Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 548 Mr Martinez Interrogated The Ladies

Sophie and the others returned to the couch, leaving Tiffany alone where they previously stood.

"What did you girls mean by the King is on campus? Where did you hear that from?" Mr Martinez questioned sternly. 

His cold gaze darted from one lady's face to the other only to settle on Tiffany's face.

"Do you know the punishment for spreading a false rumour about His Majesty... The punishment is so severe that it will be a miracle if you die with a complete body," Mr Martinez said just to intimidate the ladies into revealing the truth to him. 

Because of Nora's trembling hands, she failed to conceal properly, he deemed her the easiest target to get the information he wanted.

He strolled to where she sat and stood beside her.

"Tell me, Nora, will you be able to withstand the excruciating pains of getting your skin ripped out and fed to the wild dogs...,"

"Rumors are going around that the King never left the Kingdom," the trembling lady blurted, ignoring Tiffany's warning signs for them not to utter a word.

"Fuck! How on Earth did I get such a weakling as a friend?" Tiffany grumbled under her breath.

"Did you just say His Majesty never left the Kingdom?" Mr Martinez mumbled. He exchanged puzzled glances with the man in a black suit who had entered the sitting room with him.

The tall muscular guy shook his head in negation to show that he wasn't aware of the information they just discovered.

"Where did you hear the rumours from and who was the source of such rumours?" Mr Martinez demanded a bit more seriously.

Tiffany needed no one to tell her that her friends who have always been scared of her grandfather will give in to his intimidation so she thought of what to do to ensure that her grandfather didn't have his way this time around.

"Weren't you the ones chatting earlier without any restraints so why are you suddenly quiet huh?" Mr Martinez growled. He bent and grabbed the shivering Nora's shoulders, causing her to tremble even more.

"Did a cat catch your tongue or do you want to have a taste of how it feels to get your delicate skin ripped apart?" Mr Martinez taunted, his grip around her shoulders became tighter.

"It's....," Nora stuttered as she looked at Tiffany for assistance.

"Say something!" Mr Martinez yelled and shook her violently when he saw that he was very close to getting what he wanted.

"The King...,"

"Those who don't know any better are spreading rumours that the King never left the Kingdom. I bet they are doing this to pin the crimes of the recent death on him," Tiffany replied in a carefree tone.

"Really?" Mr Martinez murmured as he released Nora's hand and stood straight.

The moment he released her, Nora sprang to her feet and rushed to stand beside the unwavering Tiffany.

"I overheard your friends saying that you are aware of the new identity the King took so tell me, who is he?" Mr Martinez asked, his fierce glares shot at the lady who still held her head high.

"I thought your men were the ones who spread the rumour to implicate His Majesty so why are you asking me about a rumour we both know is baseless?" Tiffany asked while looking into her father's eyes.

The manner she spoke to Mr Martinez stunned her friends who were aware of how Tiffany normally treated him in the past.

She could speak to anyone in any way she pleases including her father but her grandfather was an exception.

Because she was aware of the fact that he never adored her from the beginning since he yearns for nothing but grandsons she has always treated him with respect.

She treads around him like she was walking on eggshells. And this was the reason she couldn't confront him when she discovered that she was nothing but a tool for his political ambition.

After staying in silence for a few days she was finally able to vent her anger although not in a way she would have preferred.

But at least this was better than keeping everything bottled up.

"Tiffany...," Mr Martinez called, his scrutinising eye fixed on Tiffany's face.

"At first I really believed that the rumours you men spread about the King still being in the Kingdom were true but after a bit of thinking I knew it was just a fallacy created to make everyone doubts the King's innocence," Tiffany paused as she turned and walked about four steps away from the centre table.

[Kayden, it's true that you hurt me and made my feelings of so many years look like nothing but a joke. Indeed I hate you for choosing her over me, nevertheless, I know that you are a thousand times better than this old man who has always seen me as nothing but an eyesore...]

Tiffany clenched her fists and bit her lower lips to control the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her.

[You might have been awful to me but I am a witness to the fact that you are a good King loved by many... today I will prove to you and everyone out there that I can also be a good person]

Tiffany paused in her tracks, she spun and stared at where her grandfather stood.

If this was the past she would have undoubtedly got intimidated by his murderous glares just like her friends, unfortunately, she wasn't the same Tiffany that he could easily intimidate into doing his bidding.

"You never liked the King from the beginning but you had no choice but to tolerate him because he was the King after all. But your hatred for him soared after he locked up your beloved grandson and tortured him for as long as six months...,"

"What the hell are you talking about Miss Tiffany...,"

"I am talking to Grandpa so this is no place for you to talk," Tiffany growled, her fierce stare shot at Sniper, Mr Martinez's right-hand man.

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