A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 776 Half-Naked Beauties

Chapter 776 Half-Naked Beauties

Archer looked at Lucrezia, who was enjoying herself, and decided to stop looking at her body and fight seriously. He quickly cast Blink to reappear behind the blonde woman and struck out.

His fists connected with Lucrezia's back and sent her flying forward, catching her off guard. Archer followed up by casting several Eldritch Blasts and Plasma Missiles at her, but she just battered them away.

When she deflected the spells, explosions rang out, attracting the attention of the other girl, who came out to see what was happening.


[The Girl's POV]

Meanwhile, the girls lounged in the living room just before the explosions started. Ella was reading a book on archery and how to use her earth magic with it while Halime studied a renowned poison mage from the eastern continent.

The others chatted among themselves until Nefertiti commented, ''Why are we giving them time together? Arch could be here with us.''

Hemera looked up from her book with a grin, ''Is someone jealous? I thought you beat that monster, Nefi.''

''Shut up Hemera,'' Nefertiti snapped.

''Luce was troubled and needed some pampering, so we all agreed to it, Nefertiti,''

The succubus was just about to retort until explosions ripped through the air, causing everyone to jump up and be shocked. Ella and Teuila rushed onto the balcony only to see Archer and Lucrezia fighting below them.

But something was off until Sera spoke excitedly, ''She's in her underwear! What a sneaky woman.''

Everyone turned toward the dragon girl, who slipped out of her dress and leaped off the balcony while taking a deep breath and releasing her dragon's breath directly at Archer, who was unaware.

Before it could strike, a firewall appeared and absorbed the flames, causing everyone to appear shocked. The unexpected situation stopped the fight as the dust died, and everyone saw Leira staring at Sera.

The group saw Sera smirking before she rushed toward Leira, whose purple hair began floating around her. She started casting Thunderbolts to throw the dragon girl off her charge, but it didn't work, so she got ready to fight Sera.

When the two girls clashed, it was fiery as Leira dodged several attacks before returning them with thunder punches that rocked Sera, but thanks to her scales, she could handle the force.

Afterward, their fight turned into a fist-to-fist brawl, and Leira's lithe form could dodge many of Sera's sloppy but powerful attacks. The cat girl returned the attacks with strong ones of her own that were mixed with fire and thunder.

Once the rest saw this, they nodded at each other and jumped down as the training ground turned into a free-for-all, but it soon turned into Archer vs. them.


[Back to Archer]

Archer found himself in disbelief as his fight with Lucrezia escalated into a chaotic melee, with half-dressed attackers converging on him from every angle. Though his instincts urged him to be distracted, he focused on the battle, deciding to use his limiter with the girls.

He sent a punch flying toward Teuila, who managed to block it, but the force sent her flying into Nefertiti as she prepared to cast Arcane Blast. Thanks to his timely intervention, It soared as the Aquarian Princess collided with her.

Next were Ella and Talila; the two elves pelted him with mana arrows that stung when they connected with his body, but he cast Cosmic Shield to block them while dealing with Teuila and Nala as they closed in on him.

With a grin, Archer rushed at the lioness and sidestepped her punch before casting Eldritch Blast into her back, causing her to crash along the training field, taking out Nefertiti in the process.

He went to spin around and intercept Teuila but was blasted in the chest with her Aquarian magic, causing him to stumble backward as she followed up that attack with a spinning kick that impacted his face.

Archer crashed to the ground, where a tentacle grabbed him and launched him into the forest. He tore through trees and boulders before crashing into the closest mountain, causing a landslide.

While recovering as his head spun, he thought to himself, 'Damn Kraken! She doesn't hold back.'

Once his Regeneration healed him enough, Archer used Blink to escape the crater he was in and reappeared, only to be peppered with a dozen Sun Blasts. He was about to charge food, but something kept him from moving.

Looking down, he spotted sturdy-looking vines keeping him rooted to the spot as a wave of vile poison blasted him, causing searing pain to shoot throughout his body as the acid burned his exposed skin.

This wasn't the last attack, as Nala, Kassandra, and Teuila tag-

teamed him by launching many attacks that confused and clouded his judgment. One minute, a girl would be there, but by the time he attacked, she was gone only to receive a sledgehammer blow to the jaw.

