Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 135: A Clash Of Red & Gold

Chapter 135: A Clash Of Red & Gold

Maiya descended upon Kinjal Garrison Nihira at dusk, anxious about what was to come.

Princess Ira had seemed innocent enough, at first, with her teddy bear collection and pink room. Someone with a soft spot for such cute things couldnt possibly be a monster underneath, could she?

As it turned out, Maiya had been very, very wrong. Ira was pure evil. An Ash Beast in disguise, capable of heaping such a monstrous workload upon Maiyas back that her spine had nearly failed her.

The princess had Maiya running around the whole country, overseeing her personal operations, silencing her opponentsusually via stern threats and shows of forceand there seemed to be no end in sight.

As her latest punishment, Maiya had been saddled with the unsavory task of breaking Matalis back. Or rather, asserting Iras influence in Matali for what was part of some grand scheme to get the country to recognize the princess power before she extended an olive branch, winning the country over to herand her alone.

It sounded unlikely, but it wasnt Maiyas duty to question. This time around, her job was to play the villain, and she hated it. Absolutely loathed it. But she could act out the part if she had to. She was even good at it.

Maiya spiraled down slowly, enjoying the cool arid air while she observed Garrison Nihiras fortifications. As far as Kinjali outposts went, it was bog standard. Which was to saydisgustingly overbuilt. More a citadel fortress than a simple jail, there was no rhyme or reason behind its design. Other than projecting Kinjals singular obsession with strength, of course.

Its all such a farce, too, Maiya thought, descending into the left of the two Acira hangarsthe one for visitors. It wasnt empty. Another black-scaled beast lazed on the grass, and Maiya couldnt take her eyes off it. If she hadnt been expecting visitors, shed have been surprisedeven in a nation as wealthy as Kinjal, precious few owned one. The garrison had three in a separate hanger for aerial defense, though most countries would consider that lavish for an outpost such as this.

Alright, Frumpy. Easy does it, yeah? she said, more to soothe herself than anything else.

Hes gonna be here! I finally get to see him!

After her fruitless visit to Zorin, which ended up being a waste of time as Vir had already moved on, she'd resorted to using something a bit more reliable. Especially since the woman at that branch had been quite unhelpful in giving her information about his whereabouts.

Through Kin'jal's vast intelligence networkbecause the Brotherhood told her nothingshe'd learned of a certain Apramor who'd signed on with the mercenary group called Spear's Edge. While she knew Vir was operating under that alias, it was a common name so she couldn't automatically assume it was him. Still, a mercenary operating in the same general area as Vir bearing the same name gave her a hint. The fact that he used a katar and chakrams all but confirmed it. She did wonder how Vir ended up in a runaway princess mercenary party, but she wasnt about to question her good fortune.

Frumpy flared her great black wings and settled gently on the grass, cooing, expecting praise.

Thats a good girl. Youre such a good girl, arent you, Frumpy?

The beast nuzzled Maiya, who patted her snout.

A receiving party appeared through a hallway, and Maiya jerked back.

Oops! Nearly blew it there. Gotta be angry. Time for some Head Handmaiden chalface. Cmon, Maiya, you got this!

The Balarian Guard marched up to Maiya and placed their spears. The Garrison Commander bowed respectfully. Esteemed madam Handmaiden, welcome to

Youre late.


You are ten seconds late. Is this the level of discipline that passes at Garrison Nihira?

N-no, madam, it does not. Our visitors, er, have taken issue with some of my orders. I was merely

Excuses? You come late and give me excuses?

The Garrison commander paled. I wouldnt dare, madam.

Maiya sighed. Do not disappoint me again. Princess Ira is not nearly as forgiving as I.

Understood, madam Handmaiden, the commander replied, a bead of sweat trickling down his brow.

Phew! Think I managed to pull it off, Maiya thought nervously, her eyes darting around the courtyard.

May I lead you to our mercenary visitors?

Yes! Maiya said slightly too excitedly, nearly breaking her act.

No need, a freckled woman with long blonde hair called out from the hallway. She was flanked by a male in brown gambeson, and a female wearing a dress.

Maiyas heart pumped so hard, she thought itd burst.

A warrior and a mejai. Where is he where is he where is he?

The armored woman strode up to Maiya with the confident steps of someone who always got what she wanted. In her case, that couldnt have been more true.

So youre the one whos bullying my brother.

Maiya wanted to shake the princess and ask her where Vir was, but instead she narrowed her eyes. Ordinarily, Princess Tiyana Matali would be so far above Maiyas station, she wouldnt even dare look her in the eye, let alone address her.

Now, though, Maiya wasnt merely Maiya. She was a royal handmaiden and a direct representative of Princess Ira. Shed been given nearly all of Iras authority, and her words carried royal weight. Still, to the princess, she was a lowly commoner.

Which made for a very uncomfortable situation. She didnt rightly know how to address the princess.

Watch your tongue, mercenary.

Ah, shoot. My Head Handmaiden chalvoice slipped out. Shes gonna hate that.

Tia leveled a death glare at Maiya.

Yep. She hates me now. She's clearly not used to having people boss her around. Well, nothing to do but roll with it, I guess.

