As a Magnate, I Started Checking in at a Convenience Store

Chapter 600: When to Leave and When to Stay (2)

Chapter 600: When to Leave and When to Stay (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Xiao Chao, you can’t be like this. A man needs to be tough, don’t act like a pushover. Look at me, I can’t even speak up when facing my wife. I’ve been busy running errands for her. You shouldn’t follow my example!” Uncle said, glancing outside as if afraid someone might overhear.

“Don’t worry, Uncle, I’ve got a backbone!” Zhou Chao affirmed confidently.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard Jiang Li’s call from outside: “Brother Chao, how much longer until we can eat?”

Without hesitation, Zhou Chao stuck his head out, “We’ll be ready to eat in 5 minutes at most. If you’re hungry, have some fruit from the table!”


Turning back, he saw Uncle looking at him with a smile. Zhou Chao realized he had just contradicted himself within ten seconds.

Seeing Uncle’s teasing expression, Zhou Chao awkwardly smiled and continued to be busy.

Soon, the commotion in the kitchen ceased. Zhou Chao emerged carrying the last dish. “Third Aunt, Xiaoli, it’s time to eat!”

Already hungry from the enticing aroma, the two hurried to the table.

“Here are the bowls and chopsticks!” Uncle came out with several bowls.

They all sat down, enjoying the meal and exchanging small talk.

Two hours to cook, ten minutes to eat.

Soon, Uncle and Third Aunt were leaning back in their chairs, stuffed.

“Ah, Brother Chao’s cooking is really amazing. After eating his dishes, everything else feels tasteless. It’s a pity we don’t know when we’ll get to eat his cooking again!” Uncle lamented.

Third Aunt snorted and looked at Uncle with a hint of displeasure. “Hmph, are you implying that my cooking is not good? From now on, you can eat out if you think my food is not tasty enough!”

Uncle hurriedly said, “Dear, you misunderstood… I mean, your cooking is also very delicious, just slightly… slightly inferior to Brother Chao’s!”

Ignoring him, Third Aunt turned to Jiang Li beside her, “Let’s go, Xiaoli, let these two men clean up.”

Jiang Li smiled and nodded, then quickly followed Third aunt to the sofa.

“Ah, the plight of men!” Uncle sighed deeply.

Seeing Uncle’s melancholy, Zhou Chao laughed and said, “Uncle, you go rest. I’ll take care of the kitchen, it won’t take long.”

“Alright, thank you.” Uncle smiled and got up, leaving.

Watching Uncle’s departure, Zhou Chao wondered if he had been tricked. He shook his head with a smile and began to tidy up.

When Zhou Chao finished and went out, the three sitting on the sofa were chatting happily.

“The both of you look so happy. What are you talking about?” Zhou Chao asked, sitting next to Jiang Li.

“Brother Chao, you came at the right time. I just suggested that Third Aunt and Uncle join us for a trip to Jingdu, but they’re hesitant. Can you help convince them?”

“Third Aunt, Uncle, what’s your concern?” Zhou Chao looked at them puzzled.

“I know your good intentions, but we can’t leave right now. If I go to Jingdu, I will need to close the convenience store. And your uncle just got promoted to office director. It wouldn’t be appropriate to take time off for a vacation.”

Zhou Chao quickly came up with a rebuttal, “I thought it was something serious. Third Aunt, we can just close the store for a few days. Besides, the National Day holiday is coming up in a couple of days, and Uncle will have time off. It’s perfect for a trip!”

“Yeah, it’s perfect timing with the National Day holiday coming up. Third Aunt, just agree, okay?” Jiang Li leaned on Third Aunt’s arm, acting coquettishly.

Unable to resist Jiang Li’s charm, Third Aunt thought for a moment. Indeed, as Zhou Chao had said, the National Day holiday was just around the corner, and they would have time to go out and have some fun.

“Alright, I agree. We’ll go to Jingdu for a few days with you guys,” Third Aunt said with a smile, patting Jiang Li’s hand.

Seeing his wife’s agreement, Uncle didn’t say anything either. He could only nod in agreement, though he sighed inwardly. Their previous plan to go fishing during the National Day holiday with colleagues from work was now shattered. Who knows, they might even have to treat them to a meal later.

