Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 119

Wu Xiangyang didn't dare to stare at Gu qiaoyue openly. He just stared at the front. Yu Guang has been secretly looking at Gu qiaoyue's direction.

"That's good. When you go back, go to my house to taste my grandmother and my mother's skills. You must want to eat the last meal." Gu qiaoyue warmly invited.

Zhang Xiao knew what Wu Xiangyang had in mind. At present, he naturally helped his best friend.

As for which of Jiang Hao and Wu Xiangyang can get Gu qiaoyue's heart, it's not up to him.

And really, intellectually, he is not optimistic about Jiang Ning and Wu Xiangyang. After all, there is a Si Moyan.

Compared with Jiang Hao and Wu Xiangyang, Si Moyan is really excellent. If he is a girl, he will choose Si Moyan.

But emotionally, he naturally favors Jiang Hao and Wu Xiangyang, hoping that they can succeed.

"That feeling is good. Let's have a try."

Several people talked and laughed along the way. More than two hours later, they arrived at the boundary of ZhouLing mountain.

It's already more than 10 a.m. now. A few people get off and plan to eat in the county first, then go to the scenic spot, and stay in the hotel in the scenic spot in the evening.

At dinner, Gu qiaoyue finally saw Jiang Ning, and the last trace of doubt in her heart was gone.

This man is 100% the "father Jiang" in his youth!

It can be seen from his appearance that he is younger and more handsome than when he was middle-aged.

There is less elegance accumulated by age experience and more vitality of young people, but they still look more stable than ordinary young people.

He smiled politely. The whole person looked very soft and easy to make people feel good.

Zhang Xiaohe, who saw Jiang Ning for the first time, was stunned. He was really handsome. He was almost on a par with Si Moyan. No wonder he said that to yurouneng just now.

His handsome is also different from Si Moyan.

Si Moyan may be because he used to be a soldier. He is always silent and has a fierce spirit of killing. The whole person feels cold.

Jiang Ning is kind of gentle and gentle. When he looks at people with a smile, it makes people feel that he is so focused on looking at you. It feels particularly comfortable.

Seeing the legendary characters in previous lives, Gu qiaoyue was very excited, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Hello, I'm Gu qiaoyue."

Gu qiaoyue calmly stretched out her hand and greeted Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning glanced at Gu qiaoyue, smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Jiang Ning, Jiang Hao's brother. Thank you for taking care of him all the time."

Jiang Ning smiled softly and looked at Gu qiaoyue secretly.

He has heard from Jiang Hao that it was the girl named Gu qiaoyue who asked him to help bring BB machine and electronic watch.

At that time, he wondered how a small high school student knew that these new gadgets such as BB machines and electronic watches, which just existed in the market and did not spread to the mainland. Even many people in Shenzhen did not know.

It's just that I know. I let you take it with me.

That's not cheap.

When Jiang Hao mentioned that they would come to Zhou Lingshan today and asked him if he wanted to come, with such curiosity, he agreed directly.

Now when I see a real person, I find that I'm really young.

On the surface, she is an energetic little girl, but she is more stable than other girls.

However, when she shook hands with herself calmly, her temperament offset the youth.

Gu qiaoyue felt like the strong women he met in the mall.

His manner is calm, his attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, and he looks at himself with some examination.

Look at

Jiang Ning once thought he was wrong. He was just a student. How could his eyes be the eyes of examination.

She's looking at herself?

When such an idea came out, Jiang Ning was startled and became more interested in Gu qiaoyue.

"The general manager is joking. It should be Jiang Hao who takes care of us. He is very mature and steady."

Gu qiaoyue said calmly, neither humble nor arrogant, calmly and moderately, and changed his name to President Jiang.

If she wants to talk business with Jiang Ning, she naturally wants to put herself and the other party on an equal footing.

Whether it is true or not, the loser will not lose.

"Ha ha... I don't think so. Miss Gu really makes me look at children of your age differently."

Jiang Ning smiled brightly. Naturally, he knew the intention of Gu qiaoyue's change of address.

Gu qiaoyue also smiled faintly, picked her eyebrows and said, "in fact, we are careful but not young. We just don't know whether Jiang will give us this opportunity."

This is a temptation and a signal to tell him that he wants to talk about cooperation with her.

"Hahaha... Let's go and have dinner first. I'm hungry now."

Jiang Ning did not reply to Gu qiaoyue's words immediately, but took everyone into the hotel.

Gu qiaoyue kept up with her with an indifferent smile. Some young people were impatient. There was nothing on her at all.

The people behind only felt that after Gu qiaoyue saw Jiang Ning, the whole person was a little different.

There seems to be a more mature breath, and even that breath is similar to Jiang Ning, whom they have always admired.

Not strong, but convincing.

And their vague words also made them wonder.

Jiang Hao has some understanding of his brother. When he sees his brother smiling happily, he has a little doubt in his heart.

My brother seems very different from Gu qiaoyue.

My brother always smiles lightly at others. Although the smile is gentle, it is alienated under the smile, but my brother's smile at Gu qiaoyue doesn't make him feel alienated, only appreciation.

At dinner, everything was as usual.

Gu qiaoyue seems to have regained the vitality that children of this age should have, talking and joking with them.

Jiang Ning, like a big brother, took care of these children.

Until after dinner and driving to zhoulingshan, Jiang Haocai took the initiative to invite Gu qiaoyue to take his car.

Gu qiaoyue agreed under the surprised eyes of everyone.

In the car, Jiang Hao knew that Gu qiaoyue and Jiang Ning had something to say, and took the initiative to give up the position of the passenger seat.

Gu qiaoyue smiled and thanked.

After driving for a while, Gu qiaoyue thought about his words and said, "President Jiang, I don't know what President Jiang meant by my cooperation?"

Jiang Hao in the back seat raised his eyebrows.


Mingming Gu qiaoyue and her brother met for the first time. When did they cooperate?

From beginning to end, he was with them, but he never saw them say cooperation?

Jiang Hao is puzzled, and Zhang Jianguo is even more puzzled.

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "Miss Gu has a long-term vision, which is really admired by Jiang, but... What does Miss Gu want to use to cooperate with me?"

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