You know who I am, Tia said coldly. You dare speak to me that way?

Yes, Im aware youre the leader of a B-ranked Party, Spears Edge. Behind you are your two bodyguards, I presume? Though, you appear to be missing your newest member, a Maiya nearly slipped, but caught herself, an Apramor?

Sadness and rage still filled her head when she recalled the name of her father. The name Vir had used as an alias. For a brief moment, she imagined Hiranyas capital burning to the ground, the knights who killed her family slaughtered.

Princess Tiyana took a half step back, and only then did Maiya realize how she mustve looked.

She wiped her emotions, silenced by her professionalism. She had a job to do and errant thoughts of revenge had no place here.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Please tell me hes here

Have we met? Tia asked, suspicious. Youre awfully well informed.

Cmon, just tell me where he is!

I dont believe we have. She posed her question again. Id expected a party of four. Is your fourth missing?

He had matters to attend to, Tia replied, He will not be joining us.

Maiya stared blankly for a second. Then two.

Is something the matter? Haymi asked when the silence grew awkward. I can assure you we are quite capable as a party of three.

No, nothing. I feel as though we got off on the wrong foot. You may call me Maiya.

Tia. And were not done here. If you think you can strongarm me and my brother into

How about we have this conversation elsewhere? I do not wish to sow discord among the ranks, and I believe you also have cause to appreciate a degree of privacy?

The last thing Maiya wanted was to talk to the princess right now. She wanted to be alone, so she could hole up in a corner and cry. Of course, she let none of her emotions show.

Tia bit her lip and nodded. Her bodyguards averted their eyes.

Good. Then you can accompany me as I make the rounds. Commander, er Maiya said, looking at the still-bowing Garrison commander.

I am Rohin, madam.

Commander Rohin. As you were. You are well versed in what is to come, yes?

Thats correct, madam. This isnt the first time weve had some special guests over.

Princess Tiyana frowned in confusion but kept her silence.

Good, Maiya replied. Carry on with your business. If I find any issues with the garrison, Ill find you.

As you wish, madam Handmaiden. Commander Rohin retreated with his guards, leaving Maiya alone with Spears Edge.

Walk with me, Maiya said curtly.

You know exactly who I am, so drop the attitude, Tia replied. You will treat me with the full respect I am due.

Ugh. This is gonna suck. Why did I even go through all that effort, if this is how things were gonna turn out?

Whatever excitement Maiya had about this opportunity evaporated the moment she learned Vir wasnt present.

Of course, Maiya said, doing her best to humor the princess. I am happy to afford you the respect you deserve, so long as you reciprocate.

See, I try to do right by my friends. Ask these two; they'll attest to that. Just, I have a thing against people who blackmail me. You want my respect? Then you shouldn't have manipulated my brother.

Maiya turned abruptly, bringing her face within inches of Tiyanas.

Tiyana held her ground.

Maiya couldn't let this go on. Tiyana had to recognize Maiya as her superior in this engagement. Anything less, and Maiya would have a prana mine on her hands.

Tell me, Princess Tiyana Matali, what respect is that, hmm? Your country is in shambles. It may fall any day now, and if it does, who will your brother come running to for help? Who will restore order when chaos breaks and crime runs rampant in your streets?

Tia glared.

Us. Kinjal. The most powerful empire in the realm. And you Look at you. Youre a princess in name only, adventuring like some commoner. Arent you ashamed of yourself? I am, just looking at you. Youre a failure, Tiyana. A reject. You want my respect? Earn it.

This is so bad. Im gonna die.

Tiyanas mouth opened and closed, but she said nothing, backing away slowly, keeping her eyes locked on Maiyas.

Ill remember this, she said softly.

Maiya sighed internally. She was seriously about to punch me.

If Tiyana did punch her, shed of course defend, but then what? Despite her words, Maiya couldnt lay a hand on a princess, broken kingdom or not. She couldnt really even order her around, which was why shed played up her Head Handmaiden attitude so much. It gave her authority even when she had none.

Still, that didn't mean Tia couldn't make her life miserable. Maiya would bet good money the princess would do something stupid to strike back at her somehow.

I'm definitely gonna pay for that at some point.

Erm, apologies, madam handmaiden, the mejaiHaymisaid, speaking up for the first time. We fully intend to help and abide by your orders.

The princess shot her mejai a glare, but she ignored it.

Id appreciate that, Haymi, Maiya said, earning a surprised look from the mejai.

You know my name?

Of course, Maiya said simply. What of it?

No, just I didnt expect someone of your station to memorize a mere bodyguards name.

So are we expecting trouble? Tiyana asked. Or is all this just for the sake of appearances?

Maiya didnt answer immediately, leading them down a hallway. One benefit of Kinjal utilitarian design was that all their garrisons shared identical floor plans, making them easy to navigate.

A bit of both. Were expecting a raid tonight.

Whos attacking?

Nobodys attacking, per se.

How am I supposed to explain this?

Maiya had come up with a plan beforehand, but with Tiyana being how she was, Maiya doubted shed accept it so easily.

Maiya led them to a guard room, where she introduced herself to the jailors.

