A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 730 Growing Kingdom

Chapter 730 Growing Kingdom

Archer gazed warmly at his grandfather, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes, before nodding and gesturing for him to sit. As Mathias took a seat, he commented, ''I see you're returning to the empire. I'm glad I caught you, as I've never had the chance to speak to you, and I was always busy.''

''Well, I recall two times that you visited Vassia City and spoke with Leonard, but my mother hid me away so you couldn't witness how bad they treated me,'' he said. ''But enough of this depressing stuff, what can I do for you?''

Mathias nodded in agreement, ''Rumors speak of you establishing a kingdom in the south. If you're interested, I have decades of experience training recruits and can assist you with your army.''

Archer's eyes narrowed as he spoke, ''We shall see, but more importantly, are you just seeking me out to better your lot in life, or do you want to use me because I have power now?''

Mathias vigorously shook his head, ''You're my grandson and the only one I haven't met due to the horrible situation you were in, but now that a chance has appeared, I want to remedy that and build a relationship with you,'' he said with conviction.

Archer watched his grandfather staring at him with a look of hope and decided to give the old man a chance. He didn't mind having family around, which reminded him to make time to go see Albert and Mia when he could.

''I'll give you a chance, Opa,'' he said with a smile. ''But don't treat me like my mother or father did; otherwise, some angry women will hunt you down.''

This caused Mathias to laugh before nodding, ''I've heard about some of your girls. People say they're powerful for their age and can hold their own.''

Archer smiled as he remembered the girls and decided to make this quick to see them all. After speaking, he turned to Aeris and Lucrezia and asked, ''Can you go back to the domain and tell the girls I'll be there once I've taken Opa to Draconia.''

''Opa, What's that?'' Aeris asked in a confused tone.

He smiled while explaining, ''It means grandfather.''

Aeris nodded before rising from her seat while Archer opened a portal to allow the two women to enter the domain. After disappearing through the portal, he shifted his gaze toward Mathias as he was smiling ear to ear.

This prompted him to ask, "What's made you so happy, Opa?"

Mathias shook his head before revealing, ''None of my grandchildren bother with me since the divorce, which brought shame upon myself as it was my fault. '' He watched as a frown appeared on his old face. ''They took their grandmothers' side, but I don't blame them because of my actions.''

Archer grew curious and questioned, ''How was it your fault? Did you neglect her? Did Oma fall out of love with you?''

''A bit of everything, really,'' he replied painedly. ''I spent too much time on the campaign and not her, especially since the children were born. Brooke was alone to be them while I was a soldier.''

When he heard this, he felt sorry for the old man but agreed that it was his responsibility. After thinking about that, Archer said, ''Well, at least you can own up to your mistakes and move on. I haven't met her yet, but I'll see her once I'm back in the empire.''

Mathias nodded with a sad smile, ''You should, Archer. She's a wonderful and powerful woman with much love to give. I think Brooke would love to meet you as she loves that little shits Leonard's children with all her heart.''

He agreed before the two started speaking even more. Mathias asked questions about his life and the women in it. When Archer told him about having fourteen fiances, it shocked him.

The old man shook his head, ''How do you handle so many women?''

''Have you forgotten that I'm a dragon, Opa? My stamina is out of this world, and I also have a time spell to help spend enough time with each of them.''

As the two spoke, Archer soon spotted Mary approaching their table with two tankards before placing them on the table, catching Mathias's attention, "You're with my grandson?" He looked between them. "I can see the way you two look at each other."

Mary's face flushed, but she nodded with a small smile, ''Yes, Mathias,'' her green eyes turned toward Archer. ''It will work out as he accepted every part of me and wasn't put off, which would normally have people fleeing.''

Mathias beamed, ''I'm pleased. A great woman like you needs a great man like my grandson, the king of his own kingdom, but yet still acts the same way he'd always had.''

Archer looked at him and responded with a teasing smirk, ''Have you been following my life, old man?''

''Yes,'' Mathias instantly admitted. ''I've been listening to the rumors and following the news of your exploits. Which I have to admit is impressive. At your age.''

