A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 814 Oblivion Stones

Chapter 814 Oblivion Stones

He stopped walking when hearing that and started staring at Finnian, who felt uncomfortable as Archer spoke, catching the four women's attention, ''So what if she's bigger than the other two? I find her gorgeous the way she is, and why would a lion be bothered with an ant's opinion of him? I'll eat you and be done with it.''

Archer pushed the boy forward, ''Don't ever disrespect your siblings. You're lucky to have them human.''

After that, he continued walking, and Fiona and Faith watched him with wide eyes while Farrah looked away. When Archer caught up to Fianna, she smiled, ''Did you mean what you said?''


Fianna giggled, ''That you find my Farrah attractive?''

Archer turned his gaze toward the older woman, ''Yes, she's beautiful,'' he replied. ''Why would I lie?'' he answered.

The older woman's face fell before she tried to answer, but the girl in question replied, ''Cause no one likes a fat girl, and everyone lies to my parents' faces, pretending I'm a beauty just to gain favor only to act like they're attracted to me, but it's clear their lying.''

He turned to the girl with a curious gaze as she continued, ''And you don't care for their favor as a father already hates you, and you're courting my mother so openly that the maids are excited about the new gossip.''

Archer laughed as he approached the brown-haired girl and replied, ''You're wrong about one thing, and your mother is already mine.''

Farrah giggled, ''Well, I suppose you're right, but why the sudden interest in me? I've accepted that men see me as a freak of nature or something to laugh at.''

''Because I like all kinds of women and don't just judge a person on their looks,'' Archer replied. ''And I feel you're more like your mother than the other two; I also loved how you looked at me during the introductions. There was something naughty in your eyes.''

The full-figured girl looked at him with her deep red eyes before a grin appeared on her pretty face, ''Well when you have the empire's handsome guardian staring at me like you wanted to rip off my dress and ravage me, you would feel something.''

Archer chuckled when hearing this before teasing her back, ''How about you take me to your room, and I can show you how a dragon will ravage you?''

Farrah started laughing, ''Don't tempt me, Archer Wyldheart, but alas, I have to reject your offer as I don't want my first time going to a stranger,'' she said. ''No offense, of course, but that's what you are.''

''You're right,'' Archer said as the group continued walking. He quickly noticed her two sisters gossiping with Fianna while looking backward.

Archer shook his head and questioned Farrah, ''So what interests you?''

''Machines!'' she suddenly got excited, which surprised him. ''I love the Mana Airships that take people across the oceans.''

''Oh, I've been on one of those while traveling during the tournament,'' Archer said.

Farrah nodded, ''They are amazing. I love the inner workings of stuff like that and creating similar machines.''

When hearing this, Archer commented, ''Do you have somewhere private we can go? I may have something that will soak your panties.''

She gave him the side eye before speaking as a grin crept onto her pretty face, ''Not planning to take advantage of me, are you? In society, trying to get a lady alone is a bad look, Mr Dragon Boy.''

''It's a kingdom secret that I'm keeping hidden until it's up and running,'' Archer revealed.

Farrah nodded and said to Fianna, ''Mother, I'm taking Archer to the longue as he has something to show me.''

When the older woman heard this, her eyes opened, but he quickly explained, ''I will tell you later, Fi; Farrah can help me with a project for my kingdom.''

She nodded with a smile before continuing down the corridor like nothing had happened. Farrah turned to him, ''Now I think my mother loves you. What makes you so special that women would leave a marriage for you?''

''Because I'm very handsome,'' Archer answered as he changed the subject. ''Now, can you take me to a room?''

Farrah nodded before leading him to an empty office nearby, and the two entered. Once inside, he pulled out the railway plans from his Item Box. Archer rolled them out on the table before explaining, ''This is a transportation system I've designed for my kingdom.''

The brown-haired girl approached the table, and her red eyes widened as she inspected the plans. Archer chuckled at her reaction and continued, ''You see, I call these Draconian Trains, and they will be used to transport people all across the island, as it's massive.''

''This will revolutionize transport and make Draconia the world's sole superpower just from the economic benefits such a system can bring, ''Farrah said while reviewing the blueprints.

