A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Seeing the faux-innocent expression that which the marchioness had donned, Violet acknowledged the older womans unsaid answer with only silence. She lowered her gaze to the teacup again, and a sigh escaped her.

You dont seem to fancy him.

In terms of his aspects, its a fact that hes perfectly flawless. And his attention is coveted by all currently unmarried ladies, after all.

But you still dislike him?

Violet replied with a smile.

The position of the crown princess and eventual empress was one that every woman in the whole empire dreamed of having. Perhaps half of the romance novels out there depicted a romance with a young, unmarried emperor. She was well aware of that fact.

Although the prevailing mindset was still somewhat tedious, it couldnt stop the changes of the times. Violet, living in this era, was a result of those changes.

Until thirty years ago, marriages with love as the forefront were rare, but nowadays, it was a trend among the young nobles. Thanks to the prominent figures in century-spanning romances, including the Marchioness Leshan.

And here, the living legend of such circumstance, sitting right before Violet, Marchioness Leshan had a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.

Just because the young ones these days prefer love marriages doesnt mean everyone can do the same. Especially among the nobility, were expected to prioritize political and economic interests.

Though it seems good on the surface, its often not the case in truth. Thats why humans tend to chase fantasies rather than facing reality.

Marchioness Leshan, with a gentle smile, slowly began her own story. The content included things commonly known to the public and things Violet didnt know.

My husband and I have separated. That overwhelming feeling of being whole and completeit is ever so fleeting and ever so momentary. To think that love can prevail all is just a momentary illusion.

The voice explaining this was calm, as if she wasnt particularly unhappy. It was a casual tone, like discussing the delicious quiche she had yesterday, passing by lightly.

Violet knew nothing about love. She had never experienced romance, let alone knowing how to love friends or family.

The only person who fell into the category of being cherished by her was Mary, and that pretty much summed it up. Therefore, she couldnt understand those who invested everything in the name of love.

If she could never understand the notion that love could continue evermore, she thought it might not be bad to live in an understanding relationship with someone who, like her, didnt understand love.

In that sense, Prince Rajaden had the optimal conditions. He expressed his willingness to adapt to Violet as much as possible. If theres giving, theres receiving.

Yet a relationship entangled with gains and losses was not love.

Even Violet, who didnt know about love, understood this fact. How could one confidently act without knowing what the future held? She wasnt a control freak like Roen, so she couldnt find the right answer.

Its not about being indecisive. She just couldnt figure out what to do.

Knowing Violets dilemma, Marchioness Leshan spoke with a voice mixed with laughter.

Then, act according to your heart.

Is that really fine?

Is there a reason it wouldnt be?

The other party is the Crown Prince.

Didnt you say that its not him?

Kidding. Why does it matter that the other party is the Crown Prince? Even if its the Imperial Family, they couldnt do whatever they want with House Everett anyway. Oh, could it be because of the current situation? Because you meet often? Hmm. In that case, you can think as such: Ah! Im so beautiful that Im overflowing with popularity! Damn this popularity. Like this.

The statement that came out with a laughter-mixed voice was truly explosive. Violet, unable to react, stared at the marchioness in a daze.

So, the point is this. Until you experience it, you wont know. Whats good now can become unpleasant in an instant, and whats unpleasant now can become good for some particular reason. Dont think hastily and carefully consider and come to a conclusion. Youre still young, Ducal Lady, and youve got plenty of time, yes?

Thank you for the advice.

The marchioness had teased Violet excessively, but advice from someone with more experience in life was indeed helpful. Although Violet didnt fully grasp Marchioness Leshans words, she nodded in understanding to some extent.

If Rajaden were to exert pressure, Violet could just go abroad.

Marchioness Leshan responded to Violets modest expression of gratitude with a twinkle in her eyes. Soon, she spoke up.

Since Ive listened to the Ducal Ladys worries, so its time for you to listen to mine, right?


Any person needs a place to vent. Youd know better than an old woman like me.

Despite Marchioness Leshan interacting with significantly more people compared to Violet, she said this casually. Violet refrained from pointing that out.

Its really hard to understand even though shes my daughter. What exactly is Alesia thinking

Unexpectedly, the topic of her concerns was Alesia Leshan.

Her daughter, who had always behaved recklessly and surprised those around her, had become even more energetic lately. She did unconventional things, like burning all the dresses she used to wear and declaring she would never wear a dress again. On top of that, she cut her hair short to match her clothes.

It was like a lively young foal, kicking about and making a fuss.

Guessing the reason Alesia burned all her dresses, Violet smiled subtly. It was the smile of an innocent person who knew nothing.

Everything was fine until she started seeking out swordsmanship instructors. Let me tell youshe drove away four of her instructors thus far. Four! Still She continued practicing alone, and people have been telling me that shes got quite the skill despite everything. But this

Alesia was truly making an effort to receive the title of Dame, Violet noted.

And she was doing it with the enthusiasm of a raging bull.

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