A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 711 Dragonfire Company

Chapter 711 Dragonfire Company

Archer stood outside his tent, surveying the makeshift camp the crash survivors had erected once he had built the wall that protected them. He felt the mana he had spent on it returning to him, prompting a sigh to escape his lips.

Before entering his tent, he marveled at the crash survivor's resourcefulness. The camp stretched before him, a patchwork of tents and shelters nestled within the protective embrace of the stone wall.

'They are more resilient than people on Earth would be. It shocks me that they just act like its another day. Makes sense when there's Demi-Gods running around,' Archer thought.

People bustled about, purposeful in their movements as they went about their tasks. Some tended to the wounded, while others gathered firewood or prepared meals over crackling campfires.

Despite their chaotic circumstances, the survivors felt a sense of unity, a shared resolve to weather whatever challenges lay ahead. Archer started walking among them, passing by families calming their panicked children.

"It's as if they're unfazed by the creatures' attempted attack. That's odd," he pondered.

He noticed the Magic Knights patrolling the camp, watching everyone. As he got further, two girls appeared beside him. Hemera and Ella smiled at him before the sun elf spoke, ''Can we join you on your camp exploration?''

Archer nodded, prompting the two girls to grab onto his arms. Once comfortable, the trio walked through the camp, observing people doing their business. When they approached the wall, Hemera commented, ''Is there no way out?''

''No, '' he replied. ''I will take it down once the ships arrive in the morning. But more importantly, who did these creatures belong to?''

''The Swarm Arch. Only they would experiment on any humanoid they can get their filthy claws on,'' Ella replied.

He turned to the half-elf with a loving smile and said, ''You're right. I keep forgetting about them.''

Just as he said that his Dragon Senses picked up something beyond the wall; he turned to the two girls and said, ''Gather everyone and help defend the camp. Something's coming.''

Ella and Hemera exchanged nods before swiftly darting away, employing Blink to materialize onto the wall. As soon as he caught sight of the approaching threat, he swallowed hard. A horde of grotesque creatures surged toward them from the north.

Some creatures were tall, gangly humanoids with pale grey skin, sharp claws, and fangs, giving them a vaguely humanoid appearance. Scuttling behind them were rat-sized figures, their presence unnerving and disturbing.

However, the Ghoul unsettled Archer the most. It was once human, and its jet-black skin, glowing red eyes, and twisted forms exuded a sinister aura. Despite its appearance of strength, it emanated an unmistakeable malevolent energy.

Archer sent a message to the girls, alerting them to the impending danger. Although he considered using his shadow creatures, he ultimately opted against it. They were his secret weapon, and he wanted to save them for another time.

With a chuckle, he decided to use some of his magic to thin out the Ratlings, Ghoulds, Mutants, and numerous other creatures. First, he took a deep breath before letting out an earth-shattering roar as a stream of vicious violet flames washed over the battlefield.

The flames roared to life, sweeping across the battlefield in a blazing inferno that engulfed everything in its path. The creatures shrieked in agony as the relentless onslaught of fire consumed them, their twisted forms writhing and convulsing in the flames.

Archer noticed the air was filled with the stench of burning flesh and the sounds of screams and cries of pain. But he wasn't done as he started casting Azur Cannon. As the first wave drew near, he unleashed the spell, a beam of intense mana erupting from his palms.

The spell struck the horde with devastating force, causing a massive explosion that sent bodies flying in all directions. But they kept coming, undeterred by the destruction wrought upon their ranks.

Archer cast Azur Cannon again without hesitation, the crackling energy tearing through the enemy lines ferociously. He unleashed the spell repeatedly, each blast accompanied by a deafening roar.

With each explosion, more creatures fell, their twisted forms reduced to charred remnants by the overwhelming power of the Azur Cannon. The air filled with the acrid scent of burning flesh and the sounds of even more creatures charging forward.

He continued to cast as many spells as possible, but too many creatures continued to charge toward the wall. That's when he jumped off the wall and landed with a crash before opening a portal to summon the First Legion again.

Elara appeared looking disheveled but quickly heard the roaring and horrifying screams of the creatures beyond the wall. She organized the Dragon Legionnaires, Dragonblood Knights, Dragon Paladins, and Drakeguard to create a ring around the center where the queens were.

