Battle of Ascension

Chapter 395: Gathering Force

Chapter 395: Gathering Force

A long silence descended after the woman finishing the report she got. Hearing Commander Vadik army defeated already shocked them, yet now, the report came with an absurd statement. Commander Vadik army defeated by 500 people.

The last report what shocked them the most. 500 people managed to kill over 30,000 people. This was just unbelievable to them. Even though the Minion rank was weak, but they had a gift.

The gift was given by Lord could increase their strength by two folds. Yet, 500 people flattened Commander Vadik army which contained at the least 14,000 Minions.

21 Lords grew pensive, and the 20 Lords gazed to the woman who just reported.

"Is the report true?" One Lord finally could not help but ask once more to make sure they did not hear wrong.

The report was really doubtful as it was hard to believe that 500 people destroyed 150,000 force. The Commander along with the Supreme General also died in the battle.

Meanwhile, the female Lord shrugged her shoulder lightly, "All Minion who manage to run away tell the same thing. So, do you think the report is true or not?"

Instead of answering the question, the female Lord responded with a question. But it was sure the source was most likely true as every Minion who managed to run away told the same thing.

The room fell into another deep silence. They were underestimating the guild who conquered Erzin Territory. The risky plan which could offend Yester Tribe failed terribly.

They were not expecting the guild was that strong. However, they never knew or saw a guild with a smiling emoji in Europe. That meant the guild with smiling emoji as the emblem was a guild from Asia.

"Tell our men in Asia to investigate that guild. If the guild was really that strong, maybe that guild is one of the top guilds in Asia!" Suddenly, the double voice who opened the assembly spoke once more.

It was not time to worry about Yester Tribe. They could use many reasons to face them, however, the guild who could destroy his 150,000 armies with only 500 people was the real threat.

The appearance of the strong yet unknown guild in their region could shake their position in Russia. They must solve that guild quick and dug every information of that smiling guild.

But before the other Lords could respond, there was easy-going yet unfamiliar voice rang in the room.

"There is no need to ask your men about their information. I have complete information about that guild. How about that, do you want to listen at my story?"

The 21 Lords immediately pulled out their weapon and turned their body toward the voice.

At the entrance door, they saw two beasts stood. The dimmed light was not hindering their sight on the two beasts. They figured out the true form of these two beasts.

On the left, it was a pig. The pig was wearing nothing, but they noticed the pig's body covered by the green slime. But the green slime was not dripping down to the ground.

The green pig was completely like a normal pig. The difference was the normal pig walked on all fours while this green pig was walking with only its hind legs.

The pig was completely disgusting. Besides the pig, it was a hawk beastmen. There was a crystal horn protruded upward on its forehead and its yellow eyes were increasingly sharp.

Meanwhile, the hawk feathers were white in color. It was like snow, pure white and it looked beautiful. The hawk was completely different compared to the disgusting pig. The hawk beastmen looked more elegant and fierce.

Meanwhile, the greeny pig was used with a disgusting stare. This was not the first time and maybe, this also not the last time he would receive such a disgusting gaze.

But the pig did not mind. With an easy-going smile, the pig continued, "How is it? Do you interest to be our ally? If you agree, then we will tell you the detail about that guild.

Ah, I forget to introduce myself. My name is Pigloin and beside me is my friend, Hawkin. Also, to show our sincerity as a future ally, I will tell you a piece of advice. You better not face that guild now, based on your current"

Pigloin shook his head. It was clear Pigloin told them the 21 Lords and Devil Apostle were not a match of smiling guild.

However, none of the Lords heed Pigloin advice. Not only they have not heeded Pigloin's advice, but 21 Lords were also furious. They could not accept what Pigloin said and the dark aura in the room thickened.

"These people are not friendly like others. Their head is big because they are already on the top too long!" Pigloin shook his head as he was disappointed.

Even though 21 Lords were ready to fight anytime, Pigloin and Hawkin were still calm.

Hawkin took a tube made of unknown wood. The tube also released out colorful light.

"Take this! If you need our help or you changed your mind, you can crumb this tube. We will come again!"

Hawkin tossed the tube to the round table and turned their body. Just as Pigloin and Hawkin turned their body, there was a hole appeared out of the thin air.

The two entered the hole and disappeared along with the black hole.

21 Lords gasped out in a shock as they witnessed the two beasts disappeared. They could come and go as they pleased. That meant the two also could launch a sneak attack on them, but they did not.

With this, they knew the two beasts indeed did not have an ill intention, but they still could not accept what they said to them. How could they not a match of such a small guild?

21 Lords looked at each other before turning their gaze toward the tube on the colorful tube on the round table.

Randy did not know that the Saint Beast he met in Australia Continent appeared in Devil Apostle Bedlam.

Randy along with his guild was building snow city. Three days passed, but Randy and his guild were not counter-attacking Devil Apostle. They were not in a hurry as they waited for the force would come today.

Outside Snow City, Randy placed five teleportation doors. Not long after Randy put the door teleportation, the door opened, and 1.6 meters Boxerian Kangaroo came out from one door. Not only one, but another five Boxerian Kangaroo with a little over 1 meter tall also appeared one another after the first Boxerian Kangaroo.

"Big brother brrr, so cold!" The six Boxerian Kangaroo intended to greet Randy, but stopped as the cold air assaulted their body. These six Boxerian Kangaroos were the Dragon Descendant of Boxerian Kangaroo tribe.

"Go, get coat inside the city!" Randy smiled and rubbed the six kangaroos head.

Kall, Ted, and Emu were behind Randy. They looked curiously at the six kangaroos. These six kangaroos were looked much different than Randy, but how could they call Boss with Big Brother.

Then a thought appeared in the three siblings' mind, 'Boss is also one of them, but he changes his form into a human form, '

After all, transforming into a human skill was not a rare ability for a high-grade beast like them. Though they were curious, none of them asked. Currently, they were in duty, protecting Boss.

After the clash against Devil Apostle, Kall proposed to become Randy's private guard. He was afraid Devil Apostle would assassinate Boss. Though it was not necessary, Randy said nothing as he knew it was useless. No matter what he said, Kall won't listen to his words.

After the six kangaroos, more and more kangaroos came out from the five teleportation doors. The Boxerian Kangaroo tribe were lining up in the empty field.

After Boxerian Kangaroo tribe, Monikia Tribe appeared. Marlin along with twelve elders led Monikia Tribe and they were lining beside Boxerian Kangaroo Tribe.

There were about 4000 Boxerian Kangaroos while Monikia Tribe was about 420 Monikia came. However, this was not the end, after Monikia tribe, the infamous Skeleton Cardinal, Kiddo and Rougher also came out from the teleportation door.

After Kiddo and Rougher, massive skeleton army came after them. Kiddo and Rougher brought 20,000 Elite Skeleton army with them.

This was the force that Randy had been waiting for. After all, it would take a long time if he intended to destroy Devil Apostle with only 500 people. Moreover, he intended to take all Devil Apostle's territories as well. If he did not occupy the territory immediately, the others would.

Also, he brought 500 guild members were to scout Europe and took the unconquered territory, not war against the guilds in Europe. He was not expecting to meet Devil Apostle in his first visit to Europe.

However, the skeleton army was not the last force Randy waited for. After that, another 3000 Happy Guild members also came. After all, he needed to train his guild member in the real battlefield, not just hunting the beast in the wilderness.

The force had gathered here. The Happy Conquest and Exorcism Operation part 2 in Russia formally started.

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