Archer quickly realized he was facing a formidable team. The three girls moved with perfect coordination, each anticipating the other's moves seamlessly. With her feline agility, Nala darted close, her claws glinting in the sunlight as she delivered swift strikes.

She aimed for vulnerable spots, causing Archer to use his wings to block her attacks, but she wasn't the only one striking. Kassandra danced around him, her fists flashing as she struck, exploiting any opening he left exposed.

Meanwhile, Teuila infused her fist with Deep Sea Blast and managed to unload a combo on Archer's chest as he was trapped, thanks to the wood elf.

Talila and Ella launched explosive mana arrows down upon Archer as if this weren't challenging enough. Each arrow exploded upon impact, sending shrapnel flying and causing him to bleed from numerous wounds that littered his body.

To make matters worse, Llyniel ensnared Archer even more with thick, thorny vines, trapping him in place and restricting his movement. No matter how hard he struggled, the vines only seemed to tighten their grip as their thorns pierced his skin.

But as Archer was losing, three angels descended upon his attackers and evened out the odds. Leira, Sera, and Lucrezia joined his side and attacked the others with magic and claws as thunder rained.

Nefertiti joined Hemera to fight off Leira, who sent powerful Lightning Bolts at Ella, but she was defended by Llyniel, creating a wall of vines that tanked the spell. The half-elf was alone as Talila joined Archer's team and attacked Nala.

The elf and lioness battled so fast that some couldn't keep up and only saw sparks as their weapons connected. Meanwhile, as their battle went on, Lucrezia attacked the Kraken Princess while giggling.

''Kassie! I've always wanted to fight a Kraken,'' she said with a beaming smile. ''Give me a good fight now, and don't disappoint.''

The Kraken Princes got excited and agreed before the two started their battle. Lucrezia used her fists and moved like a professional boxer while peppering her with swift strikes, but that's when Kassandra blocked one attack and countered by swiping at the blonde's legs.

But Lucrezia vanished and reappeared behind her before hitting out, and Kassandra quickly sidestepped the attack. Archer saw their battle heading off to the side as explosions could be heard from their direction.

He looked at the last group of girls as Sera stared at Ella, Halime, and Llyniel. With a cocky smile, the dragon girl declared in a proud voice, ''I am fighting you three while Teu can dance with darling.''

Ella looked at the wood elf and snake girls, who gave her a nod before the trio attacked. Sera quickly summoned her wings before taking off and launching fireballs at them. Archer chuckled when seeing this, as they could deal with her flying.

This left Teuila, standing opposite, with a grin as she spoke, ''Are you ready, husband? I may have gone rough on you before, but now I will be serious, as everyone is having fun.''

Archer laughed as he rubbed his jaw. ''Yes, your punch is something else, Teu. But you were so much stronger a few months ago,'' he said with a cheeky smile. ''I wonder why?''

Teuila's brown cheeks went darker, ''Shut up, you lewd dragon,'' she retorted. ''It's your fault!''

He chuckled before using Blink to vanish, but she was waiting for it. Swinging to the side as he reappeared, he used his wing to block her sword before kicking her leg, which threw her off balance, allowing him to hit her with a few punches.

When his attacks connected, the impacts caused small booms. Teuila was sent flying across the training field as the other girls battled. Archer appeared where she was going to land and caught the blue-haired girl.

Once Archer held her, he cast Aurora Healing so she would be healed and back to normal. This happened just after the violet mana washed over her body, allowing her to open her beautiful blue eyes and stare into his.

Seeing this, he leaned down and stole her lips before teleporting them to a bedroom. When the two arrived, Teuila got heated while Archer stripped her of her dress, allowing him to gaze at her perfect body.

The two of them started to make love as the battle went on outside, and as they finished, it was dead quiet. With a smile, Teuila was cuddled up in bed as he sat on the edge and scanned the treehouse to check on the others.

Archer noticed most girls were in their rooms while a few were in the bath chambers. He decided to visit each one and wish them goodnight before returning to Teuila and sleeping. It took him nearly an hour to return, and his clothes were covered in red marks.

The girls were like wild animals, smoothing him in love-filled kisses, which he treasured.

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