After settling the matter, they changed the topic and chatted away. As time passed, it soon reached ten o’clock in the evening. Jiang Li, sitting on the sofa, occasionally let out a yawn.

“Third Aunt, it’s getting late. Jiang Li and I will head back now!”

Upon hearing this, Third Aunt became unhappy. “Why are you going back? There’s plenty of room at our place, and your house hasn’t been cleaned for a long time. How will you sleep when you get back? You’re not going to make Jiang Li wait for you to clean up until midnight, are you? Just do as I say!”

Thinking about it, their house indeed hadn’t been cleaned for a long time. Zhou Chao glanced at Jiang Li, who was drowsy, and nodded.

“Third Aunt, we’ll trouble you tonight!”

“What are you talking about? Our house is just like your own, there’s no trouble at all!” Third Aunt said as she got up and walked towards the guest room.

In less than five minutes, the room was cleaned up, and even the bedding was freshly changed.

“Go wash up and rest early. Jiang Li shouldn’t stay up late,” Third Aunt said, producing two sets of toiletries from somewhere.

“We got it, Third Aunt!”

After washing up, the two returned to their room.

With the lights out, only the moon hanging in the sky cast its shimmering light through the window, shining on Zhou Chao and Jiang Li, who had already drifted into dreams.

The night passed quietly.

When Zhou Chao and Jiang Li woke up, Third Aunt and Uncle were already gone, probably off to work since it was already past nine in the morning.

Looking at the breakfast on the table, now cold, Zhou Chao felt a warm sensation in his heart.

“Ah Li, why don’t you go freshen up first? I’ll reheat the breakfast.”

“Got it, Brother Chao. Do you have any plans for today?” Jiang Li rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Zhou Chao paused on his way to the kitchen. After a while, his voice could be heard.

“I’ll go see my parents in a bit. I’ll tell them that we’re expecting a child,” Zhou Chao said before disappearing into the kitchen.

Seeing Zhou Chao’s somewhat forlorn figure, Jiang Li felt her nose tingle, and her eyes turned red in an instant.


Zhou Chao acted swiftly. By the time Jiang Li finished freshening up, Zhou Chao had already reheated the breakfast.

After breakfast, they quickly tidied up and headed out in the car.

They arrived at the same flower shop as last time. This time, Zhou Chao bought two bouquets of white chrysanthemums.

Soon, they reached the cemetery. Zhou Chao held the flowers in one hand and Jiang Li’s hand in the other as they walked towards his parents’ tombstone.

After walking for about four or five minutes, they reached their destination. Seeing the somewhat dirty tombstone, Jiang Li took out a pack of wet wipes from her pocket and began to clean it.

“Let me do it. It’s uncomfortable for you to crouch like that.”

Zhou Chao squatted down and took the wet wipes from Jiang Li to carefully wipe the tombstone. He said as he wiped, “Mom, Dad, I’m doing well now. I’ve found a beautiful wife, and I’m going to be a father soon. Our Zhou family won’t be falling apart under my watch. You can rest assured.”

Watching Zhou Chao’s earnest demeanor, Jiang Li couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.

Zhou Chao quickly stood up and gently wiped away the tears from Jiang Li’s eyes with his fingers. “What’s wrong? Are you going to tell my parents that I’m bullying you? You can’t make up stories like that.”

“Pfft, you’re the one who’s telling tales!” Jiang Li lightly tapped Zhou Chao’s arm.

“Okay, don’t cry. We don’t want to embarrass my parents,” Zhou Chao said softly as he pulled Jiang Li into his arms.

“Mm, no more tears.”

The two of them stayed there for about half an hour. Zhou Chao held Jiang Li’s hand and looked at his parents’ tombstone, saying, “Mom, Dad, please watch over your grandchild and bless him to grow up healthy. We’ll be leaving now. Next time we come back, you’ll be able to see your grandchild!”

With that, Zhou Chao led Jiang Li away. A gentle breeze swept by, causing the two bouquets of white chrysanthemums to sway in the wind..

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