Archer felt a sense of relief as Lucian and his cavalry rushed through on foot to aid the infantry. However, his attention quickly shifted as he dashed toward the girls who were assisting the soldiers and Magic Knights, guiding them in escorting people to safety.

He soared into the air with a powerful leap, his wings beating fiercely to carry him above the chaos below. With a commanding voice that echoed across the battlefield, Archer addressed his soldiers.

"Hold the line! Let not a single one of these abominations pass! Slaughter them without mercy, for they are but a glimpse of the horrors we shall face when our true enemies rise against us! Remember, tomorrow is a hope, never a promise! Fight with all you have my soldiers!"

As Archer's command resounded, the Draconian soldiers swiftly locked their shields together, forming a protective barrier around the gathered people. At that moment, a resounding crash reverberated through the air, prompting all to turn their attention toward the source of the noise.

He noticed the wall shaking due to the creatures climbing it and quickly ordered, ''Spellfire Battalion, get ready to fire as they reach the top of the wall!''

After that, he flew toward Elara, who was stationed near the girls and encircled by a row of White Dragon Knights trained by the Black Dragon Eldric. Archer dismissed his wings and cast Blink to appear in the center.

When he reappeared, the girls greeted him with relieved smiles as they greeted him with kisses. He returned the gesture before turning to Elara and asking, ''Does the Wyrmguard Corps or the Dragonfire Company have any weapons yet?''

The Dragon Marshel nodded, ''Yes, the Dragonfire Company has basic Mana Cannons. Should I summon them?''

Archer smiled before opening another portal. The Spellfire Battalion started casting their attack magic, which slammed into the Ghouls and Ratlings climbing over the wall. The wave of mana slammed into the enemy, causing them to disintegrate into nothingness.

That's when Talila and Teuila pointed at the portal as twenty mana cannons, their imposing forms gleaming in the moonlight. The soldiers scrambled to set them up along the shieldwall, their movements precise and efficient.

Meanwhile, standing at the forefront with fear etched on her features, Elara raised her hand and ordered the mana cannons to fire. The guns roared to life at her command, unleashing their devastating power upon the oncoming horde.

With each blast, they unleashed torrents of magical energy, sending forth beams of destruction that tore through the creatures' ranks. The cannons' deafening booms reverberated in the air, shaking the ground beneath them with their concussive force.

As the mana projectiles soared over the wall, they struck their targets with unerring accuracy, causing explosions amidst the enemy ranks. The creatures shrieked in agony as they were engulfed in magical energy, their twisted forms crumbling under the onslaught.

Just as they fired, the wall exploded inward, and large mutated giants slammed into it, allowing the smaller creatures to rush in and chase the fleeing people. However, a group of Magic Knights rushed out and clashed with the monsters.

But a giant swipe soon wiped them out. When Archer saw this, he turned to the girls and said, ''You girls help out the soldiers. Cover each other if you need to rush out of the shieldwall.''

They all agreed with determined smiles before getting ready to fight. Afterward, Archer rushed toward the giants that were rushing toward them. The Dragonfire Company targeted the large monstrosities.

With a unified roar, the mana cannons unleashed their devastating power. Arcs of energy lanced through the air, striking the giants with explosive force. The ground trembled as the giants staggered, their hideous forms reeling from the onslaught.

Yet, despite the barrage, the giants remained steadfast, shrugging off the attacks with startling resilience. Sensing the situation's urgency, Archer stepped forward and let out a primal roar that echoed across the battlefield.

He rushed toward the shieldwall before jumping over it, transforming into his dragon form. Everyone saw a blinding flash as Archer's form began to change. His body elongated, and his limbs stretched and contorted as scales erupted from his skin.

With a mighty beat of his wings, he ascended into the sky, his transformation complete. Now, in his massive white dragon form, Archer descended upon the giants like a force of nature unleashed.

He collided with the towering beasts, his sheer momentum driving them back with irresistible force. The ground shook beneath the weight of the impact as Archer's claws and teeth tore into the giants with primal fury.

With each strike, Archer unleashed a torrent of raw power, his draconic form a whirlwind of destruction amidst the chaos. His claws and teeth turned them into meatpaste and fell with their bodies.

When they slammed to the ground, he let out his dragon's breath, which washed over the broken wall and burned many creatures. It stemmed the tide of the monsters, but the soldiers were still holding firm as the Spellfire Battalion and Dragonfire Company covered them.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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