Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 585: DLXXXV. The White Hand

Chapter 585: DLXXXV. The White Hand

"But... how did this happen? If I was born from the fusion of my biological mother's genes and those created by you in the lab based on male human genetics, how could I have inherited Xis genes? Something's wrong! To have Xis genes, it means that one of my two parents was a carrier... so..." 

After his own words, Dag's eyes widened and the young warrior felt all his strength abandon his body for an instant, forcing him to step back so as not to fall to the ground.

"The questions at your disposal are exhausted, 813666. Now I will proceed with my work and take some samples of your power from your body so that the scientists can continue their studies on Earth. I congratulate you again on the excellent results you are getting in the tests, continue like this and you could become the forefather of a new species" the Xis replied, evading Dag's words and immediately changing speech.

"Don't... I can't believe what's going on! Why?! Why me?! I'm sure my mother was a human being and my father too, or at least that's what I was told, but... even this certainty of mine has just been erased! One of them is a Xis! One of my biological parents is a fucking alien! How is that possible?! How did this happen!" Dag thought again, who, trapped in a whirlwind of frustration, continued to retreat, leaving his weapons on his belt and squeezing his head as if it was about to burst.


"Fuck, I don't understand a single word of what they're saying... genes, laboratory... what the fuck does that mean?! Ah?!" Thyrius asked angrily, turning to Reidar as if he had all the answers.

"I don't know, I have no idea! But it's clear that Dag has something in common with them... with the Frostsinners... something that binds them inextricably... but his human characteristics... it is they who differentiate him from those heartless pieces of shit! Dag's job is to avenge the Gods and save the human race, he will surely have something in mind!" Reidar exclaimed, clenching his fists and trusting in his Captain's courage, storing all the trust in him.


"Mmh... avenge the Gods and save the human race? Does that seem to me to be a fairly ambitious goal for an experiment, don't you think, 813666?" the Xis commented, unexpectedly.

The listening skills of the white man, being incredibly developed, like all five of his senses, had managed to capture the voice of Reidar and the others, even though among them there were walls and a distance of more than 40 meters.

"Eh? What is he referring to?" Dag thought, who, being focused only on his interlocutor, had not heard Reidar's words, that by uttering that sentence, had slightly raised his voice.


Behind the castle door, as soon as the Xis asked Dag that question, Reidar put both hands in front of his mouth, closing his eyes tightly and regretting speaking without thinking that the alien could hear him despite the distance separating them.

"Let's keep calm, just talk to each other... I think that's the only way we can help Dag... or rather... prevent him from suffering too much" Kranus added, addressing not only those next to him but also to all the men behind them, asking them to bring the word in the corridors of the palace, spreading the message among their companions.

Although Skjold's native warriors knew the Frostsinners only thanks to Dag and other travelers from Earth, they realized together that the best thing to help their battle comrade would be to remain silent.


"I don't know what you're talking about..." Dag whispered, pretending nothing, though the truth transpired from his worried expression.

Without adding a word, the Frostsinner, whose name no one yet knew, pulled one of his hands out of his pocket, and immediately Dag's body stiffened.

The young Master, who could not move either the upper body or the lower part, moved his gaze down, noting that his arms and legs were motionless as if invisible chains had anchored them to the ground.

After a few seconds of silent waiting, the previously invisible chains became visible: they were bundles of dark matter, very similar to his, but of a different color, tending to purple. 

"What... what's going to happen?! Leave me alone, let me go!" Dag said, who was so afraid he couldn't even scream.

Unlike all the enemies he had faced in his life, this time it was completely different: the powers against which he was supposed to rebel were identical to his own but stronger and this made his chances of success almost nil.

"Now condense your dark matter, 813666. I have to collect a sample. Then you can go back to your daily life" the Xis repeated, keeping the same impassive expression on his white face.

Dag tried to harden the muscles of his arms and pull upwards the bundles of liquid that wrapped his wrists, noting that the power of the Xis was too strong and that material, as he well knew, had a tensile resistance impossible to overcome with mere brute force.

"And now?! What do I do?! I'm not going to give up even 1% of my powers to this son of a bitch! I'm sure they'd use them to their advantage... they could create other life forms that can replicate my genetics and could expand the number of experiments on humans! No, Dag... that would be a mistake... think... there must be a way!" the young Earthling thought frantically, knowing that his chances were running out, as well as Frostsinner's patience, which would soon reach its limit.

"813666... now you will condense the right amount of dark matter and I will take a sample of it. It will last only a moment, putting resistance will not help you" the Xis said again and after these words, moved slightly the fingers of the hand he had pulled out of his pocket.

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