of the worst kind, and I will not hold back if you refuse to release me at once.”

She gasped, “Are you finally going to hurt me? Yes! Yes!! Strangle me. Hurt me. Punish me for being such a bad girl!”

Jacek knew he would have no luck prying her off of him, so instead he began to slam her into various surfaces. He began by rushing into the wall crushing her body in between the solid metal wall and his own body ripped with nearly impenetrable muscles.

She screamed and kissed him as she yelled, “More! Break me!”

He rotated and spun slamming her into the adjacent wall once more. He then backed up off the wall and bear hugged her in attempt to crush her ribs with his big arms. He compressed her with all of his might, and he could hear the faint crackling of cartilage as he squeezed.

All the while, she yelled at the top of her lungs with utmost pleasure from him inflicting pain upon her.

Next, he jumped up into the air and slammed her down on to the table. The table withstood the massive force. Her legs were still tightly wound around his body, and she continued to take great pleasure from the experience as she moved and danced on him.

Jacek wasn’t about to indulge her in playing her games though, and he began to punch her one powerful punch after another to the face. He maintained a steady stream of punches to her face beating her to a pulp as she screamed and yelled with each blow until her face was bruised and bloodied all over.

She purposely left her ki low to feel every hit and every punch from Jacek, and she smiled up at him, “You feel so good Jacek. I killed thousands of your soldiers just so you would hate-fuck me. Come on do it. Put your cock in me and punish me! If you don’t, I’ll just keep being bad. Who knows who I will kill next. Karasu? Erika?”

At hearing Erika’s name, Jacek rolled off the table landing atop Xenia as her back crushed into the ground. He grabbed her throat with both hands and yelled at her, “I am not giving you what you want! And you are not going to kill Erika!”

She tried to speak but only choked noises came out as Jacek had a firm grasp of her throat. She smiled as her body shivered with pleasure. She was so content that she relaxed her legs from around his waist as her body was overcome with pleasure from Jacek physically harming her.

His anger drove him, and he suddenly realized he was being no better than she. His grip let up, and he stood from the ground towering over her.

She looked up at him moaning to herself before saying, “Take me right here Jacek! Or I will take what I want by any means necessary.”

He looked down at her and grimaced, “You’re sick Xenia. You are pure evil. In the coming battles, you should know that I will show no remorse in killing you.”

After sharing a few moments of silence with locked gazes, he turned to leave; however, he took only three steps before he found his body frozen still. Then, against his will, his legs moved to turn around and face Xenia. She was now standing before him with her hand out bloodbending him.

She slowly walked over to him and said, “That kind of dirty talk only makes me even hotter for you Jacek. I know you know me. Are you doing it on purpose? Making me all hot and bothered before our real fun begins?”

Jacek powered up his ki to immense levels beyond levels most ki users could even dream of. He began to raise his arm towards Xenia forming a ki blast; however, at that moment, Xenia activated her bloodlust. Her hair turned a crimson red, and her ki skyrocketed to insane levels.

Even Jacek was stunned at the power emanating from her as he looked on in shock. She bloodbent his arm back down slowly and dissolved the ki blast he had built up.

She walked up to him and ran her hands down his body and leaned in to kiss him. She then said, “Foreplay is over Jacek. It’s time for me to take what I want. And what I want is you. All night. And all day long.”

She bloodbent him on top of the table as he laid down on his back. She then carefully removed his shirt and pants saying, “It won’t be long before Karasu and the others call to check on us. Let’s make this one quick shall we?”

She climbed up on top of him and straddled him saying, “Are you impressed how powerful I have become? I don’t know if there is a single person in this world who can best me right now. You maybe could in a true fight using Perfect Warrior, but at baseline, you are helpless against me.”

She then bloodbent his hands to grab her big boobs through her outfit as she reached back and tore a hole in her pants.

Jacek cried out, “You would force yourself on me just to get your way!? You really have fallen to the lowest depths, Xenia.”

She reached back and felt him, “Forcing? By the feel of things, I’m not forcing a single thing.” She then began to ride him up and down.

She caressed his face kissing him softly and said, “You can cry and scream all you want, but so long as your body keeps begging for me then I am going to give you what your body so desires, Jacek.”

She moaned and collected her hair into a messy bun as she rubbed her head and face. She then let her hair fall back down and put her hands over his hands grabbing and feeling her body.

She moaned and playfully said, “I can tell you have always wanted me back Jacek. Everything about your body right now is crying for me. And if I’m being honest, I’ve wanted you too.”

As much as Jacek hated to admit it, she was a goddess of sex. He tried with all of his might to distract himself, to resist feeling every rush of pleasure. However, ultimately, it was all for naught. She leaned over him and began to kiss him on the lips as she straddled him and gyrated atop of him moving him in and out of her with expert motion.

After only five minutes, his toes began to curl up, and his eyes rolled back from the exquisite pleasure only a girl like Xenia could extract from a man, and he even yelled with pleasure right in her ears.

The feeling of knowing that she had won him over completely gave her an unreal sense of satisfaction.

She looked down at him and said, “Now you tell me. Was that me forcing myself on you without consent?” He merely looked up at her with his mind still blown from the great sex. She smiled and said, “I didn’t think so.”

She laughed, “And that was with me fully clothed just giving you a quickie. Just imagine what fun we could have with all the time to ourselves.”

She finally released him from her bloodbending and walked to the door as he sat up. She looked back at his chiseled body and said, “I know you want more of me. And It’s a shame that such a strong man with a perfect body is caught up with the likes of Erika Sage. But I also know that arrangement is the result of a lot of external pressure that you can’t help.”

Jacek looked at her and began to speak, but she cut him off, “So let me help you by providing some external pressure to get you out of that relationship. You and Karasu will battle me tomorrow. Two versus one. If you both kill me, then this war is over. Done. Just like that. However, if I win, Karasu will be dead or worse, and I will take you as mine, willingly or not, to do whatever I please with.”

She smirked at him, “I’m sure you can guess what I might have in mind. I can assure you that Erika will be supremely jealous and feel oh so inferior. How heartbreaking.”

She blew him a kiss, “See you tomorrow at noon, darling.”

As she walked out, Jacek laid back down on the table still breathing somewhat heavily as he thought to himself, “God damnit! Why does she have to be so damn intoxicating. She’s the devil incarnate. She’s pure evil. But she is also a goddess of pleasure. And she is a goddess of power. I had better steel myself and be prepared to kill her on the battlefield. Otherwise, she is an addiction just waiting to be relapsed on.”

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