A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Violet observed the empress’s garden while speculating about her intentions.

Could it be groundwork for an engagement with the crown prince? If the empress personally started arranging a strategic marriage, it would be difficult for Violet to refuse, no matter how much she would resist.

However, the imperial family might not view a union with House Everett favorably.

Considering the close relationship between the future emperor and the future Duke of Everett, it would appear as if they were raising future consorts for each other.

Despite the complexity in her mind, the garden was tranquil and warm. It felt like a different world, unlike the austere palace.

Perhaps noble ladies who raised children had a hobby of tending to gardens.

Violet’s gaze casually drifted over the scenery, which had a different charm from the garden of Marchioness Leshan.

Violet’s own mother, the late Duchess of Everett, also had a hobby of tending to gardens.

Trying to recall the memories of her childhood surroundings, Violet found tea and pudding placed before her. The touch of the person who served it was clean and without any flaws.

“The pudding was specially made by the chef of the Empress’s palace, with a unique recipe you can’t taste anywhere else. This is premium tea from Adam. I hope it suits your palate.”

“…Thank you.”

The lady-in-waiting poured tea with a graceful demeanor. Violet expressed her gratitude briefly.

In the palace, a noble lady’s courtesy towards an attendant was not considered inappropriate. Once the lady-in-waiting stepped back, the empress began speaking.

“Indeed, seeing you like this, I understand why the world praises you so much, Ducal Lady.”

“I am undeserving of such a reputation.”

“By the way, you must be curious as to why I called you. I wanted to see for myself what kind of woman my son cares about so much. It’s quite different from the rumors…”

Violet had to make an effort not to spew the tea in her mouth. But whether the empress noticed this or not, her expression remained tranquil.

“I heard you rejected my son.”

“Well, you see…”

“What was lacking, I wonder? He’s my child, and I must say I’ve raised him quite well. Handsome, smart, and impeccable manners. There’s nothing to worry about his physical condition either. That boy doesn’t know how to skip training, so he’s quite fit.”


“Hmm? I’m saying it partly in jest, so don’t be so tense.”

While she managed not to spit out her drink, Violet failed to control her expression.

Though the empress claimed that she was only half-joking, it meant that half of it was still said in earnest.

Maintaining a youthful appearance that made her look like she was still in her late twenties, the empress looked at Violet and smiled gently.

Despite her youthful appearance, her smile carried a mature charm.

“The reason Your Majesty wanted to meet me…”

“It was because I wanted to see the face that has my son so smitten, yes?”

Violet put her cup down. Her face, which had remained composed, was now serene.

“—You joke too much, Your Majesty. It only seems like I’ve caught His Highness’s eye, but he’s not sincere.”

“Haha. Does it look that way to you? Well, from the perspective of young people, it might.”

The empress’s azure eyes met Violet’s purple ones.

Trying to deny it any further would only make it more obvious, so Violet chose not to respond.

The empress continued speaking in a relaxed tone. The atmosphere had loosened significantly, but it carried a different kind of tension compared to their meal earlier.

“There are things only a mother can know. You may deny it now, but it might become just as I’ve said, right?”


“Seems like you don’t believe me. Well then. So why isn’t it working with my son?”

Violet, who hadn’t expected such a direct question, pondered.

Regardless of how compassionate the woman’s smile appeared, this person in front of Violet was the empress. And even combining her past life’s knowledge, she could never match the empress’s skill level.

So, Violet decided to answer honestly.

“—It might sound impolite, but with all due respect, His Highness is not my type.”

“I see.”

“You are undoubtedly splendid and handsome, but… not to my taste.”

In response to Violet’s honest answer, the empress began to laugh.

Her laughter was unrefined, yet it held a unique charm.

“Ah, yes. I understand. Indeed, back when Duke Everett was still young and was still courting, I did hear that he cried a lot.”


“Don’t you know? He confessed his feelings to Lily and then suddenly burst into tears right there. He sobbed uncontrollably. Your mother fell for him after seeing him cry like that and decided to marry him.”

Violet’s expression, which had previously shown little curiosity about her parents’ love story, changed subtly.

It was difficult to imagine that kind of scene with the image of her father, who was typically rigid and stoic.

“My boy is certainly quite confident. So, does your taste resemble your mother’s? Hmm, I wonder. That child might cry if he’s turned down, too…”

“Pardon me?”

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