A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 243 - 243 A Bouncing Baby Girl

243 A Bouncing Baby Girl

Paul stood transfixed on a spot trembling at Leon’s deadly scowls while wishing he had kept his mouth shut. Although he was puzzled by Leon’s reaction, he quickly thought of the best way to salvage the situation before it got out of hand.

“I’m very sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to upset you. I will quickly take your briefcase to your office.” Paul attempted to dismiss himself but Leon stopped him.

“Hold it right there! Leon commanded in a threatening voice.

“Have I asked you to leave?”

“No sir, I’m sorry, sir!”

Paul was on the verge of having cardiac arrest due to Leon’s ferocious ire. He still couldn’t understand the reason for Leon’s anger.

‘Did he have a bad day at the office this morning? Did someone else in his family die? What could be eating him up that would warrant this anger? Isn’t pregnancy supposed to be a thing of celebration? Doesn’t he want to be a father?’

Paul’s head throbbed from too many colliding questions. He bowed his head staring at his neatly polished shoes as Leon bombarded him with more questions.

“What gave you the audacity to approach me with such a ridiculous statement? Who have you been talking to and what business do you have meddling in my wife’s affairs? Is this what I pay you to do? Snooping around my house for information and discussing my family affairs with your jobless colleagues!” Leon asked in a hoarse voice.


“No, Sir!... I will never... Madam Ella...” Paul scratched his head, hoping for the right words that would help pacify his enraged boss.

“I’m sincerely sorry, Sir! It was a mistake, Sir! Forgive my stupidity, Sir! It will never happen again, sir!”

Paul raised his trembling right hand to his neck and slightly adjusted his tie. It felt as though he was suffocating in his uniform as Leon narrowed and chilly glares knocked out the oxygen from his lungs.

“Paul, I’m highly disappointed in you! You are one of the oldest staff in this house and you of all people should know me better.”

“Leon,” Ella called softly from behind him, temporarily redirecting his attention to her. “Can you please forgive Paul on my behalf?”

Ella was in the dining room, rounding up her meal when she overhead Leon’s booming voice, reprimanding someone. So she quickly ran down to see who it was and also save the person from her husband’s fury.

However, when she walked into the living room, undetected by Leon, she was perplexed by the amount of hatred in his tone as he addressed Paul.

“What did Paul say to my husband that is making him this infuriated?” Ella quizzed herself in a muffled tone as she walked up to Leon and gently stroked his back. She felt very sorry for Paul as he continued to stare at the floor hopelessly.

“You know what, thank you stars that my wife is begging on your behalf.”

The harshness in Leon’s voice slowly melted as Ella’s soft touch soothed his awakening demons back to sleep.

“The next time you try this rubbish under my roof, you will wish you never worked for me. Get lost!”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you, ma’am!” Paul bowed politely and briskly left Leon and Ella’s presence.

Leon inhaled and exhaled to relieve his body of its tension before turning around to face his beautifully glowing wife.

“Thanks, darling,” Ella smiled and kissed him briefly on his lips.

“You know, I’ll do anything for you.” Leon returned the kiss as every atom of anger vanished from his being.

“So, are you ready for us to go to the hospital?” Leon held onto Ella’s waist and gazed tenderly into her eyes.

“Yes!” Ella stroked Leon’s nose with her forefinger teasingly. “But, I would like to know the reason why you are taking me to the hospital.”

“You don’t have to worry your beautiful head about anything. I’ll let you in on everything you need to know when we get there. Let’s hurry now because we are already running late.” Leon said dismissively as he could feel the tension in Ella’s voice.

“Okay!” Ella said plainly as Leon led her out of the house while dishing out orders to John.

On their way to the hospital, Leon kept receiving call after call. It seemed as though his car was his mobile office as he was either tapping away on his laptop or speaking to his business partners on the phone.

Even though Ella was desperate to talk to him due to some depressing thoughts, she decided to let him focus on his work.

Ella checked her phone severally for a reply to her text message from Dr. Julie but there was non. This made her even more anxious and depressed as many unanswered questions kept troubling her spirit.

‘This is unlike Dr. Julie! Is she avoiding me? Why is she not replying to my messages or even returning my calls as promised? What could Leon and her have discussed concerning my pregnancy? Why do I have this unwavering feeling that something bad is about to happen.’

Ella was still wallowing in her thoughts when her phone started ringing. She checked the caller ID and was surprised to see Reuben, Oliver’s husband’s incoming call.

“I hope all is well!” Ella mused incoherently as she received the call.

“Hello Ella, guess what?” Reuben said in a thrilled and breathless voice.

“Oh my goodness! Has my sister put to birth?” Ella asked in an excited tone.

“Yes! She just gave birth to a bouncing baby girl!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ella screamed in excitement making Leon cover both his ears from her high-pitched scream.

“Ella, shhhh! I’m on the phone with a client!” Leon’s forehead furrowed.

“Reuben, I’ll call you back!” Ella quickly ended the call and gazed at Leon with her sparkling contagious smile.

“Olivia just gave birth to a baby girl! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ella screamed even louder. She snatched Leon’s phone from his hands and tossed it on the car seat before showering his face with lots of kisses.

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