A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 779 Earth Drake

Chapter 779 Earth Drake

Archer finished off the Giant Wasps using Eldritch Blast and Plasma Missile, but this time, some parts of his body were covered in slices and punctures from the monster's stingers, causing black blood to run from the wounds.

He pulled out one of the stingers stuck in his shoulder when one of the Ice Wasps swooped down on her. But he was in no danger as his Regeneration kicked in and closed the cuts quickly, and his body healed without an issue.

With a shake of his head, the twenty-second round began, and that's when he heard an earth-shattering roar that shook the ground below him. Archer looked toward the noise; there was a massive t-rex-looking beast.

It had dark skin and glowing red eyes that stared at him like a piece of meat, but that didn't bother him as he quickly scanned it.

[Dreadnought Rex]

[Rank: SS]

When he sees this, Archer gets excited and decides to transform into his dragon form to battle with the beast. As he changed, a bright light radiated from his body, causing his large limbs to crash into the ground, and his wings stretched behind him.

He let out a roar before charging toward the monster and crashing into it. The two started biting and slashing at each other. Archer clamped down on the monster's neck by the Rex, shook his head, and managed to throw him off it.

But the Dreadnought Rex was no weak opponent; it fought back with equal ferocity, its razor-sharp teeth gnashing and its powerful tail lashing out. Archer dodged some attacks, but sometimes, he wasn't quick enough, and the monster landed a blow.

When they did, pain shot through his body, causing him to roar in pain, and he lunged forward, sinking his massive jaws into the Dreadnought Rex's neck with a bone-crunching snap.

The monster thrashed around and roared in agony, but Archer held firm, his grip unyielding as he poured every ounce of his strength into the final assault. Archer twisted his head sharply with a mighty heave, his powerful jaws closing with a sickening crack.

It let out a final, strangled cry before collapsing, defeated. Archer was breathing heavily and curled up to rest until the next round started, but when it did, the roar he heard caused something deep inside him to react.

Archer lifted his head and let out a deep, menacing growl when spotting three humanoid Giants rushing toward him. Rage overtook him, causing him to flap his mighty wings before taking off.

He swooped down, latched onto the closest Giant, and bit into its should before letting out a stream of dragon fire that washed over the giant monster. His foe screamed in agony as the violet flames burned into its body.

As this happened, another Giant grabbed his tail before throwing him into the side of the canyon wall, causing his head to spin. Archer quickly recovered and shook his head before looking at the scene.

One of the Giants was burning to nothingness while the other two rushed toward him. Archer let out a deep grunt as he climbed out of the hole and used Blink to vanish, confusing the monsters.

He quickly reappeared above them and fell on top of one of them as his tail hit out at the second and hit him in the face. Archer's tail sent the Giant stumbling backward until he fell over,

Archer then dealt with the Giant below him by using everything he had: his claws dug into the monster's thick hide while he bit down on its neck, and his tail lashed against its legs, causing it to drop to its knees.

This attack allowed him to tear away at the Giant before the other returned to the fight. Once his foe was weak, Archer leaped off the creature and breathed a stream of flames onto it, causing its skin to turn as black as charcoal.

As he turned toward the last Giant, a fist slammed into his head, sending him crashing to the ground under the force of the blow. Dizzy but swift to react, Archer blinked onto the monster's back and tore into it like a wild animal until it dropped lifeless.

The round ended with a crash as Archer dropped to the ground, and the voice spoke again, ''Wave twenty defeated. Five minutes to rest before wave twenty-one begins.''

Archer let out a breath before curling up like a cat while recovering. His Regeneration started healing his body, and by the time the five minutes were up, most of the wounds had healed, but he was still tired.

He raised his head while scanning his surroundings and didn't see anything, which baffled him until the ground started to shake, causing him to stand up and flap his wings as the earth below him exploded.

A massive snake-like monster crashed into him, causing a shearing pain to run through his body as the newcomer was much stronger than him. Archer was sent flying across the canyon until he slammed into the ground.

