Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 37: New Sleeping Nest

Chapter 37: New Sleeping Nest

The afternoon sunlight was incomparably intense, and caused the cave to become like a large steamer basket; it was so stuffy that one couldnt breathe well.

Shu Jintian thus asked Hanyu to tie him up under the tree. With the tree shade covering him, the outside was much more cooler compared to the inside of the cave.

The breeze gently blew against Shu Jintians body, taking away the bothersome heat of the scorching summer. Shu Jintian became even more meditative, engrossed in weaving the vines in his hands.

Shu Jintian was weaving seriously when he suddenly had a keen sensation of a somewhat oppressive feeling, smothering him into being unable to breathe.

Shu Jintian raised his head to see Hanyu standing by the cave with a glacial coldness.

Hanyu? Shu Jintian probingly called out.

Mn, Tiantian. Only then did Hanyu turn around and walk towards the female.

Shu Jintian sighed in relief slightly. The big snake was emitting a coldness all over just now which made him feel very unfamiliar. He felt a little calmer now that the big snake talked to him.

Werent you going hunting? Why did you come back so quickly? Shu Jintian weaved the vines as he asked.

Hanyu sat by the females side, both arms wrapped tight around his waist. He apologetically said, Lets not eat meat today, okay? The cave still has sweet potatoes, so can Tiantian put up with eating them for a meal?

Ah? Oh! Im fine with anything, but what about you? Arent you going to eat? Shu Jintian was slightly taken aback, then agreed.

I wont eat. I just ate yesterday. Hanyu kneaded Shu Jintians waist; theres finally some meat! It was grown with a lot of difficulty; will he slim down again if he doesnt eat today?

With that fellow around, Hanyu no longer dared to leave the female to be at home alone. It was also noon right now, and he definitely wont be able to endure being brought along to hunt either. So he had no choice but to wrong him for this meal.

Shu Jintian put away the work in his hands and tugged at the vine on his neck. He made another attempt and said, Hanyu ah, untie the vine on my neck ba. Tying me up all day, my neck is about to grow calluses.

Hanyu thought that he wouldnt leave the female alone before he dealt with that beastman, so tying him up with a rough vine was useless. As such, he happily agreed.

Hanyus large hands pulled at the vine collar around the females neck, and with a light tug, the extremely tough vine snapped.

Ah? Undone just like this? Shu Jintian was stunned for a time. When he reacted, he had a burst of ecstasy; he could finally have his freedom to move about from now on.

Thats great! Hanyu, youre the best! Shu Jintian happily wrapped his arms around Hanyus neck, and unable to think calmly, gave Hanyu a bite on the lips.

Hanyu instantly stiffened, and his arms, which were wide open due to having pulled apart the vine, were rigid in the air as well. Hanyu stared at the female blankly, unable to believe that the female would take the initiative so enthusiastically.

Hanyus ice-cold lip that Shu Jintian bit in his mouth also became thoroughly stiff.

My god! What in the world had he done?

It was still Hanyu who came back to himself first. He moved his lips, wanting to stick out his forked tongue.

It took a good while before Shu Jintian realised he was rummaging through his clothes, but Shu Jintian had already forgotten what he was looking for. Ah! He was looking for his lighter to start a fire. Lighter, wheres the lighter?

Tiantian? What are you looking for? Hanyu followed the female into the cave. Seeing him frantically go through his clothes, he was a little curious.

Eh, Im looking for my lighter to start a fire. Shu Jintian could guess that his face was definitely completely red because his face felt burning hot right now. Today really was hot. Shu Jintian fanned himself with his hand.

But didnt you leave tinder this morning? Why do you still need a lighter? Hanyu crouched at the side, looking at Shu Jintian with a tilted head.

Ah? Uh, thats right, I forgot. Shu Jintians face became even hotter and he threw down his clothes before running outside the cave. Now, when he saw Hanyu, he felt uneasy all over.

