Battle of Ascension

Chapter 400: Prelude Before Battle

Chapter 400: Prelude Before Battle

Before this, Supreme Marshall Krasimir had planned meticulously. He even made sure that all of his subordinates in Gorsk already died, leaving no witnesses. Even he killed the two generals who guarded the teleportation in his private residence.

He reasoned the two died because blocked the attack that came from the teleportation door. As for his three friends he just mentioned, Supreme Marshall Krasimir believed his three friends would die even they managed to arrive at Gorsk Territory.

Krasimir did not worry about them and he was confident that the plan went smoothly. Sure enough, Lord reacted as Krasimir expected.

"Get up! What we want is not your life, tell me the detail about their strength, " The cold voice rang once again.

But were 21 Lords would believe the exaggeration of Krasimir's story? Of course not. Over a hundred thousand people said that only 500 men could defeat their army, yet these Supreme Marshall Krasimir said 30,000 men to defeat a few thousand forces in Gorsk Territory?

But of course, 21 Lords would not open this to Supreme Marshall Krasimir. They knew Supreme Marshall Krasimir just wanted to save his face before them and the others.

As for the wound on Krasimir's body, no Lord suspected that. So generally, Krasimir's plan went smoothly and the plan was going as he expected.

Krasimir did not know the 21 Lords' thought, but his mouth curved upward when he heard these words. But it was only for a moment before remorse look exposed back on his face.

Krasimir stood up and began his exaggeration storytelling about Happy Guild who crushed his territory by outnumbering them.

"No, what I want to know is about their leader? Have you fought the leader yet? How strong their leader is?" The cold voice interrupted Krasimir non-sense.

After all, the flow of clash was not important to them. The most important was the leader. After the two unknown beasts last visit, it really made them worried and took this matter seriously.

Hearing this, Krasimir stopped his blabber and his face showed fear. But in his mind, he was thinking which one was the one leader among the attacker. There were many figures who stood amongst them, but because it was too many people who stood out amongst a few hundred people. He did not know which one who was the leader.

He did not know who was the leader was, let alone knowing their strength. However, Krasimir knew that he could not show his thought out. If the Lord knew this, he would be finished for sure.

But he had two figures came into his mind, it was the woman who challenged him and the man behind the woman who challenged him.

One thing went wrong, even though he did not die in the hand of those people. He would die in the Lord's hand for sure if the Lord knew that he was lying to them.

"Yes, I fought him. He was strong, at least two times stronger than me. He was the one who cut my hand, " Supreme Marshall Krasimir admitted dejectedly and began telling Lord how they fought.

Even though he said the other side won by outnumbering his force, but he must admit the other side leader stronger than him. If not, how could he tell all of his wounds to the Lords?

"So you say there is another woman who almost strong as the genuine leader?" The cold voice continued interrogating Krasimir.

"Yes, if it's only one on one fight, maybe I will still hold them while waiting for the reinforcement to come. However, I can't hold it longer when the woman joined the fight. At that time I decided to run away to deliver this information"

Krasimir continued bullshitting as he knew he had not passed the gate of death yet. If he answered wrong, then he would be done for sure.

But fortunately, during two hours of interrogation, Krasimir came out from the "Lord Hall" with a relieving smile on his face. Devil Apostle people called this "Lord Hall" as this was where Lord gathered and they called this room "Lord Hall".

He stretched his left arm which just grew back. After Lord finished interrogating him, they gave him a regeneration potion.

Now it was different and a guild could buy a stock of regeneration potion. There was no need for them to use that in the shop like before.

But then the relieving smile froze and his eyes turned into sharp. He must pay what that unknown guild did to him. He did not accept the woman challenge not because afraid.

It because Krasimir did not believe it would be a fair fight. He believed the other would do a sneak attack on him in the middle of the fight. Only fool would believe that was only pure one on one challenge.

"I will make sure that guild pays for what they did to me!!!"

Meanwhile, inside the hall, 21 Lords were still there. They had not finished yet.

20 Lords looked at one person, they seemed to wait for that person speaking.

"Hmm, he seems to be hiding something from us. We can't fully trust him, " The voice was gentle and soft. It was a woman's voice and it seemed the woman could detect Krasimir's lies.

"Then what we should do now? Shall we call those two beasts to get more information? The data about that guild is too little and we can't make our move yet with this little information, " Suddenly a lord voiced his idea.

"Do you want to be their ally? Honestly, just the treaty with Yester Tribe I feel humiliated. Now you say to become that beast's ally?" The person who spoke these words shook his head, indicating he did not agree.

"I agree! Our position is not the point until we need others to help us. This matter is still in our grasp and still under control. We do not need their help." Another Lord voiced out his disagreement.


Lord after Lord voiced their disagreement to call Pigloin and Hawkin. They felt the current situation was still under their control and they felt really did not need external help to solve the guild from Asia.

17 Lords had the same thought while 3 Lords said nothing.


After capturing Gorsk Territory, Randy and his guild prepared to go to their next destination. But before that, they must gather with the other force at the north of Gorsk Territory.

"Yo!" Limera immediately greeted Randy when Randy's group came into his sight. Limera somewhat appeared more cheerful than usual.

Randy waved his hand, but then Randy noticed there were many dead bodies behind Limera. Randy guessed they were taking care of the reinforcement that Supreme Marshall called before.

"You are so happy! Are you having fun with them?" Randy asked Limera.

Limera rolled his eyes at his friend. Killing these people were not fun at all and he cheerful was not because of this.

"Hehe, I am happy not because of them. I am happy because I will also have a baby soon, hehehe" Limera kept laughing as he rubbed Hermione's belly happily.

Before he was so envious when he looked at Aveline. However now, Hermione was expecting his child.

Randy surprised and he also happy of course. But then Randy's smile froze when he heard Limera's next words.

"If my baby is a boy"

But there was no need for Limera to finish his words. Randy already knew what Limera wanted to say.

"No! Never! Aveline is mine and only mine. I will never give her to anyone! She's mine!" Randy immediately strongly rejected Limera suggestion.

Aveline was only a few months old, not even a year. Yet there was someone wanted to take Aveline from him. Randy, of course, would not agree, but her reaction surprised everyone.

The atmosphere turned into awkward when everyone heard Randy strong rejection. Moreover, Randy's face looked serious as he spoke these words.

Never they expected Randy would react strongly and overprotective over his daughter.

Zhen Yi also had an amused smile after hearing this. After that, she approached Limera and Hermione, "Hehe, we will talk about it when they have grown up. Let them decide it for themselves in the future, "

Zhen Yi explained with a smile. After all, if Limera and Hermione took seriously Randy's words, it would offend them.

But of course, Limera and Hermione did not take Randy's words seriously. Limera shook his head with a helpless look.

"She is your daughter, not a lover. Why are you so overprotective. Not only he loved his wife badly, but he also overprotective over his daughter, " Limera murmured in a low voice.

20 days later, after conquering 8 Devil Apostle's territories, Happy Guild arrived at the border of the place called Bedlam, Devil Apostle main city.

Bedlam was a place where most Devil Apostle people gathered, where the 21 Lords gathered.

Russia Happy Conquest and Exorcism Operation part 2 almost reached its end. Their final destination was Devil Apostle Bedlam.

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