Archer's body ached, but he still had enough strength to look at the culprit, and what he saw shocked him to the core. It was three times his size, with dark brown bone-like plates covering its body. Its face resembled a cobra's, with glowing red eyes that shone with malice while looking at him.

'A massive snake!' he internally said. 'It's not as big as Mary, though.'

He quickly scanned it to find out what it was.

[Earth Drake]

[Rank: ---]

'What the hell is this? Where is it's rank?'

As he was thinking, the Earth Drake dived back into the ground like water and vanished from sight. Archer slightly panicked before taking off so the monster couldn't get him anymore.

While flying, his senses picked up multiple spells being cast, but Archer was confused as he saw nothing until sharp man-sized stones started flying out of the ground and coming straight for him.

Archer instantly cast Cosmic Shield that encircled his body as the stone projectiles slammed into it, causing him to lose control of flying and plummet from the sky. When he hit the earth, it caused a crater.

He tried to get up on shaky legs, but it was already too late, as the ground below him exploded. The Earth Drake struck his underside, the weakest part of his body. This attack sent him flying out of the crater, but the giant snake started attacking and showed no mercy.

Its long body slammed into his, causing him to shoot toward the canyon wall like a meteor hitting the earth. Archer's head was spinning as the pain overtook him, but it only got worse as the Earth Drake grabbed him in its mouth, allowing him to shoot his Dragon's Breath down its throat.

The monsters let him go as it was being burnt from the inside out. Archer didn't let this opportunity go, so he Blinked onto its body before tearing off the armor plates and attacking the soft flesh with his claws.

When the Earth Drake felt this, it started going crazy, but Archer was like a flee, holding on tight while taking a deep breath. He hit the damaged flesh with his breath, causing the creature to roar in agony.

It started thrashing its massive body, but Archer kept attacking until its movements slowed, allowing him to cast a Meteor Swarm on top of the Earth Drake. Suddenly, he noticed four ominous shapes hurtling toward the earth.

Meteors, blazing fire trails in the sky, descending with unstoppable force. Reacting swiftly, Archer used Blink to avoid the impending impact zone. His heart pounded with adrenaline as the meteors crashed into the ground below with loud booms.

But as the dust settled, Archer's eyes widened in amazement. The meteors hadn't struck the barren landscape as expected. Instead, they zeroed in on a single target, the massive form of the Earth Drake, lurking below, unaware of the impending danger.

With a thunderous roar, the meteors collided with the monster in a cataclysmic explosion of fire and debris. Flames licked the sky as the earth shook violently under the force of the impact.

The Earth Drake roared in agony as it was engulfed in a maelstrom of destruction. Archer watched in awe and disbelief as the mighty beast thrashed and writhed amidst the inferno, its once formidable form now battered and broken.

Archer rushed toward the creature, who was still there, meaning he had to finish it off. He did that using his Dragon Breath, which burned it to nothing as it vanished from the canyon. It went silent as the voice spoke again.

''Wave one hundred defeated. Five minutes to rest before wave one hundred and one begins.''

As he heard the menacing roar, Archer collapsed to the ground, seeking a moment of respite before the next monster emerged. Closing his eyes briefly, he was abruptly startled by the sound, forcing him to lift his head and gaze at the newcomer.

Before him stood a formidable sight: a wingless dragon, its appearance more sinister and powerful than anything he had faced before, its dark red scales gleamed menacingly, while its black eyes glowered with malevolence.

Archer shivered when they saw this creature as its ancient alarm bells activated deep inside him. He had never heard of any monster like it, so he quickly scanned it.


[Rank: SSSS+]

'What is this madness! I've never heard of such a rank,' he internally panicked.

He couldn't even react as the Firewyrm was fast and appeared in front of him before slashing him across the chest and shattering his scales with ease. He was shocked and couldn't react as it bit one of his wings and ripped it off his body.

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