Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 588: DLXXXVIII. Bond Of Friendship

Chapter 588: DLXXXVIII. Bond Of Friendship

The enemy stood still in his position and moments before his opponent was about to hit him, he raised a hand, blocking Dag's body in mid-air.

"Uh?! What?! Can he also control the force of gravity acting on my body now?!" he thought, which could neither go forward nor go back.

The Frostsinner's eyes began to shine with a purple light, a symptom of the fact that his true powers had just been activated.

The warriors who were watching the fight from afar, after the short time Dag had freed himself and tried to hit his target, gained confidence in him, believing that perhaps he would be able to get out of that situation with his own strength, but at the sight of the Xis who had blocked his body in mid-air, fell silent, no longer knowing what to think.

"What are you really trying to do, 813666?" the enemy asked in the usual quiet tone, turning his head and looking at Dag, trying to study his behavior and facial expressions.

"Grrr... can't you see it?! So clever, yet so stupid!" Dag answered, screaming, knowing that he had under no circumstances to summon his dark arms and had to free himself from that spell by exploiting only his strength.

The Xis moved his hand slightly to one side and suddenly Dag's body was thrown away at great speed, flying many meters and impacting through the rubble of the square porch.


The sound of the impact was very loud and after it, the Frostsinner turned his gaze to the sky, as if suddenly he had forgotten to be facing someone.


"They're communicating! The Xis is communicating with someone off this planet! I'm sure he's getting orders!" Kranus exclaimed, who after seeing Dag being driven away like a gnat, had the expression seriously worried and was trying to figure out how to make himself useful.

"What?! Then let's attack him! Let's try to stop him! If Dag needs help, why are we all here, scared like helpless rabbits?! We are the strongest warriors in Krypstorm, that pale little man will never be able to defeat us if we all fight together!" Bloodfang replied promptly, who dropped the stick on which he was holding up and prepared for the transformation into a wolf.

"Packmaster! Don't do it!" 

"Chief, your wounds haven't healed yet, you need time to recover your strength!" 

After Thyrius dropped the wooden stick, two of his men surrounded him, holding his arms and advising him to stand still, explaining why.

"Don't touch me! I'm not going to sit here and watch an ally of mine being slaughtered by someone who doesn't even belong to this planet! Kranus! Stop whizzing like a sissy and come with me! Let's show this idiot what we're made of!" 


After the words of the Packmaster of the Claws Of Fenrir, before the ice mage could logically answer him, three arrows hit the Xis' body at the same time.

A normal arrow pierced his head, while two other golden magic arrows, after making an irregular trajectory and changing direction several times, hit him in the middle of his chest and at the base of his spine, behind his back.

Thyrius and Kranus stopped talking to each other and walked out the castle door, noting that the arrows came from above.

The two Clan Commanders raised their heads to the castle tower and discovered that Reidar, Dag's best ally, still had his Failnaught pointed at the enemy.

His expression, although he had decided to strike the first blow, was deeply frightened and his hands trembled, while bitter tears gushed uncontrollably from his half-closed eyes in fear.

"Son of a bitch! How did he get to the balcony up there?!" Bloodfang asked, amazed that Reidar had managed to escape their attentive gaze.

"He exploited the general panic that assailed us to enter the castle and climb the tower, reaching a particularly isolated point. He did so knowing that, if he had loaded his shot from our position, I would surely stop him, preventing him from endangering us" Kranus replied, who as soon as he saw the intense expression of that boy still unknown to him, understood that his heart was pure and that the love for his companion exceeded everything.

While Dag was still in the rubble, having suffered a very violent blow, the Xis looked down, realizing that an arrow with an iron tip was crossing his head and two other magic arrows had pierced him in the vital points of his body.

"The head, to stop brain activity... the chest, to eliminate the heart... and the tailbone, to remove the use of the lower limbs. These bizarre human beings are really amazing when they are frightened" the alien thought aloud, whose words and thoughts were always steeped in logic, without taking into account the sentimental and emotional sphere of those around him, failing to understand them.

The three arrows, without being touched, began to crawl out of the Frostsinner's body, which very slowly turned in the direction of the tower.

"I couldn't do him any harm, despite hitting him at the most critical points of the body, but I already imagined it... what really matters is that I managed to distract him, earning the Captain precious seconds to regain his strength... but now? What do I do now?!" Reidar thought, who had a foot resting on the rocky railing of the balcony and the gaze pointed at the enemy, who was now looking at him.

The two golden arrows, after exiting the Frostsinner's body, disappeared into nothingness, under Reidar's orders, whose mind sanctioned their existence and actions.

The one with the iron tip, on the other hand, was pulled from his head without leaving any signs of injury or blood and slowly, in the air, turned to Reidar, pointing its tip at the Hammers Of Thor archer.

"For the first time, I can't understand... why do you rebel against those who have given you the opportunity to keep on living? In addition to being bizarre, you are also contradictory... but it's not your fault. Your brains are still at their embryonic stage, there is a long way to go in research" the Xis commented as if he was speaking to himself, looking at the tip of the arrow and making sure that it pointed exactly in the direction of those who had tried to hit him.

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