Becoming the Luna

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

"We're out of time, we might have to break down the door..."

Jaxon and Ian rounds the corner of the hallway at this point. "No, idiots!" Jaxon yells. "You'll just trigger him."

"The how else are we going to get in, we're out of time." Darian grinds his teeth.

Jaxon just slips past them, slender body moving easily. "A master key, I had it made in the case of emergency."

Both Warriors just look down at him with dark looks in their eyes, readying themselves to barge in.

They weren't sure if to be proud of frightened of the redhead, what kind of emergency would that be? This one right here was a one in a thousand.

"As soon as we get in, you two grab Hayden and make away, hell, go over to Dale if you need to." Leon was saying calmly, as the door swings open.

The fourth floor was sound proof so they wouldn't have to worry about Virgil waking up the rest of the Pack House.

They swing open the door in time to see Virgil stalking across the room, the opening of the door immediately grabbing his attention.

Leon steps in without hesitation, although Virgil currently looked like he wants to rip off his head and would have fun while doing it.

He sees Hayden sitting against the wall to the left just as he said he would be and he makes his move, ignoring Virgil's rapidly escalating growls, gold eyes fixed on his head.

Immediately he touches Hayden, Virgil snaps, charging forward, Darian had anticipated this, tackling Virgil to the ground with the sheer force of his will.

This doesn't keep him down for long, muscles rippling as he tosses Darian to the side easily, fangs bared.

Jaxon is quick to pull Hayden into his arms, hurrying his out as loud thuds come from behind the hastily closed door.

Hayden however refuses to leave, eyes hard even though he looks so soft in his outfit, sweater paws flopping.

"Hayden, we've got to leave, Virgil will still know you're here and those two can't hold him down forever." The Head Beta panics.

"Will he be okay?" He asks steadily. 


"Tell me, Jaxie!" He cuts in grabbing the redhead's shoulders. "He..." Hayden chokes. "He sounds like he's in pain." 

Jaxon looks into Hayden's wide terrified eyes and knows that nothing but the truth was going to make him budge. "He is but it'll only worsen the longer you hang around."

Hayden gasps at this and grabs Jaxon's hand, running in the opposite direction, Ian following behind them.

They bump into Dale at the end of the hallway who immediately pulls Hayden into his arms.

"Hay? Fuck, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He sniffles, shoulders sagging at the sight of Dale.

Enraged growls were still coming from their apartment and he fists Dale's shirt. "Make sure he's okay?"

"Of course." Dale accepts, placing a kiss on his forehead before racing down where they had just come from.

"Wait!" Hayden panics. "Dale's an Alpha too, will he be okay?" He asks as he gets hurried to the apartment Dream had stayed in previously.

"Yeah, it's just Omegas that have that ripple effect, scary stuff." Jaxon mutters, hoarding Hayden in and putting on the light.

Hayden curls up on a sofa, Jaxon sitting close to him to offer comfort while Ian paces a little ways to the side.

He wraps his arms around himself, breathing in the familiar scent of strawberry and dark chocolate as he tries to not think too much about that cacophony of growling, howling and thudding resounding down the hallway.

Jaxon doesn't push, knowing that this is the farthest he'll get the Luna away from their Alpha, he doesn't blame him.

After a tense while of waiting, Leon wanders in, rips in his clothing and more than a couple dark bruises.

"Is he okay?" Hayden asks immediately he sees him, voice calm, eyes bright.

"No." Leon says honestly, lighting up a cigarette. "But we've restrained him, we can't knock him out with any drugs because they won't work, not until the rut is over." He adds, anticipating Hayden's next questions.

"How long do ruts last?" He asks steadily.

"It varies." Jaxon answers quietly. "It ranges from Were to Were but without intervention mostly longer than a week."

"What the fuck?!" Hayden curses, standing up so quick, the blanket that Jaxon had covered him up with slides to the ground.

Leon chokes on smoke, surprised to hear their Luna curse, he doesn't think he's ever heard him do that before.

"You're telling me that Virgil is going to remain like that for over a week?!" He exclaims. "I'm not sitting by and letting that happen!" He says decidedly, marching towards the door.

"Hayden?" Jaxon calls in worry. "Where are you going?"

"Where else?" He asks rhetorically.

Leon easily steps in front of him. "That's a bad idea." He drawls.

Hayden gives him a look of pure disbelief. "No." He refutes coldly, poking a sweater covered finger in his hard chest. "I'll tell you what's a bad idea, leaving my husband alone just because I wasn't lucky enough to be born a Werewolf so you'll get the hell out of my way."

"Hay?" Jaxon calls nervously. "You don't understand..."

"I'm sick of being told that!" Hayden throws his hands up. "I know exactly what I'm getting into, okay? He's restrained right? I'll be fine." He says coldly, continuing his journey, uncaring if Leon was still standing in his way, he would mow him down if he had to.

Leon smartly steps out of the way and Hayden hurries down the hallway.

"You let him go?!" Jaxon exclaims in disbelief, jumping to his feet.

"Did you see his face, Cherry? I wasn't getting in the middle of all that." 

Jaxon just curses under his breath, hurrying out, Hayden had zero idea of what he was about to do.

What made the entire situation worse was that Virgil was in love with Hayden so it was either him or no one else.

Situations like these rarely happened and keeping a mated Alpha from their mates was like playing with fire.

He hurries faster down the hallway, Virgil was going to snap through those restraints like ribbons if Hayden came anywhere close to him.

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