Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 556: DLVI. The Faceless Warrior

Chapter 556: DLVI. The Faceless Warrior

"Well, hihihi... I didn't think I will find myself in front of one of the protagonists of the painting, such a famous man! It's a real honor to meet you in person, Packmaster! My spies told me about you and the fact that you built an underground city to defend your people! 'How pathetic!' I thought! Hihihi!" 

The man continued to speak and when he looked up at Bloodfang, his appearance was finally visible.

A slender body ended with a neck thin and slightly longer than normal: the face without a beard and hair was yellowish as if he was suffering from a disease.

An anomalous smile, stretching from side to side of his face and showing so many sharp teeth was below a poorly pronounced nose, dug inside the skull, making that man scary, seeming a living dead being.

Despite these frightening features, the scariest trait was his eyes: a white bandage, half torn and dirty with blood and mud, covered his upper face, not showing his eyes.

Being bald, Bloodfang noticed that the man did not have ears, which judging by their scars had been torn from his head.

After recovering from that frightening vision even for those who usually instilled fear in others, Thyrius stepped forward and put his hands on the table, slamming them violently.

"Pathetic? The only pathetic thing here is you and your men! My soldiers are devouring them all and they will continue until the last of them has exhaled his last breath and tore to shreds. I don't know who you are, but judging by that laugh that's on your face, you're their leader... well, I inform you that you have lost this war... it's over, the city of Klorr is ours" Bloodfang said, keeping his nerves steady and speaking calmly, knowing that at any moment he would be attacked by that monstrous man. 

"Hihihihihihihi! Hahahihihi! You're so funny, my dear wolf friend! I don't have a name, I've never had one... they call me... the Keeper! Hihihi! You can take Klorr back, you can kill all our warriors... what does it matter to me? There will always be new men ready to join our Clan, people who have grown up in hatred and whose only goal will be to sacrifice their lives for the supreme lord of evil and chaos, the powerful Loki!"

After those words, Bloodfang's arm muscles began to grow, making strange sounds, and his body hair getting thicker, as the red pupils of his eyes widened more and more.

"Uuuh! Yes, yes! This is very interesting! Life here is so boring, I can never have fun! Come on, puppy! Show me what the protagonist of the painting is capable of! Hihihi!" 'the Keeper' yelled with a psychopathic laugh, opening his mouth and showing his tongue, as he slightly rotated his head, trying to intimidate his impending opponent.

"I haven't completely transformed in many years, I'm not sure I'll be able to hold back my anger in wolf form! It might be dangerous for my allies and for me, but I don't care! I'm going to tear off this guy's face if it will be necessary, I'll do it for my Clan!" Thuyrius thought, who was starting to see all red.

As his transformation progressed, blocked only by his fear of letting himself go to the rage, Bloodfang last looked at the painting hanging on the wall, focusing attention on his mother and sister, who unlike the family's men, had been brutally killed by the Lies Of Loki.

That vision was the signal for the floodgates to open and, in an instant, all the muscles in his body increased in volume, turning him into the largest of werewolves, smaller only than Layrus.

The arms were completely covered with black hair and the hands grew along with the claws, razor-sharp.

The trousers tore in the back and a long, bushy tail sprang out of it, waving in the air.


An incredibly loud roar made the walls of the room vibrate and after it, Bloodfang revealed his true form, clutching the table in his hands, shattering it and pointing his frightful red eyes at the enemy. 

"Wow! Hihihihi! That was so scenic! Beautiful, my compliments!" the enemy exclaimed, who, without getting up from his chair, moved his torso forward and put a hand gently on the table.

Sticking only the fingertips to the wooden surface and keeping the palm of his hand detached, the Keeper activated his unique skill: with the same visual effect as a water drop falling into a calm body of water and causing circular waves to propagate, the surface of the table moved as if it was made of water and the waves propagated towards Thyrius, which being in the midst of anger, did not notice what was going to happen.

Just as the Packmaster charged forward, pushing with his arms on the huge dining room table, two giants wooden hands appeared from beneath him and forcefully grabbed his wrists, blocking his advance.

Having already fully jumped on his legs, Bloodfang found himself in mid-air with his arms anchored to the table and despite his incredible reflexes, due to the force of gravity, he fell with his back on it, emitting an incredible thud.

At the exact moment the big wolf's back touched the wood, the Keeper's hand rotated slightly and two other giant wooden hands popped up from the center of the table, crossing their fingers on Thyrius' abdomen, blocking him completely.

"Grrroaaargh! Let me go! Graargh!" 

In just two moves, the most powerful warrior of the Claws Of Fenrir, had his arms and back locked and, unable to move, he waved more and more, trying to let those huge hands made of wood loosen their grip.

They, having been generated of the same material as the table and being much larger and more robust than the human ones, were too strong, even for him.

"So? Is it over yet? Hihihi! You're not a great playmate, my little wolfy man!" the Keeper chuckled, with one hand resting on the table and the other repeatedly banging its fingers on it, expressing his mental disease.

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