He nodded as Mary passionately kissed him before returning to work. The grandson and grandfather talked for another hour until he decided to take Mathias to Draconia and introduce him to Mohamet.

Archer walked over to the grey-haired woman and told her he was returning to the empire but promised to see her regularly. Afterward, he opened a Gate in the middle of the inn, which caught everyone's attention.

As the duo stepped through the violet portal, they spotted the Bastion standing by the Dragonfire River in all its glory. Its walls stood ten meters high, and the black stone gleamed in the sunlight.

Archer was impressed as a makeshift town appeared around the fortress. ''Oh wow, they've been working hard,'' he said, speaking to no one in particular. ''There seem to be thousands of people traveling to and from cities.''

''Those soldiers look formidable. They seem well trained, which bodes well for everything else,'' Mathias asked while he spotted some Dragon Legionnaires marching south from the gates of Bastion.

Archer spotted a cohort of cavalry riding toward the capital, which was still under construction. When Mathias saw the soldiers, he was shocked but asked, in a voice full of awe as he sensed their strength, ''Who are they? And why are there so many riders?''

When Archer heard his question, He answered as he started walking toward the fortress, ''They are called Dragonwing Outriders,'' he replied. ''They are my legions' light cavalry and are used for scouting, harassing the enemy, and skirmishing.''

Archer continued explaining the functions of his army and navy, which amazed Mathias. When they got closer to Bastion, two merchant caravans passed by and greeted him with bows. ''That is a cohort of a thousand strong men. I have created many units for my army that will impress you.''

Mathias nodded and continued gawking at the sights around him until they arrived at the Bastions Gate. When the guards on duty saw him, they knelt as the two passed through while it was opening.

''They seem to adore you,'' Mathias said, looking at the soldiers. ''Even though I've heard you're a lust-filled, greedy tyrant.''

Archer stopped walking before looking at the old man and shrugged, ''I am all those things and more, but I honestly don't care as long as my girls are happy and have smiles on their faces while my people thrive and flourish under my rule.''

Mathias nodded in understanding, ''A king cannot be perfect. They must have flaws so the common man can relate to them, and from what I've heard, you harbor many.''

Archer started laughing but didn't deny it as they stepped into the courtyard to see groups of soldiers chatting among themselves, but all went silent when they saw him before kneeling in respect.

''See Opa,'' he started speaking. ''I saved the dragonkin and asked nothing but loyalty in return.''

''You didn't just save them, son. You're leading them well. I can see it in their eyes that they love you,'' Mathias said as the two entered the meeting hall. They saw a group of commanders sitting around a table while listening to General Mohamet.

When the general spotted Archer, he motioned for the others to stand as they turned to him, only for their eyes to widen in shock as Mohamet declared, ''Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to our king, Archer Wyldheart, the infamous White Dragon and Guardian of the Avalon Empire.''

Archer noticed the men and women, their eyes filled with devotion as they gazed at him. This caused him to smile before nodding at the group, ''This is my grandfather Mathias Ashguard. He is an experienced warrior and wants to contribute to Draconia.''

Mohamet nodded, ''Yes, My King. We welcome the help for your growing kingdom.''

''Good. '' He looked around and spotted a beautiful dwarf woman, who reminded him of their shipbuilders Solveig and Dagny, standing at the back of the room talking with his Prime Minister Meera.

Archer instantly noticed the dwarf woman's gorgeous appearance. She exuded a timeless beauty that captivated him. Her short stature, barely reaching five feet, accentuated her plump full figure, which he found attractive.

She was well-endowed, her massive chest straining against the confines of a dress that appeared to be of dwarven origin. Next, her lustrous grey hair flowed like molten silver.

Her eyes were a beautiful golden yellow shade like the sun gleaming with warmth and wisdom. To Archer, this woman seemed like a kind soul but also intelligent by how she animatedly spoke.

But her smile bewitched him as her chubby cheeks dimpled with every radiant smile, lighting up her face with warmth and sincerity. He couldn't help but be captivated by the joy that seemed to overflow from the older dwarf.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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