She continued talking as her brain went into overdrive, ''I can improve many aspects of the engine to make it more fuel efficient. But what do you plan to use as the fuel source?''

''I've got millions of monsters in my domain, and I'm sure some elementals would love to see the world by running the trains. If not, I can find some special material to fuel them,'' Archer answered.

Farrah turned her gaze to him, ''You could use Emberwood from Avidiva if you can bring in enough and store it all safely.''

Archer nodded, ''Well, the main component of the train is the locomotive, which pulls it along the tracks, but I also want passenger cars and transportation cars to lease out to companies for a monthly fee so the kingdom has another income source.''

''That sounds like a good plan,'' Farrah replied. ''When can we start construction on the tracks? What's the plan on that?''

He turned around, pulled out a map, and pointed out Dragonheart City. ''This is the capital and will be the start of the Draconian Railway. I will build a massive station that can run tracks all over the island.''

Archer motioned for all the city sites throughout the kingdom: ''We can keep the tracks out of the way of the farmland, which will not interrupt crop growth.''

Farrah nodded, ''Interesting,'' she rubbed her chin before looking into his eyes, ''Can I trust you with some Archer?''

''Of course,'' he answered with an honest smile.

''Prove it to me now.''

His eyebrow raised in surprise, ''How can I do that? A mana oath?''

''Yes, and we seal it with a kiss to prove your honesty,'' Farrah revealed.

Archer chuckled, teasing her. "Admit it, you just want to kiss me."

Farrah blushed, her face turning crimson. She shook her head."It's a formality, you lewd Dragon! You already have my mother, and now you're lusting after her daughter."

Undeterred, Archer made a mana oath to prove he wouldn't reveal anything. As soon as he finished, Farrah seized him and pulled him into a passionate kiss, which overwhelmed his senses. Something clicked between the two.

Soon, they separated, and Farrah's cheeks were dyed bright red, but she backed away with a look of amazement. Her hand touched her lips while she mumbled. He didn't reject me, which broke Archer's heart.

Without thinking, he stepped forward and kissed her again, which caused the young woman's body to stiffen in shock, but she happily returned the kiss. A few seconds passed, and Farrah shook her head, ''Well, I guess your attraction isn't a lie.''

Archer didn't know what she was talking about until he felt her hand squeeze his cock, causing his lust to grow. Farrah grinned before letting go, pulling out a blueprint and explaining, ''This is a Deepsea Mining Platform that will allow a kingdom to mine large amounts of resources and process them at sea before the transport ships come and collect them.''

When he saw the plans, his eyes widened in shock as what the Everrose girl drawn was a mini city floating on a platform constructed from a rare and strong metel-like wood. Archer looked closely and realized the underside of the platform had several elevators that led down to a dome created by magic to shield the workers from harm.

While looking at the plans, Farrah returned to reality and explained, ''This is just an idea I came up with that I was going to present Emperor Osoric for his birthday so the empire can prosper because they have the funds and manpower to run such an operation, but I think you can have it, Archer.''

He turned to the brown-haired woman and asked, ''What do you want in return?''

Farrah looked away when hearing his question but still answered quietly, ''You. I want you to continue looking at me like you do.''

Archer smiled and replied, ''Deal, but I'll inform you that I would have done that without these wonderful plans.''

She smiled before explaining, ''Well, the plan is good and all, but I ran into a problem.'' Farrah pointed at the underwater dome, which was the size of three football pitches. ''We don't have a way to charge the Mana Generators that will run the shield and oxygen machine.''

Next, she pointed at the elevators, ''I have the basics design but need someone more experienced at engineering to check my calculations.''

When Archer heard this, he smiled, ''Would you like to become Draconias Transport Minister alongside the head engineer with Dagny and Dellah Ironfoot.''

"Good, because the Deepsea Mining Platform is nothing short of revolutionary, Archer," Farrah declared gleaming. "It will catapult Draconia into unparalleled wealth and fund the kingdom for future generations.''

She got excited and revealed something that caught his interest, "Archer, listen to me. Deep beneath the ocean lies Oblivion Stones. When refined and forged into cannon shells, they can obliterate powerful mana shields and even bring down a demi-god. If we can harness this power, it will change everything."

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