Whats going on? Wasnt it just biting him? They had even used tongue before, so why was he now uncomfortable with just a bite? He was like a little kid who had just sunk into the river of love.

Could I have fallen in love with him? No, thats impossible; hes a man ah! Moreover, hes also a snake. 

He must have become this abnormal because they had had sex before. En, that must be it!

Shu Jintians heart thumped and his face became increasingly hotter. He cooked the unwashed sweet potato with a disoriented mind, and the soup he cooked had become a muddy colour. At least the sweet potatoes still had their skin and it would be clean when he peeled it away.

Hanyu thus sat behind Shu Jintian, and Shu Jintian could seemingly sense that he was currently giving him a burning gaze.

Shu Jintian didnt turn his head back around either. After peeling the sweet potato skin away, he took a large bite Fuck me, its not done cooking!

Shu Jintian was too lazy to add firewood to cook it again, and so, he ate half-cooked sweet potatoes for todays lunch.

The burning heat on Shu Jintians face continued until he had a very long afternoon nap. It was only then that it completely dissipated.

At this time, the orange sun was shifting to the west as the blistering hot temperature dropped, and it was no longer as hot as noon.

Shu Jintian had hugged the cold big snake but still wound up awakening from his sleep with a sweaty body, so he wanted to go downhill for a bath.

Hanyu also wanted to bring the female along to hunt, and so happily agreed.

The two of them first took a stroll around the mountain forest, then caught a small prey, and picked a few wild fruits before returning to the riverside at the foot of the mountain. Shu Jintian took a bath while Hanyu cleaned out the prey.

Because it wasnt too convenient to hold large prey while bringing someone along, the two of them always only caught small prey whenever they went out together.

The small preys fur wasnt of much use, and the fur of substandard quality was thrown away by Hanyu, leaving only the Maochu Beasts hide. The Maochu Beast hides at home werent treated yet. Though the fur was soft, the skin was tough and durable, so they could reverse the fur to make them into shoes.

Further up on top of the tree, Hanyu was still drying five large hides with soft fur. They were already processed, so they would be just about done after drying today.

Lets go up and take a look ba!

Hanyu was somewhat looking forward to the female wearing the hide that he personally made. Actually, this was his first time doing this as well; he didnt know whether the female would like it.

After Hanyu was done processing the food, he covered up the meat that was washed clean with a large leaf, then said to Shu Jintian, Tiantian, Im going up the tree to take something down. Be careful since youre alone down here. If theres anything, just call me.

Kay! Shu Jintian first answered casually before he processed his words, then asked, What are you taking down? Are there any bird eggs up there?

Shu Jintian was pleasantly surprised. It has been a long time since he had eaten bird eggs; he really craved them.

Eh~ It turns out that Tiantian is still thinking about the bird egg ne! The next time they go out, hell bring him up trees to search for some ba! Bird eggs were also food that could be preserved, so they should get a bit more to keep ba, so itd be convenient for the female to eat whenever he wanted.

No! Youll find out very soon; Ill go up first.

After saying that, Hanyu confirmed that the beastmans scent wasnt around, then turned into a Spiritual Snake and scuttled up the tree.

Whats he up to ne? Acting all mysterious! Shu Jintian couldnt help feeling expectant. What tasty thing would the big snake bring down?

Recently, he had been eating, then sleeping, then waking up to eat. Otherwise, he was sitting down to weave clothes. It was no wonder that the big snake had said that he gained some meat. His clothes and underpants that had originally turned a little loose now fit his body again.

It had only taken this short while for him to gain back the meat that he had lost for over a month. This speed truly made him speechless. Now, he had to pay a little more attention; it wouldnt be good if he continued developing like this.

Hanyu was worried about the female and so, fetched the hide at the quickest speed, holding it in his mouth to bring it down.

Once Hanyu came down the tree, he turned into a human, hugging the five large hides as he ran to Shu Jintian.