Show them to me, she said.

Show what? Princess Tiyana asked, growing confused. Why am I even here? Whats going on?

The door opened, and even before Maiya spied them, she knew itd be bad.

The putrid stench forced her to cover her nose. It was the smell of unwashed bodies and feces.

More than twenty demons sat shackled on the cold stone, the light all but gone from their eyes. There were two-armed demons, four-armed demons, red demons, and one gray demon among them.

Maiyas heart bled.

How could they do this

This wasnt the first demon jail shed seen, of course, but it never got any easier. Every bit of her urged her to command the guards to unbind them, to set them free. She wanted to cry.

But anger suppressed her tears. This was the true face of the world. The dark, dirty side everyone pretended didnt exist. More demons existed than people knew. Kingdoms and Empires just did a good job of keeping them hidden.


This was what Princess Ira was trying to change. Maybe this was the real reason the princess had assigned her here. To get her to hate the status quo so much that she made Iras mission her own.

If so, itd worked. Maiya raged at those complicit in these crimes.

Disgusting, Princess Tiyana said from beside her, and Maiya's rage burned no less brightly.

She feels the same! Maiya thought. Maybe shes really not as bad as I thought?

Why havent you slaughtered these demons already? Why do you keep this filth alive?

Maiyas hope doused the moment itd been lit.

Or are the Kin'jal merely squeamish? Allow me in there. I'll eradicate them myself.

Figures. But I have my part to play. I hate you, Ira.

You are shortsighted for a princess. It would be so easy to kill them, wouldnt it? To dump them in a hole and burn their bodies? But what would this do to the other demons? The radical ones who ravage your lands? Would they not redouble their efforts?

Tia glowered. An unnecessary concern. We can handle them. Weve suppressed those terrorists for centuries already. Whats a few more suicidal maniacs to eradicate?

Kinjal does not see it that way. Tonight, raiders from the Pagan Order will arrive at this Garrison to break these prisoners free. We will let them.

Tia whirled. Tell me why I shouldnt spear your gut right this instant? Thats treason, handmaiden.

In fact, these are my orders. Orders that apply to you, as well. You are to put up a fight, yes. But when ordered, you will stand down. Is that understood?

Tia glared at Maiya, saying nothing, but Maiya calmly shifted her eyes to a more reasonable target.

Didnt you just say you would cooperate? Maiya asked Haymi, giving her a pointed look. Am I to believe that was a lie?

No, of course. We will obey your orders, handmaiden. Wont we, Tia?

You want the Pagan Order to eliminate them, is that it? You cant even do your own dirty work.

Maiya nodded. It is more efficient to have those zealots dispose of the demons. That is all. Why waste our resources when another country will gladly do it for us?

Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I dislike you, Maiya, Tia replied. And I dislike this plan. Were it up to me, I'd have killed them all already. When I see those demons, I see killers. Murderers, who don't think twice about ending the lives of women and children. Better to kill them now than take risks.

Are you saying you refuse to cooperate?

Oh, Ill cooperate, but only within reason. Only for my brothers sake. And I make no promises that no demons will die on this night.

Tia's expression supported her words. This was her ultimatum.

Guess that's about all I'll get from her, Maiya thought, sighing mentally. Locking Tia up in a cell would be a politically disastrous move, so Maiya would simply have to control the damage as best she could.

When shed coerced Prince Erhan to send help, shed had him promise to send Tia. For one, it was a bigger askand thus more of a show of Kinjal forcebut it had been an unnecessary risk. The real reason she did it was to get Vir to a location and time of her choosing. Over the past months, shed followed his trail, but shed always remained one step behind. Always missing him.

She'd of course tried getting the Brotherhood to relay a meeting place and time, but they'd refused every time, just as they had at Daha. The Dahan Executor hadn't been lying when he'd said he had done Vir a favor by relaying his note to her. Owing to privacy and security concerns, they explicitly refused to play the part of courier. Maiya felt the Brotherhood's obsession with secrecy bordered on paranoia, but then again, they'd outlasted most governments. Who was she to comment?

When Princess Ira had dumped this Matali mission on her, Maiya saw an opportunity and had quickly devised a plan. At first, she'd thought about simply asking Erhan to put her in touch with Tia, and thus Vir, but for the Princess' personal agent to do such a thing would be suspicious. So she'd disguised her personal desire with a professional one. The hardest parts had gone off without a hitch, too.

Ash damn it, Vir! Whyd you have to stay behind!

She wanted to rage at her friend. Maybe shake his shoulders and shout at him. Virs presence would have offset the significant downside of this planTiyana herself.

When Erhan had confided that he'd issued a gag order around Tiyana with respect to the Pagan Order's true nature, Maiya had dreaded being unable to keep the princess under control. She figured she could rely on Vir to help keep her in check.

That is all I ask, Maiya said, wondering at Tias words. Could she really hold the reins of this notoriously bullheaded princess?

A guard rushed up to them, breathless. Madam handmaiden, Commander Rohin has deployed our Acira. Its raiders, ma'am! Were under attack!

Maiya smiled. Then let us be gracious hosts and put on a good show, shall we?

Her true test began now.

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