Shu Jintian was curious about what the big snake brought down, so he had kept his attention over Hanyu. Seeing Hanyu come down, he saw what was in Hanyus hands in a glance, and sucked in a breath of cold air. What was that the big snake was biting?

My god, is this animal hide? When did you get such big hides? You never told me. Shu Jintian got out of the water, picking up the clothes on the meadow as he wiped his body while running over to Hanyu.

Shu Jintian dried his hand before he dared to touch the animal hide in Hanyus hands that looked incomparably supple.

The pieces of animal hide felt smooth, the fluffiness bringing along the lingering warmth from having been sundried for an entire day.

My god, Hanyu, when did you do this? It feels so comfortable. I want to use this grey and white one as a bed sheet; lets use it today.

Shu Jintian then touched the other hide. One light grey animal hide didnt feel any worse than the pure grey one. There was also a pure black one; it would definitely look good as clothes. And a reddish-brown one, as well as a brown animal hide with black spots. They also felt just as good.

Its good as long as Tiantian likes it. In the future, if theres any good hide, Ill keep them so you can use them as leather.

Hanyu held an armful of animal hide, rubbing against the females cheek intimately.

Mn! When you treat the animal hide in the future, let me know. I want to learn too. Shu Jintian turned his head, the tip of his nose near Hanyus, and he spoke softly.

The warm breath brushed against Hanyus lips, teasing his heart.

Hanyu made a sound of assent, then pressed against the females rosy lips.

In the mountain forest, at the side of a brook, a pair of naked men shared a soft kiss with bent waists. As for why their waists were bent, it was because there was a large pile of multi-colour animal hide, squished between the twos chests and stomach that wanted not an inch of thread obstructing the twos intimacy.

The two kissing, under the afterglow of the setting sun, cast a long, joined shadow on the floor.

After eating dinner, Shu Jintian excitedly sorted out the bed. The dried grass that had always been incomparably messy had been tidied up perfectly by Shu Jintian, and it was nice and flat. Then, he earnestly spread over the animal hide that was grey and white alternatively.

Originally, when they returned to the cave, Shu Jintian had repeatedly wanted to throw himself over onto the brown spotted one, but he had no choice since only the greyish white animal hide was large enough; it was about 2.5 meters long, and about 2 meters wide. The others were only two meters long, so if Shu Jintian had to sleep on them, either his head or his leg would be sticking out, which was why Shu Jintian ended up picking this hide.

With the newly spread bed sheet, because there was dry grass underneath, although Shu Jintian had flattened it, the bed surface still had bumps and ups and downs. Especially since Hanyu did not get rid of the animal hides four limbs and tail, so it was limply flat on the four corners of the bed as well as the end of the bed.

Shu Jintian wanted to cut away this surplus fur, then cut them out to thin straps to cover the cave entrance. But the sky had already darkened, and in the end, the night pearls light couldnt be compared to daylight, so Shu Jintian had no choice but to wait until tomorrows daylight before he could do it.

After he was done with the new bed sheet, Shu Jintian excitedly rolled around on it.

How comfy! How comfy! How comfy! Shu Jintian rolled around several times, and was now spread-eagled on his stomach in the centre of the bed.

Shu Jintians face was pasted against the animal hide, its softness causing him to lightly rub against it.

Its good that Tiantian likes it! Hanyu waited for the female to stop, then crawled onto their new sleeping nest.

Baobao Notes

Extra Kofi chapter! Thanks to everyone who donated, and Anon and SouthOfTheClouds!

Extra edit:

So this is real sudden, but Im no longer translating this novel. Its come to my attention that theres been a full English translation to this, and it may or may not be by the author themselves. I do apologise for not discovering it sooner, but this is as far as our journey goes. ?

Newer edit:

Theres a possibility of it being a plagiarised translation, so I apologise if its misinformation. Please dont buy it for now.

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